Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1216: Seal of Leader

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The Emperor Zijin praised Ning Xiaochuan several times in succession. When he saw that Ning Xiaochuan's look remained unchanged, he felt relieved, secretly sighed, took out a round token in his hand, and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

"What is this?" Ning Xiaochuan took the token curiously.

I saw that the surface of the token was written with a quaint character. Ning Xiaochuan was also well-informed, but he couldn't tell what kind of font it was, so he looked up blankly and looked at the Emperor Zijin.

Zijin Emperor's expression became dignified, and he told Ning Xiaochuan: "You cut your finger and drop a drop of blood on it."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate, a finger trembled slightly, and a drop of blood was ejected.

Now that he is a sub-god, a drop of blood is almost like a heaven and earth medicine. After a drop of blood that is obviously different from ordinary people falls on the round token, it immediately disappears on the token and seems to be swallowed by the round token. general.

Ning Xiaochuan looked confused and was about to continue to speak, but from this round token, a sudden consciousness came. Ning Xiaochuan's body shook, and information began to appear in his mind.


Two quaint characters appear in Ning Xiaochuan's mind. Although Ning Xiaochuan still doesn't recognize these two characters, he can understand the meaning of these characters.

After the two characters of the leader appeared, Ning Xiaochuan's mind immediately appeared a picture.

The warmth of these pictures is the picture of all things growing. But it is more cruel and inexhaustible pictures of war, countless lives and extinctions, and corpses and blood everywhere.

These pictures kept flashing in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and finally, in these pictures, things familiar to Ning Xiaochuan appeared.

Eight light gates stood high in the sky, and a steady stream of masters entered the world of Da Yan. As a result, the entire Da Yan world was facing a catastrophe, and almost all lives were dead.

"This is a scene of the battle of the gods in the world of Da Yan." Ning Xiaochuan was shocked in his mind, and the pictures in his mind kept flashing.

The battle of the gods of gods continues to appear in the world of Da Yan, and every time the battle of the gods of **** breaks out, it will bring endless catastrophe to the world of da Yan.

But every once in a while, the battle of the gods of fate will come to the world of Da Yan, and it will ruin the world of Da Yan. This kind of thing seems to be a curse detained above the world of Dayan.

In the end, the scene ends in the scene where Ning Xiaochuan punched the gate of the gods with a punch.

Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness broke away from the token, and he looked shocked and looked up at the Lord Zijin.

At this moment, the emperor Zijin already had a smile on his face, and said to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, this is the seal of the leader of the Dayan world. Only the strongest in the Dayan world deserves this seal. Emperor Tian, ​​once the owner of the Seal of Leadership, but unfortunately, we have not been able to lead the development and growth of the Dayan World, and have not been able to release the Dayan World from the catastrophe. The Seal can exert its power in your hands. "

"Mark of the leader." Nana Xiaochuankou said.

The scene just now flashed in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and even gave him a feeling of blood boiling.

After the mind gradually calmed down, Ning Xiaochuan was curious: "Senior, the seal of this leader is indeed unusual, but I don't understand what a use of such a gadget is."

"What's the use!" Emperor Zijin aggravated the tone: "The seal of the leader is the core of a world, it represents the power of a world, and those who are recognized by him can use the strength of the seal of the leader to sweep Everything, it can be said that the seal of the leader is the strongest artifact in the heavens and the earth. "

"So, the Seal of the Leader is strong and powerful, but there are many?" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

The emperor of Zijin said: "Yes, civilizations with more than seven products will form the seal of the leader. The higher the level of this civilization, the more advanced and prosperous the world, the stronger the seal of the leader, like the Shenhe civilization. The seal of the leader is more than ten times stronger than the seal of the leader of our world. The seal of the leader chooses the leader, in fact, chooses the leader who can lead a world forward. Ning Xiaochuan, you will wear the seal of the leader, The farther you lead the world of Da Yan, the more powerful you will be. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced down at the round token in his hand. After his blood merged into it, he and the token already had a sense of flesh and blood.

However, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and returned the token to the emperor of Zijin: "Senior, you are the real pillar of the Da Yan world, and now it has become a god. The seal of this leader is still held by the senior. better."

The Emperor Zijin did not take the seal of the leader in Ning Xiaochuan at all, but looked solemnly: "Ning Xiaochuan, I said just now that both the emperor and me were the owners of the seal of leadership. Now our time has passed, now It's your time, the seal of leadership in this world, and only you can bear it. "

For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the seal of the leader in his hands seemed to have become heavy.

The seal of leadership is not just a token, it is more a responsibility.

Ning Xiaochuan stared down at the seal of the leader in his hand, his expression gradually became firm, and with the grasp of the palm, he completely refined the seal of the leader into the body.

Leading the rise of the world of Da Yan, although Ning Xiaochuan never specifically thought about it, he never gave up on such a dream.

After all, the world of Da Yan is his root, his family, everything in him.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan has faintly felt that the obsession in his heart seems to have merged with the seal of the leader at this moment. The stronger the seal of the leader, the stronger his will.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan incorporating the seal of the leader into his body, Lord Zijin nodded with relief, "Ning Xiaochuan, do you know what my dream is?"

"Senior's dream?" Ning Xiaochuan looked with confusion on his face and looked up at Lord Zijin. He didn't understand how the Emperor Zijin would suddenly mention this at this moment.

With a smile on his face, Emperor Zijin revealed a bit of recollection and continued: "When I was a kid, my family was very poor, but next to my house lived a nobleman. I was very envious of the life of that nobleman, but my father told me Nobles can enjoy everything, because God is destined, we poor people have no blessing to share all of them. At the beginning, I believed, so I silently followed my father's hard life and never thought of passing the nobles again. Days later, one day, the aristocratic master even bullied my sister. I was so annoyed that I started working with him. Guess what happened? "

As if she was a family member, Lord Zijin smiled and asked Ning Xiaochuan.

"The predecessor must have taught the aristocratic master a hard meal." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, echoing in echo.

As the Emperor of Zijin, even when he was young, he was definitely a generation. It is certainly not a problem to teach an ordinary aristocratic boy.

However, what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that the Lord Zijin shook his head and said, "You are wrong. I was miserable by that aristocratic master. I could not go down for a few months. At that time, I was just an ordinary farmer, and that The aristocrat is already a strong man of mysterious realm. I have not been killed. It is the result of the mercy of the other party. However, although I was beaten by the other party, I am very happy because from this incident, I know the other party. I can live a good life, not because of God ’s destiny, but because their fists are strong enough, so after raising my wounds, I also started to practice boxing. Later, with my fists, I unified the entire northern Xinjiang. . "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, waiting for Zijin to continue speaking.

A sullen smile on Emperor Zijin's face continued: "Although my strength is getting bigger and bigger, but my dream has never changed, my dream is to make all the people around me have a good life day."

Very innocent dream! But it is also a dream of almost everyone.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and smiled: "Then I and my predecessor probably have the same dream."

The Emperor Zijin grinned and said, "Haha, Ning Xiaochuan, although this dream is simple, but it is not easy to achieve. What is a good life? At first, the life of the noble master I thought was a good life. But then I went again I found that the life of the emperor is better than the life of this aristocratic young master. Then, I found out that there are more nourishing lives than the emperor ... What do you think you can let the people around you live? Good days? "

The problem of the Lord of the Purple Kings really let Ning Xiaochuan stop for a while.

* Infinite, who dare to guarantee that he will live an absolute good life. Like the Shenhe civilization, it is already strong and prosperous enough, but there are even more prosperous Jiupin civilization and the kingdom of truth.

The Emperor Zijin stared at Ning Xiaochuan, watching Ning Xiaochuan's face look confused, he laughed and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, I talk to you about this, but I just want to remind you how big your heart is and how much you can go in the future. Far away, even if it is the first emperor of Jiupin civilization and the Kingdom of Heaven in the world, you will not be able to replace it in the future. By that time, everyone around you will be a Jiupin civilization national ... Well, let's gossip to So far, you are now the leader of the world of Da Yan, what are we going to do next, do you think?

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Lord Zijin said these things, obviously still reminding himself not to forget the world. However, even if Ning Xiaochuan does not inherit the seal of the leader of Dayan World today, after realizing the spiritual power, he is ready to reconnect with the people of Dayan World and return the resources in his hands to Dayan World.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan nodded his head and said, "I already thought about this. I want to reopen the gates of man and god, and open the channel between the world and the Shenhe civilization. With the resources of the Shenhe civilization, Dayan The world will become strong. "

"Okay, then we'll open the door to the people and gods leading to the world of Da Yan." The Emperor Zijin nodded and stood up.

Immediately, the two figures rushed out together.

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