There is no amount of light, gathering like the sea.

Among them are the marvels of other big states, the trust of Bulo Martial Artist, the unwillingness of Bulo courtiers, and the desolateness of Bulo…

There are thousands of people, not awkward!

Qin Yi Under the gaze of these eyes, Immovable as a Mountain, expression is light.

“Door, you must not only consider for yourself, but also for your people!”

Eight treasures of Luo Han are full of compassion, seemingly threatening to be like a good word.

At this time, Qin Yi finally started to talk.

“Are you threatening this Monarch?”

Qin Yi pupil light is secluded, ice-cold is like a cold.

“The deity does not threaten the donor, but only reminds the donor that’s all.”

Babao Luo Hanle Haha said, with a fixed face.

He decided that Qin Yi will eventually choose to close, and will choose to give back!

Not for others, just because he is the king, the king of Bulo Dynasty!

For the sake of the people, he will not be willing to fight with 10,000 Buddhism!

“is it?”

Qin Yi’s smile.

Indifferent eyes, with mocking and cold,pupil light swept through the eight treasures.

Not waiting for this Luohan to answer, the mind is moving, the mountain river map will roar and move!

“Not good !”

The eight treasures of Lohanton complexion changed, the face of the light disappeared for a moment.

Immediately, Babao Luohan pinched the French seal and recruited Vajra Zen stick to knock on Qin Yi.

However, it is already late!


The mountain river trembled, and the vast Strength broke out without reservation.

“You thought that this Monarch would choose to give in. You thought that this Monarch would be feared by 10,000 Buddhism. Do you think this Monarch will succumb to your threat?”

“Rather, everything in the world is about the size of strength!”

“You think that Buddhism is better than Bulo Dynasty formidable, but you know, in my eyes, what is the qualification of Buddhism in this area, let this Monarch retreat!”

“This Monarch has said that those who commit my Bulo, though far away!”

“Killing Bulo, bloody debts!”

Like a thunderous sound, blasting the sky, as if it were like a dragon, rushing to the sky and breaking through Tianyu!

With this at the same time, Qin Yi behind’s mountain river map rumbling, rushing out of terrifying waves, vowed to crush everything!

“Oh no!”

In the desperate screams of the treasurer and the others, the nine Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers ignored any of their resistance!

When one presses down, the eleven saints will be crushed to death!

Soul flies!


This time, Heaven and Earth are quiet and quiet, and the atmosphere is terrifying!

Everyone in the room grew up with a pair of eyes, revealing an expression that they could not believe.

No one thought that Qin Yi really dared to shoot, and it was still so decisive!

Kill and kill!

Insulting Bulo, I will kill it!

This is Bulo’s overbearing, Lord Wang’s overbearing!

“Eel and other blood, casting glory for Bulo!”

Qin Yi is standing with his hands on his head, Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers.

At this moment, he is like a reincarnation of the immortal king, and he is in the world!

The shape of the heroic, draped in the unrivaled style of the world!

Pair of eyes blooms of light, seemingly fallen stars, incomparably brilliant and terrifying!

Fighting intent can be cracked Vault of Heaven, killing intent can swallow the mountain river, the faint eyes are not blind, look directly at the eight treasures!

Anyone who dares to commit to Bulo will pay the price of blood!

Lonely Lord Wang, when Yongzhen Bulo!

Lonely Lord Wang, when humiliating for Bulo!

Lonely Lord Wang, when Bulo is casting glory!

If you dare to insult Bulo, is it a bully or a treasure sword?

Whatever your buddhism, or what is the Central Province, you have to fight!

Why do you have to say more!

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