Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1252: Nie Shisan

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"Do you want to make a big alliance with me?" Laohou Ye stood up with a smile.

The thirty-sixth-ranked gods below all looked dignified at this moment and stood up together. Their attitude is very low, just to alliance with Dayan World.

However, this is also a helpless thing. For example, today ’s big change, all the small worlds are piled up together. The battle between the small worlds is inevitable, and the small worlds they are in are too weak, and sooner or later they will be swallowed up. Only It is possible to survive in those powerful little worlds.

The Da Yan World is obviously the strongest small world in their space.

Laohouye glanced at these sub-gods, with a solemn look: "Okay, then we will form an alliance today, thirty-seven small worlds, unite together, advance and retreat together."

"Wang Yeying." The thirty-six angels of God immediately rejoiced.

Next, Laohouye and the thirty-sixth-ranking **** signed a covenant together, and it was considered to be an alliance.

After all this was done, the thirty-sixth place **** left with satisfaction, left the world of Da Yan, and returned to their respective small worlds.

Laohouye sent away these secondary gods himself, and then stood in the void, looking up at the messy little world outside, thoughtfully.

"Hou Ye, are you doing all this useful?" Yu Ningsheng appeared beside Old Hou Ye.

The old man shook his head and said, "I do n’t know. I used to fight with the army and the battlefield would not be separated from one world. But now, this is a battle between one world and another. In this level of battle, I also I don't know how useful these strategies are. "

Yu Ningsheng also looked up at the small worlds above her head and groaned: "The battle between this world and the direct, in addition to the competition between the masters, is more importantly the plunder between the origins of the world, but now we Obviously dominate, why not directly destroy them, and then take away their world origin, so that our world origin will become stronger and stronger, without any alliance with them. "

"I don't know why. The alliance is all flowery. When it comes to danger, everyone will still be torn apart and take care of themselves, but this is what Ogawa ordered me, and there should be nothing wrong." The old man shook his head.

Now Ning Xiaochuan has absolute prestige in the world of Da Yan. Even Lao Houye and others are sincerely convinced to Ning Xiaochuan and will never oppose any opinions of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Let's go back." Looking back at the void behind him, Laohou Ye and Yu Ningsheng landed and returned to the King City of Sword Pavilion.


As soon as she returned to the King's Mansion, Yu Ningsheng looked dignified, she already felt an unusual breath.

Lao Hou Ye was slightly weaker, and after Yu Ningsheng's reminder, he immediately responded.

"All the servants in the king's house disappeared." The old Houye's face was extremely ugly.

You know, the King's Palace is now the core of the Dayan world. Even the servants in the house are at least Wuzun-level strong men. These strong men are willing to come to the King's Palace to be present, in order to obtain the old man Pointing. Taking the practice of Lao Hou Ye and others as a guide, casually pointing them at one or two moves is enough for them to benefit a lot.

But now, these martial arts masters, as well as the masters of heaven and reality, have all disappeared.

The huge King's Palace seems to have turned into an empty house.

Things are serious.

They just left for a while, and inside the King's Palace, there were two gods, Yan Quan and Zuo Qing.

"Ogawa, the speed is back, there is an abnormal situation." The old Hou almost didn't hesitate and immediately began to contact Ning Xiaochuan who was practicing deep in the black hole at this moment.

At the moment, Yu Ningsheng raised an eyebrow, and the figure shuttled into a palace like an electricity.

Lao Houye was afraid of Yu Ningsheng's accident, and rushed forward.

Entering this palace, the footsteps of Yu Ningsheng and the old man stopped suddenly, because the Qing Emperor and the old ancestor Yan Quan, who were holding weapons in their hands, were staring at the young man in red. .

This young man in red looks handsome, but with a fierce look on his face, he holds wine and meat in his hand and swallows carelessly, but under his butt, it is a hill-like body.

The masters who were missing in the King's Palace were all corpses at the moment, and he was sitting under his buttocks.

"Are you all the masters of Da Yan World? Right, there seems to be another named Ning Xiaochuan, why haven't they come yet?" The young man in red grinned suddenly when he saw Laohou Ye and Yu Ningsheng come in.

The old man looked solemnly, "Who are you?"

From the tone of this young man in red, Lao Houye and others have judged that this young man in red is obviously a master from another small world.

However, the other party was killed as soon as he arrived, and the hostility to the world of Da Yan is clearly visible.

The young man in red casually dropped the hip flask held in his hand and stood up on the corpse pile and said, "Lao Zi Nie XIII, Master Beichuan Little World Master Fei, don't say that you don't know the name, who killed us. There is a price to pay, so whether you know Master Fei's name or not, today is dead. "

Grinning and snoring, the red young man Nie Shisan's eyes stopped on Yu Ningsheng.

"You look good. Come and spend some time with Lao Tzu. When that Ning Xiaochuan comes back, I will kill you gently."

With a wave of the palm, a golden silk thread suddenly appeared around Yu Ningsheng, and it seemed that the rope generally began to entangle around Yu Ningsheng.

"Be careful, this guy's secret is strange." Yan Quan ancestor reminded Yu Ningsheng.

He and the Qing Emperor shook their bodies a little. The old princes could see clearly that they didn't know how many similar gold wires were wrapped around them. They were entangled with these gold wires. They could not even move. They could only stand on the ground. Ground.

These golden threads appeared, and only the old man who had been repaired by the gods had almost no resistance at all, and was immediately bound to death.

Yu Ningsheng, a god-level master, barely blocked these threads at the moment, and a haze-like rule spewed out from his body, acting as a shield, blocking these threads to a distance far from his body.

Although these silk threads were blocked, Yu Ningsheng was also trapped dead and unable to move in the slightest.

The young man in red immediately grinned again when he saw this, waved his hand and touched Yu Ningsheng's body, looking like a hungry wolf in color.

Such a scene made Yu Ningsheng look angry and bite the tip of his tongue, spurting blood.

The blood coagulated in the air, turned into the shape of Fengshen Pagoda, and then circled around Yu Ningsheng. The silk threads that entangled her all broke instantly.

"Okay, yes, a little skill, when I catch you and dedicate it to Master Fei, Master Fei will definitely like you very much." The red youth's eyes brightened, and the red coat on his body burst into a burst. The whole person seemed like a The big bird rushed at Yu Ningsheng as well.

However, before he flew to Ningshen, his figure suddenly stopped and looked up.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the gate of the King's City, inside the gate of the man and god.

Back in the world of Da Yan, Ning Xiaochuan, who had the seal of leadership, felt what happened in the King's Palace almost immediately.

With a thought, Yu Ningsheng, who was fighting Nie Shisan, suddenly disappeared before Nie Shisan.

The figures of Laohouye, Qingdi, and Yanquan ancestors also disappeared immediately.

Then, the bodies of the descendants of the King's Court disappeared.

The disappeared Lao Hou and others, when they reappeared, had stood by Ning Xiaochuan.

As the leader of the Da Yan world, Ning Xiaochuan, who controls the world power of the Da Yan world, simply moved the old princes and others directly over it.

Moreover, Nie Shisan seemed to have great confidence in himself, so he did not intercept Ning Xiaochuan at all.

One step out of the palace below, Nie Shisan also appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking up and down Ning Xiaochuan, Nie Shisan laughed: "You are Ning Xiaochuan. The seal of the leader of this small world is not on these lower gods, but on you, it seems that you are a genius."

"Your lord is not bad." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, but in secret he was telling Lao Hou and others to keep them away so as not to wait for the fight and affect them.

Although Lao Houye and others were worried about Ning Xiaochuan, they also knew that at the moment they couldn't help at all and could only retreat slowly.

Nie Shisan didn't care about Ning Xiaochuan's little movements, but just constantly glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and his mouth sighed and admired: "Nice, very good. With your talent, if you go back with me, Master Fei will definitely look at you differently, May not love you very much. "

It's such disgusting words again.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and was curious: "This young Master Fei has a special hobby. He only likes men, why should he even grab a woman."

Although Ning Xiaochuan was not present just now, he also heard that Nie Shisan was going to **** Yu Ningsheng and offer it to Master Fei.

"What's so strange about this is that the young master is the son of destiny. Of course, unlike ordinary people, as long as there is talent, both young men and young men love it. Don't stop talking nonsense, Lao Tzu tells you so much, just to see you have some ability I'm just going to solicit you. If you go back with me and you kill Ning Zilong's waste, I will take care of it for you. Now I will make a decision for Lao Tzu, but Lao Tzu has no patience for you. "

Ning Xiaochuan grinned and learned the tone of Nie Shisan: "That Lao Tzu officially told you that Lao Tzu has no interest in the Master Fei in your mouth. Is he still a little interested in you? Since you are so arrogant, direct Break into the world of Da Yan, then don't leave today, just stay. "

"Dare to learn how to talk to Lao Tzu, then I will be rude." Nie Thirteen's face suddenly changed, his figure flickered and turned into a ghost.

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