Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1256: Woman Mountain

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A small world like the Da Yan World is actually the most basic unit of the heavens and the earth, and the lowest unit.

But after the great changes of the earth, only these small worlds between the heavens and the earth have survived.

Among the numerous small worlds, the Beichuan Small World is definitely the pearl of all small worlds, and it is extremely bright.

However, the Beichuan small world can develop to this point, but it has developed by devouring other small worlds.

The starry sky where Beichuan Small World is located now has no other small world except Beichuan Small World. Only in the far distance from Beichuan Small World can you see the shadows of countless small worlds.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan shuttled from the distance, and soon saw the huge world of Beichuan.

The moment he saw the small world of Beichuan, Ning Xiaochuan stopped suddenly.


This is too exaggerated!

In the distance, the huge Beichuan world, like the core of the world, made Ning Xiaochuan take a breath.

The Beichuan Small World, which has devoured the origins of countless worlds, is now a small universe. From the perspective of size, the Beichuan Small World today is almost as large as 10,000 Dayan Worlds.

Such a small world is much stronger than the Da Yan world.

Sui Hanyu lay on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder and glanced at Beichuan Small World: "How? I'm sorry, if you are like the leader of Beichuan Small World, you are crazy about absorbing the origin of the small world around Da Yan World. Maybe now the world will be developed to this extent. "


Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Dayan World is taking a completely different path from Beichuan Small World. If Beichuan Small World is pursuing Bo, then Dayan World is pursuing fine, and everyone is an elite. Everyone is a strong person. At the beginning, the kingdom of truth was not too big, but it was able to suppress countless universes and become the first kingdom in the world. From this we can see that when you are big, you may not be strong, so of course I will not regret anything. "

Sui Hanyu smiled softly: "That's right, but which way is Bo and Jing the right one, I'm afraid you can only be sure when you and the Master Fei have a victory."

Ning Xiaochuan grinned and said, "Why do we have to make a difference? Maybe I and the flying master can shake hands and become friends."

Sui Hanyu said: "Now all the strong men in the heavens and the earth have been chopped to another place by the ancestor sword. Among the remaining strong men here, only you and the young master Fei can form a little climate. You ca n’t tolerate the two tigers. The two of you are simply natural opponents. It is impossible to reconcile and become friends. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Sui Hanyu curiously: "Master, you said that the strong among the heavens and the earth were all chopped to another place by the ancestor. What is this place? You seem to have seen it before? What is this? If you have any secrets, please stop concealing them. "

Sui Hanyu shook his head and said, "I am your master, and I will not conceal you if I have some feelings, but at present my thoughts on the ancestor are only guesses. There are many places I have not figured out. Wait for me to figure out these , I will tell you by then. "

"Okay." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Changing into the appearance of Nie XIII, Ning Xiaochuan rushed into the Beichuan Small World from one direction of the Beichuan Small World holding the cold winter rain.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan didn't think of the way to devour the origins of other small worlds and develop the world of Da Yan. But the world of Da Yan is a transformed world. If you forcibly absorb the origin of other worlds, you will destroy the structure of Da Yan. In this way, there are some gains and losses.

Because as long as the structure of Dayan World is not destroyed, then Dayan World can continuously produce pseudo-gods and even gods. In the end, even if it is a pig in Dayan World, Ning Xiaochuan can make it a **** pig. .

A world where even pigs can become gods is definitely not weaker than the Beichuan small world right now.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan had previously told the old princes that they could form alliances with the small world near Dayan World, but there was no need to attack them.

Ning Xiaochuan took the cold rain of the year to pierce the wall membrane of Beichuan Small World and got into Beichuan Small World.

Like the Great Yan World, today's Beichuan Small World also has a continent in the core, and the rest of the ocean.

However, the situation in Beichuan's small world is much worse than that of Dayan World.

Within the Dayan world, the land may account for 10%, and the oceans account for 90%, but within the Beichuan Small World, the land is not even one ten thousandth of the area, and most places are oceans.

Ning Xiaochuan knows that this is the result of Beichuan Small World's blind pursuit of expansion, but its internal development cannot keep up with the world's original growth.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the Beichuan small world has expanded so much. Master Fei, who is the leader of the Beichuan small world, has very little control over the small world, so even if I bring a master like this Come in, he won't feel anything at all. "

Secretly nodded, Ning Xiaochuan flew towards the land in the middle of Beichuan Small World.

This land is the land where all the essence of the Beichuan Small World was born. It is not yet close to here, and Ning Xiaochuan saw that this land is shining with pearly jewels everywhere. The entire continent is almost full of precious heavenly materials. Dibao, precious and unusual.

On those large veins, there are countless slaves who are constantly mining veins.

"The way Master Fei manages Beichuan Small World is too simple and rude. Except for the people he sees, the rest of the world are all slaves, and they only have the qualification to go to mines to mine." Ning Xiaochuan glanced at those vein slaves, combined with what he had searched out from the memory of Ning Zilong before, he probably figured out the rules of the Beichuan small world.

This time Ning Xiaochuan pretends to be Nie XIII. The biggest problem is thinking.

Before Nie Shisan was bombarded by the battleship of truth, the spirit and spirit were destroyed. Although Ning Xiaochuan used the power of Qiqiao God to search for the remaining memories of Nie Shisan, he only found a part of Nie Shisan's memories.

Without Nie Shisan's complete memory, Ning Xiaochuan would have flaws if he were to impersonate him.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan planned to sneak in here and settle the cold winter rain, and it is best to take the opportunity to catch a few people who are familiar with Nie Shisan and capture their memory.

Of course, this time should not be too long, otherwise, once the Master Fei went to Dayan World in person, Ning Xiaochuan's current efforts would be all in vain.

Figures traversed inside the Beichuan Small World. Two towering peaks appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan. On these two peaks, various palaces were dotted with stars.

These two peaks are the core of Beichuan Small World. The one on the left is called "Men's Mountain" and the one on the right is called "Woman's Mountain".

Although the names of the two mountains are ridiculous, the important figures of Beichuan Small World all live on the two mountains.

Moreover, in accordance with the rules of Beichuan Small World, men can only live on the mountain while women can only live on the mountain. Even if Nie Shisan is a general under Master Fei, this rule cannot be broken.

The entire Beichuan Small World can live on two peaks at will. Only Master Fei is the only one who can speak in the Beichuan Small World. This can be reflected in this alone.

Ning Xiaochuan took the cold rain and went straight to the woman's mountain.

"Master, temporarily wronged you to live here for a while, there are countless women on the mountain, the master is also a woman, hiding in it, no one will be able to find the master you." Quietly told the cold rain, Ning Xiaochuan in his mouth Suddenly fell under the woman's mountain.

Dozens of exquisite beautiful figures rushed out of the woman's mountain.

"Who? Dare to break into the woman's mountain." With a yell, a dozen women with pretty faces and stunning figures each appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Women can only live on the mountain, and they can only live on highly talented, beautiful women.

In front of these women, all of them are very strong, and the leader is even a god. And their looks are even better, all of them can be regarded as Tianzi.

Any of these women will certainly be quite eye-catching elsewhere.

But unfortunately, they are very ordinary here, because there are too many amazing women here.

All these women were plundered by Master Fei from other small worlds. The entire Mount of Women was regarded as Master Fei's harem, so other men were banned from coming up.

The situation of Men's Mountain is similar to that of Women's Mountain. Anyway, it is used to satisfy the special hobby of the young master.

Glancing at the stunning women in front of them, Ning Xiaochuan pretended to be Nie Shisan, and said with a big grin: "Bold, what are you, dare to yell at Lao Tzu, and Li Xianghun you, don't forget, you I was arrested by Lao Tzu. "

"It was Nie Ye." The leading goddess woman pouted and smiled. She was called Li Xianghun and was originally caught here by Nie Shisan. Ning Xiaochuan collected this from Nie Shisan's memory fragments. Happening.

Li Xianghun glanced over Ning Xiaochuan with a pair of big eyes, and then smiled softly: "Did Nie want to break into our woman mountain today, if so, we would welcome it, we woman mountain women are too many, yin Too heavy, so a man with a full-bodied man like Nie Ye would come in to neutralize it. "

Ning Xiaochuan said with a big grin: "Cut, you ’re stupid, I ’m in the mountains, even if I ’m a kid, you will be punished by Master Fei, but you are so brave today, you dare to adjust my interest and let Master Fei know I'm afraid your life will be difficult. "

"Master Fei hasn't been in Beichuan Small World recently. Doesn't Nie Ye know?" Li Xianghun stared at Ning Xiaochuan with curiosity.

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