Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1246: Dragon and phoenix

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In the magnificent dormitory, there is a square-sized pool. At this moment, in this pool, a woman with a large white skin and a beautiful face is sitting in the middle of the pool with her eyes closed.

In this pool, a blue dragon phantom and a fire wind phantom are constantly rotating around the woman, making the water in the pool make a banging sound.

Ning Xiaochuan sneaked into the palace, and when he saw this scene, he almost stared.

Because this pool of water is actually the legendary dragon and phoenix mixed water, which is the divine fluid used by the gods to temper the body. Even in the Shenhe civilization, it is quite precious, but here, there is a whole pool of dragon and phoenix mixed water. .

However, when he could see the face of the woman in the pool, he shuddered even more in shock.

The Queen of Stone Queen!

After disappearing without a trace of Shi Ji demon, he even appeared here at this moment.

Moreover, she has become a god, and her energy index is several times higher than that of Yu Ningsheng, almost over a hundred.

Gaze slowly on the almost perfect body behind the stone monster, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly saw that the lower abdomen behind the stone monster, at this moment, even slightly raised, looks like pregnant.

"No, why was she pregnant again after the monster Ji Ji? Where did I go with her child at the beginning?" Ning Xiaochuan felt a little stunned in her mind, and thought a lot in her mind.

When Ning Xiaochuan left Dayan World at first, he knew about the pregnancy of Shi Ji Yao, but at that time he didn't care about it at all, so he could only choose to leave Dayan World.

Decades now, if Shi Ji gave birth to the child later, I am afraid that this child will have grown up now.

These past events appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, which immediately made Ning Xiaochuan feel complicated.

Especially when she saw Shi Ji demon, she became pregnant again. This feeling made Ning Xiaochuan feel very bad. How could a woman so proud of the Queen of Shi Ji follow other men so quickly.

Sitting in the middle of the pool, the back of Shi Ji demon trembled slightly, and his face seemed to show a bit of pain and helplessness. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his abdomen.

"Don't make trouble, and when your mother's practice is over, I'll take you out to play."

The Queen Shi Ji started to speak softly to her unborn baby, and the expression on her face was like a mother-like expression.

Is this still the original Shi Ji monster?

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Shi Ji demon with some speechlessness, and he did not adapt to the present picture of Shi Ji demon at all.

Softly appeased the fetus in the abdomen, and the stone demon stepped out of the pool.

Although she has had a close relationship with Shi Ji Yao long ago, when she saw her slender body at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt a short breath.

With just this little change, Ning Xiaochuan's traces were suddenly leaked.

"Who?" The queen of the stone demon looked cold and screamed angrily. With a stroke of her arm, she first called a thin shirt to herself, and then, after the slogan of the stone demon, burst out a long chain of rules, Jiang Ning Ogawa was trapped and pulled out of the darkness.

Although captured by the stone monster, Ning Xiaochuan had a relaxed look on her face, grinning and greeted the stone monster, saying: "Queen, long time no see."

"It's you, Ning Xiaochuan." Seeing Ning Xiaochuan appear, a strange look appeared on the beautiful face of Shi Ji Yao.

It seemed to be surprised first, then suspicious, but in the end it turned cold.

After the appearance of the monster Shi Ji changed a bit, his face suddenly appeared murderous and said: "Ning Xiaochuan, how dare you even come to see me, just right, I killed you today."

With a flick of his wrist, the long chain of law that trapped Ning Xiaochuan changed immediately, and became a barbed thorny chain.

If this kind of thorny chain, which is composed entirely of laws, is drawn to a person, I am afraid that it can directly draw people to death.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression changed greatly, and the shadow of the law behemoth appeared faintly on his body. He merged the law beast into himself, and then unraveled the long chain of thorns, and the body got out of it.

Standing a few feet away behind the stone monster, Ning Xiaochuan looked at the stone monster with a dreadful expression.

At this moment, the strength demonstrated by the stone monster is too powerful, and even the rules can be manipulated freely to form a chain of thorns. This alone can be seen that the strength of the stone monster is better than those of the **** evil gods. Much more powerful, even if Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, it is not necessarily the opponent of the stone Queen.

The next move of Shi Ji Yao was defeated, and he was shocked, and then the figure flashed, and he continued to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

A long river suddenly emerged, and Ning Xiaochuan was drowned in a bang.

Shi Ji Yaohou stood in the middle of the long river of rules, with a cold look, and controlled the long river of rules to constantly change the shape, attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

The power of the river of law was released, shattering and disappearing the palaces around.

Even the precious and unusual dragon and phoenix mixed water disappeared completely at this moment.

As Ning Xiaochuan responded to these attacks, he shook his head and said, "After the demon, this is your palace. If we fight like this, the damage will be too great. I think we might as well talk about it and everything can be negotiated and resolved."

Shi Ji monster snorted coldly and did not care about Ning Xiaochuan's suggestion at all.

But suddenly, the stone demon seemed to have a fetal gas attack, and he groaned, holding his belly and bending down, and the rules of the surrounding river broke down.

Ning Xiaochuan broke away from the river of rules, staring strangely at the back of Shi Ji. "Queen, your condition doesn't seem very good. I have a few bottles of elixir here to help you conceive."

As soon as his palm was flipped, several bottles of elixir appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's hand.

"Get off, I don't need your elixir." Shi Ji snorted afterwards, not giving Ning Xiaochuan a good look at all.

Pregnant women don't seem to have a good temper!

Ning Xiaochuan murmured, reclaimed the elixir, stared at Shi Ji for a moment, and then continued to ask: "I have a question after the demon, and I need a solution from the demon. If the demon queen will tell the truth, In return, I can do one thing for the Queen. "

After waiting for Shi Ji to answer, Ning Xiaochuan eagerly said, "How did our child end up like that?"

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's inquiries, the queen of Shi Ji looked a little weird, and looked up at Ning Xiaochuan with a sad look. Then she said coldly, "It's gone, it's been ... it's gone."

Originally, the Queen Shi Ji wanted to say that she was dead, but she couldn't say the dead words, she could only change her word.

After looking at the stone monster in front of her, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing.

The palace crickets that had just been destroyed just now, but no one appeared, Ning Xiaochuan had already guessed this result. Now he heard Shi Ji demon confessed with his own mouth that he still couldn't help being lost in his heart.

"... Fool." A quiet glance at Ning Xiaochuan with a long, short sigh, disappointed, and snorted in the heart of the demon Shi Ji, so that the anger in her heart was dissipated a lot.

Ning Xiaochuan sank for a moment, and then returned to look: "Thanks to the demon to inform, I don't know who the demon's father is this time? If necessary, I can help the demon to get him back."

The Queen Shi Ji did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan's words turned around and she made such a request.

The mood had softened a bit, and now it became cold again.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you." With a cold drink in his mouth, countless laws gushed again between the hands of the monster behind Ji Ji.

But this time, these laws condensed out of thin air, and a huge inscription was condensed on the top of Ning Xiaochuan's head.

This inscription rumblingly descended, like a hill, and directly pressed Ning Xiaochuan's head.

"Lost, the monument to extinction."

The familiar smell of the inscription on the head made Ning Xiaochuan scream in surprise.

The breath of the World Extermination Monument reappeared, and at the same time it hit Ning Xiaochuan's head, it also made Ning Xiaochuan understand a lot of things.

He was smashed into the head by the monument to the world, but Ning Xiaochuan said with excitement: "I see. After the demon, the child you are carrying is our child."

"Don't you always be brilliant? Now you can guess whether this child is yours." The queen Shi Ji looked cold and walked to Ning Xiaochuan step by step.

Now Ning Xiaochuan was unable to move under the pressure of the World Extermination Monument. He could only watch the Shi Ji demon come to his own face, and then tore off his chest clothes.

Ning Xiaochuan supported the monument to the world with his hands, but his face was helpless: "I didn't expect that you have been pregnant for so many years and did not give birth to our children. Let me see. Ours How is the child now. "

Pregnant in October, this concept was originally ingrained in Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought that the Queen of Shi Ji was a stranger in her own right, and that she could be pregnant for so many years.

After the demon Shi Ji slowly stroked Ning Xiaochuan's chest with one hand, he said coldly: "It's not me who calms you now, even my children are angry with you, so even if I kill you, My children will never resent me. "

Shi Ji Yaohou didn't want to admit that the child's father was Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to entangle with these words.

With a strange look, he glanced down at the slightly bulging abdomen behind the stone monster Ji, and his face looked more and more stunned.

"Is this the little guy who has teased me repeatedly? It is this little guy who has condensed a monument to the world ..."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes widened at this moment. It was the first time he had seen such a terrible fetus. He had spent so many years in his mother's womb without saying that she could play so many tricks before she was born.

The back of Shi Ji's hand stroked Ning Xiaochuan's chest for a moment, his eyes suddenly became cold, his palms became claws, and he fought hard toward Ning Xiaochuan's heart. He seemed to want to grab Ning Xiaochuan's heart in one breath.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have a trace of power to fight back at this moment, but could only feel Shi Ji monster beating his palm into his body and pinching his heart.

Holding Ning Xiaochuan's life in his hands, the action of the demon Shi Ji stopped, coldly: "Ning Xiaochuan, as long as I use my hand to force, I can kill you immediately."

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