“hōng lòng Long!”

The mountain river map has fallen, and there is no other means.

Only dignified is a kind of artistic conception, heavy, and heavy!

Some people in the place feel the overbearing unparalleled charm:

“Mountain river clears, crush all directions!

If Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas ! ”

Sage, you are you!

Under the mountains and rivers that cover the sky, the terrifying Strength, the numerous Hollow emptiness collapsed, Shatter!

Qin Yi is like the mythical god, with infinite power, pinching nine Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers, carrying Heaven and Earth Kamui, to the town!


This trick, straight to see the eight treasures of the Luo Han brows big jump, expression stunned, my heart is also scared.

He had thought that Qin Yi was driving the mountain river map, and even if it could break out all the power of the mountain river map, it could not last for too long.

I have thought that this place can’t last for too long, and I can’t see the trend of Qin Yi. I extracted the foot of the formation law and poured it into the mountain river map.

Even, it has already exploded several times the power of the mountain river map!

“This this.”

Countless battles with Martial Artist are even more alarming.

Most of the Martial Artists presented the Martial Artist, but the same as the feathers, everyone can’t do it like Qin Yi.

The feathers of the sage, although known as the land Immortal, power unlimited.

In fact, the gap between the Yiwu Supreme and Immortal is not too much for 100.

At least, everyone in the field can’t do it, just like Qin Yi, and make the mountain river map so heavy.

Even if there is support from the mountains and rivers, this is not a simple matter!

After all, if you want to harness the strength of yourself beyond your own strength, what are the high demands on your body strength?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qin Yi is taking his own eyes to mobilize the strength of the mountain river map.

Although the mountain river gossip array can mobilize the power of the entire Qingzhou, but the strength of Qingzhou’s geology is not the discipline of the discipline.

Fury, endless, this is the nature of the power of the earth!

The sturdy Strength, flowing through the body, is enough to tear the fragile meridian!

The strength of the body is not enough, the only end can only withstand such a sturdy Strength, the whole person exploded and died!

The general feathered Supreme, even the semi-Saint Martial Artist, I am afraid I can’t really bear such a huge Strength.

However, Qin Yi is able to mobilize the strength of the mountains and rivers, and his face is indifferent, without any exhaustion.

How can this not surprise everyone?


Qin Yi snorted, nine Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers hōng lòng pressed down.

Strengthening Heaven and Earth’s Strength, such as the raging waves, sweeping the sky, and the place where the Eight Treasures are built.

The mountain river map directly runs through the Buddha Light Ocean and destroys thousands of Buddhas!

The weight of the mountains and rivers, is it a group of Buddhas that can withstand?


A muffled sound, the law of Babao Luohan was so stunned by the Shanhe map.

In an instant, Babao Luohan is like a deflated ball, his body shape suddenly shrinks, his body is overflowing, and it is not miserable.


In the eight treasures of Luohan mouth, he coughed out the golden blood, and his eyes revealed madness.

“Impossible, how can the deity be defeated!”

The Eight Treasures of the Arhats, there is no such thing as a Buddhist monk.

In the confrontation just now, he has already lost, no suspenseful defeat!

Qin Yi used the power of the mountains and rivers to bring down his sage Martial Artist to the dust!

Everyone who witnessed this scene, all stunned, can’t believe it!

Such as God strikes, fallen saints!

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