Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 194: Tenth God Source

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Ning Xiaochuan's roar just now does not really use Beibei's magic, but merely scares Lin Gang.

After scaring Lin Gang back, he unfolded the wings of rage, chasing after him quickly, waving his arm, sending out an electric light, turning into seven thick bowls of lightning, while bombarding the mysterious creature under Lin Gang's seat. .

The head, tail, and wings of that mysterious beast were attacked, the scales were penetrated, and a black plume of smoke was emitted.


The fourth-ranked mysterious beast screamed, black smoke spewed out of his mouth, and blood was flowing between his teeth.

It was badly hit and fell down to the ground.

Lin Gang sat on the back of the mysterious animal, holding an iron chain, his face changed dramatically. At this moment, he was nearly a hundred meters from the ground. If he fell with the mysterious beast, even if he used martial arts practice, he would be seriously injured or even killed.


After all, his cultivation was extraordinary, and his soles stepped on the back of the mysterious beast fiercely, his body recoiled and fell on the back of Meng Xinhan's mount.

"Abominable! It's too bad to fight him above the sky."

Lin Gang was very distressed by his mounted mysterious beast. However, it took him nine cattle and two tigers to be tamed, and the "sparrow beast" is now estimated to have fallen into a mountain stream and turned into a pool of meat.

Ning Xiaochuan hadn't caught it yet, but lost a top-ranked mysterious beast first.

"He won't be too long."

Meng Xinhan took out a very fine golden black silk, handed one end of the black silk to Lin Gang, pinched the other end in his own hand, and jumped off from the back of the mysterious beast.

This is a piece of bone silk drawn from the body of a seven-pin mysterious beast. It can be called a piece of mystery, with great toughness, and it will not break even if it hangs heavy iron.

Meng Xinhan held the golden black silk, carried a three-meter-long wide-backed sword, and slashed it towards Ning Xiaochuan, dragging a crescent-shaped knife light.

Meng Xinhan's movements are extremely flexible. With Xuan silk, his body is almost like a spirit monkey hanging from the sky, forcing Ning Xiaochuan to stretch his head.

"Bebei's magic!" Ning Xiaochuan yelled again, spit out Tian Lei Hong Yin in his mouth, and the clouds above the sky were shaking.

"Do you think it can scare us a second time?"

Meng Xinhan's eyes were dazzling, the sword in his hand was undiminished, and a dazzling golden light appeared on his body, just like a golden armored **** of war, "Xuanji Golden Light Slash!"


Ning Xiaochuan did not scare them this time, but really mobilized the power of the magic sword. The surge of sword gas in his body all gathered in the palm of his hand, and he was slammed on the blade of the sword.

Use your palm to resist the mysterious sword!

Seeing this, Meng Xinhan sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Look for death."

The cold-sharp blade cut directly into Ning Xiaochuan's palm, chopped the flesh, and bombarded the bones.

The bones in Ning Xiaochuan's body blended with martial arts supernatural powers, and the bones were as hard as gold stone **** iron, and were not broken by the sword of the mysterious sword.

There was more blood on the palms, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel pain.

A vortex of airwaves was born from the palm of the hand, and a strong force of devour erupted.

Meng Xinhan naturally noticed that something was wrong and was about to pull away, but was horrified to find that his body seemed to be stuck and he could n’t move at all. The blood flow in the body accelerated, and he rushed directly to the bleeding veins and skin, running along the sword Flowing into Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

Meng Xinhan's face was distorted, and he screamed in horror: "Blood Eater ... Blood Eater Magic ... No ... No, this is Beibei's magic!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were firm, no matter how hard Meng Xinhan was struggling, he was fixed there by the power of the magic sword, his body could not move, he could only watch the blood and mysterious air in his body enter his body.

"Ning Xiaochuan, take your life!"

Lin Gang also found something wrong, and immediately drove the mysterious beast, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

However, he was one step behind.

Meng Xinhan's body has been sucked into a dried-up old corpse, and the sound of a "cricket" turned into a mass of ashes.

"call out!"

Ning Xiaochuan spread the wings of the rage, gliding out, and did not confront Lin Gang directly.

After all, the opponent is a strong person who is out of the ordinary, and he will definitely suffer if he fights directly.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes, the bones become brighter, the skin flows darker, and the blood becomes crimson.

In the blood, a thunderous sound is constantly made, just like every drop of blood breeds a lightning thunder world.

He finally realized the true meaning of worldliness, and his body began to become worldly!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was ecstatic, feeling the strength in his body rising, the warfare on his body suddenly rising, and the nine magical powers in his body were shining.


Ning Xiaochuan rushed to Lin Gang's own initiative, so he had to sharpen himself with Lin Gang, so as to break through the bottleneck and reach a state of vulgarity.

Yin Ning Xiaochuan's current knowledge, once it enters the vulgar realm, it is really the Qianlong going out to sea, the eagle spread its wings, and any dangerous place in the world can be obtained from now on!

"Just here!"

Lin Gang stood on the back of the mysterious beast, standing upright, holding a hundred-meter-long golden black silk in his hand, as thin as a hair, and as sharp as a blade.

He covered the mysterious air over the golden mysterious silk, used the mysterious air to control the mysterious silk, and chopped towards Ning Xiaochuan in the air.


Golden black silk is extremely sharp, and the trajectory is unpredictable. Only in a moment, Ning Xiaochuan was cut out of dozens of small mouths.

In the wound, blood was continuously bleeding outwards, and his robes were stained red, which turned Ning Xiaochuan into a blood man.

"Yunxia returns to strength!"

Ning Xiaochuan propped up the protective body Xuanqi hood, martial arts supernatural power added, Zixia bodyguard, used his martial art supernatural power to resist the golden mysterious silk, the body rushed straight towards Lin Gang.

Ning Xiaochuan slammed a palm, and the palm print flew out of the mysterious hood, confronting Lin Gang.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan hung upside down in the sky, blasting out sixteen palms in a row, without giving Lin Gang a chance to breathe.

Ning Xiaochuan fell directly on the back of the mysterious beast, punched mysterious energy into the body of the mysterious beast, broke three blood lines of the mysterious beast, and made a scream in his mouth.

This mysterious beast also quickly fell to the ground!

This feeling is like falling off a cliff. Once you fall from the sky, even if you are a vulgar warrior, it is absolutely difficult to survive.

"Ning Xiaochuan, we all die together!"

Lin Gang was crazy, his hair stood upside down, and a huge fireball with a diameter of three meters was condensed between his hands. The fireball gave birth to a ray of lightning, which contained the power to destroy the world.

This is the martial arts power that condenses his whole body strength, and has the power to level the hill!

"Down together? No, you have to use your death to help me break through the world."

Ning Xiaochuan once again mobilized the power of the magic sword to directly absorb the energy contained in that fireball into the body.

In Lin Gang's horrified gaze, Ning Xiaochuan grabbed his neck.

Ning Xiaochuan's hand was like an iron claw, grabbing Lin Gang's neck and lifting him up.

The two fell quickly!


Ning Xiaochuan's body is strong, and his skeleton is like a **** iron. He is not afraid of being killed. He fell to the ground, stepped out of the ground into a large pit, and still held Lin Gang in his hand until he sucked him clean. Only toss the dried corpses away.

Ning Xiaochuan was covered with blood, his hair was loose, and in his hand he carried the black sword left by Meng Xinhan's death, coming out of the pit like a blood-stealing god.

Absorbing the blood and mystery of two vulgar warriors, Ning Xiaochuan's body is full of chaotic power, just like shattering blood, but in this state, Ning Xiaochuan feels his own potential Is being inspired and will break again at any time.


Ning Xiaochuan was as aggressive as the demon king, killing the other three altar masters in the Taoist temple.

Meng Xinhan and Lin Gang are both master-level figures, but they are hegemons on one side, and they are a big man who shocks one side of the region, but at this moment they are dead, which makes the remaining three altar masters feel hairy!

"Northern magic is simply too scary!"

"Ning Xiaochuan is trying to devour our practice to help him break through the realm."

"It's already so powerful now. If he breaks through to the vulgar world, then what?"

"Retreat first! Ning Xiaochuan's intention to kill is strong and fierce, and his combat power must be more powerful than usual. We go back and report this to the master of the altar and the maiden, and their big men can naturally pack up . "


Tie Minggong, Luo Kai and Ye Baiyin all planned to retreat immediately, but their retreat was stopped by Ji Hanxing.

Ji Hanxing held the dragon elephant halberd and was wearing scarlet armor. His momentum was quite appalling. He stared at the three men coldly and said, "Just watch if you want to come and leave if you want to. Do you really think this is your own home?"

The three altar masters looked at each other and shot at the same time to kill Ji Hanxing.

"Extinct sword wave!"

Ning Xiaochuan shot up from behind, with long hair reversed, blood on his face, and a look of madness. A finger wave was shot from the tip of his finger and bombarded Tie Minggong's vest.

The thick sword wave at the mouth of the bowl caused ripples in the air.

Feeling the power of Jianbo behind him, Tie Minggong had to give up attacking Ji Hanxing, his body suddenly sinking, and fell heavily to the ground.


The annihilating sword wave flew out from the head of Tie Minggong. Just a little bit, he could break his head.

Absorbing the blood of two strong men from the other world, Ning Xiaochuan ’s body seems to have been filled with blood, and the blood is almost to be broken. Only in the constant battle, the feeling of supporting the body will burst. A little relief.

However, just when Ning Xiaochuan felt the pain was terrible, the blood and mystery in his body gathered frantically toward the position of the magic sword, continually contracted, condensed, and finally turned into a ray of extinction.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's second extinction!

Only when Ning Xiaochuan's intention to kill soared and was close to demonization, the demise of the world would be born.

The blood-red magic sword was suspended in the heart, and two annihilation entangled around the magic sword, making the magic sword even more amazing.

After the birth of the second extinction, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the power of the magic sword became more powerful.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the magic sword transmitted a mysterious force into the blood.

Every time the magic sword absorbs the blood of other warriors, a mysterious force will be spread out and melted into Ning Xiaochuan's blood.

Previously, Ning Xiaochuan only thought it was a trivial matter, but at this moment, that mysterious power seemed to have grown to a certain extent, causing the blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body to boil. ,

"What the **** is going on? Why do I feel like I haven't reached the extreme of the divine realm, and it seems that a breakthrough will happen again."

"I am now the ninth peak of the **** body. If there is a breakthrough, can I still reach the tenth weight of the **** body?"

When Ning Xiaochuan thought so, the body actually began to produce the tenth **** source.


Lao Jiu ’s WeChat public account: jiudangjia90 or directly receive “Jiu Dang”. Welcome everyone to Canada.

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