On the blue sky, the sun is hanging, and there is endless light and heat.

Almost in July, in the midsummer, the air is full of heat.

Wanli Cangwu is baked like a stove, and ordinary people stay on the tea, they will sweat.

However, before the Bulo Emperor, a lot of Bulo courtiers, Guard army, but there is no impatient, waiting for it!

At the forefront of everyone, Zhang Liang and the others, dressed in jerseys.

Zhang Liang’s gentle face, a smile, sweeping into the piled light of the behind, with a little emotion.

In their behind, it is a large group of Bulo people, on the faces of everyone, you can see the expression of cheering!

Today, it is the day of your return to the capital, these people do not need the organization of Bulo officials, all come spontaneously to meet the return of His Majesty!

In order to see the Emperor’s Tianwei, he will not hesitate to stare at this hot summer day.

Even when Bulo’s courtiers have not yet appeared, they are already waiting here, waiting for the return of the army.

These are just to be able to watch the emperor that’s all!

Today’s Qin Yi has already been recognized by all the people of the original Bulo Dynasty, or that everyone is using Qin Yi as their faith and fanatical worship!

Respected from the heart, like the fear of the gods, the fear of the emperor!

It is Qin Yi who led the rise of Bulo Dynasty, from cowardly to formidable, to the unified Qingzhou!

Step by step, let Bulo become Overlord standing in the middle of Qingzhou!

No one dares to bully the people of Bulo Dynasty.

Just because you have a word, you who commit my Bulo, though far away!

If the ancestors of the heavens commit crimes, hehe!

If you are a sinister, you can make a fool!

If the sage is guilty, you can swear!

The poem of a song that succumbs to the song is spread throughout Bulo!

Even from the name of Yuanjiang City, the name of Yuan Wang’s True Immortal in Lord Wang, there is the Intensified Momentum. The people visit the day and night, and they have a lot of incense.

Just because Qin Yi does not use the method of incense and willingness, these incense will only be swallowed up by the thin dragon of Qin Yi.

However, the True Dragon swallowing method is a secret technique that devours the dragon qi to enrich the incense to enhance its own background.

However, such an approach is a great waste of Strength’s willingness to strength.

Even the incense is willing to use the 10% effect.

Qin Yi has no secret technique to devour the incense of the incense. He has searched the major sects of Qingzhou, and has not found the secret technique to mobilize the incense.

In desperation, Qin Yi only used the incense willingness for the time being.


In the eyes of everyone’s expectations, the Bulo army finally appeared in front of everyone.

The majestic dragons are slowly moving, and everyone knows that within the dragons are the emperors they admire.

“I am waiting for the emperor to return to the capital, long live, long live, absolutely old!”

In an instant, without the need for Zhang Liang to speak, Bulo common people instantly knees and knees, and the voice of the mountains rises.

I don’t know why, when everyone saw the dragon’s dragon, they wanted to scream and use the roar of full power!

Countless excitement shouts, gathering like a dragon, stunned the clouds, lined up!

The entire Vault of Heaven seems to be trembled and shocked at this moment!

For a time, sky above underground, only this sentence is crazy to the extreme shout!

Only with this fanatic cry, is it enough to express the belief in the hearts of the people!

I will live my life and return to the emperor!

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