Under the sky.

Eight treasures of Luo Hanhua four eight-armed phase, sitting on Hollow empty, pupil light.

And this Hollow emptiness seems to be fixed, the wind is calm, the cloud is stopped, just as at the same time, at this moment, it stops, everything stops working.


Only heard the sound of shattering, Babao Luohan with his body divine ability, and the rare treasure in his hand, even at the same time broken!

In addition to the Vajra Zen rod, the other few treasure treasures are broken into powder!

The whole person of Babao Luohan is broken in the muscles and bones, falling Hollow empty, falling on the ground, aura instantly weakened to the extreme!


Not only that, the ground covered by the mountain river map is also a sinking, the rock is constantly falling, and the smoke is everywhere!

Move the mountain to shake!

The people watching the battle only felt that they could not stand under their feet, and the sky was slammed down a few inches!

If it weren’t for the protection of the mountains and rivers, the Shanhe map would not destroy the city of Bulo Dynasty!

Simply, with the guards of the mountains and rivers, the terrifying Strength is poured into the wilderness, which prevents the city from being destroyed.

Even so, in places where people can’t see it, this Strength doesn’t know how many mountain ranges are destroyed, how many rocks are destroyed!

“terrifying, simply terrifying!”

Everyone’s pupils are shrinking, and the bottom of the heart is no longer a trace of luck.

If you say the previous blow, everyone still has doubts about Qin Yi’s strength at the moment.

Then, Qin Yi is now making another blow, which has already safely dispelled the doubts in the hearts of the people. This is enough to show that Qin Yi’s body can withstand the huge Strength of the mountains and rivers.

Even if there are several times of power outbreaks in the mountains and rivers, it will not be a problem!

In the case of Babao Luohan doing full power and displaying four eight-arm divine ability, he will still beat one.

One crush!

“What an abnormal Physique, this can hardly resist the power of a big state!”

In Hollow’s air, a Martial Artist exclaimed, and the words were lonely.

Everyone is the same as the feathers, and this Lord Wang is so enchanting that people can’t compete with it!

With flesh and blood, to accommodate the power of a big state, Bulo’s dragon qi, and thousands of spiritual qi, such a fleshy body is called the body of True Dragon, it is not too much!

“Here, are you trustworthy?”

Qin Yi stood shoulder-to-hand, with a faint gaze, staring indifferently at the Eight Treasures.

In fact, the reason for the people’s conjecture is not far behind.

Qin Yi is able to accommodate the strength of such a terrifying ground with his own body, precisely because of his own True Dragon Bloodline.

In this decade’s time, Qin Yi did not repurify the concentration of its own True Dragon Bloodline, but the Strength Dragon Bloodline’s Strength has been subtly modifying Qin Yi’s fleshy body.

Qin Yi can be confident that his body strength is not weaker than the strength of a semi-sacred body cultivation, not inferior to the sage Martial Artist!

With such a body strength, it is not a problem to barely withstand the huge Strength that gathers in the mountains and rivers.


The ground vibrates, and a silhouette rises into the sky. It is the Eight Treasures.

However, at this time, the eight treasures of Luohan, 袈裟Shatter, bloody around the body, there is no sacred power.


Eight treasures of Luo Han like if crazy, whole body gold red rays of light glittering, enchanting.

Its aura suddenly rose and swept away the previous trend!

Golden red Buddha light, instantly filled with Heaven and Earth!

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