Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1213: Law monster

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Ren Feng was about to catch Bai Lengxue. When he thought of catching Bai Lengxue, he could enjoy Bai Lengxue freely, and Ren Feng felt hot.

Of course, he also knew that if he did such a thing, I'm afraid he would have to be attached to the little prince in the future.

But at this moment he could not care about it anymore, in his eyes, there was only Bai Lengxue left.

Just before Bai Lengxue was caught in the palm of his hand, Bai Lengxue's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him.

The next moment, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of Ren Feng, holding Bai Lengxue, looking coldly at Ren Feng. A few were knocked out.

"You are just a ant, and you dare hit me." Ren Feng looked crazy, his palm seemed to turn into a mountain, and he hurled towards Ning Xiaochuan.

But before he hit himself, Ning Xiaochuan hugged Bai Lengxue and returned to his previous position in one step.

Looking down at Bai Lengxue in his arms and checking it slightly, Ning Xiaochuan's look of anxiety receded slightly.

Bai Lengxue was not seriously injured, but the virtual godhead seemed to be entangled with something, so for a moment, even consciousness would be lost.

"Little Houye, give her to me." Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianxi looked awkwardly, took over Bai Lengxue, and at the same time Yu Qianxi glanced at Ning Xiaochuan uneasily.

Just now, she saw that when Ning Xiaochuan was holding Bai Lengxue, one hand had completely touched the white skin exposed by Bai Lengxue.

Out of a woman's instinct, Yu Qianqian's Bai Lengxue was a big threat.

Ning Xiaochuan silently gave Bai Lengxue to Yu Qianqian, then looked back at Ye Chaofan and others.

At this moment Ren Feng had fallen in front of Ye Chaofan, and a group of people frowned, staring at Ning Xiaochuan continuously.

Ning Xiaochuan knows that this is the strength index of the other side when they glance at themselves.

After glancing several times, Ye Chaofan and others looked relaxed again.

"Little prince, everything just happened to be a coincidence. This kid dared to hit me. I will give him the slap just a thousand times back." Ren Feng's face had recovered, but his face was very angry and staring at Ning Ogawa said fiercely.

"I don't need your shot, this time I shot it myself to take him down." Ye Chaofan looked cold and hummed.

However, before Ye Chaofan took the shot, Ning Xiaochuan's voice suddenly came.

"You don't have to do anything, just get me down."

The figure appeared again in front of Ye Chaofan and others. With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, he caught Ye Chaofan's chest, and then threw Ye Chaofan directly on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan was extremely fast. None of the remaining people had escaped the calamity, and Ning Xiaochuan was thrown into the ground by one hand.

Bai Lengxue, lying in Yu Qianqian's arms, just woke up at this moment and looked at Ye Chaofan and others who were being played with by Ning Xiaochuan. She was suddenly stunned.

Immediately, some unbelievable she immediately began to scan the energy index of Ning Xiaochuan.

"The energy index of Ning Xiaochuan is 1.2! The energy index of the little prince is fourteen!"

Looking at this speechless data, Bai Lengxue was completely dull, and it seemed that his eyes had a problem.

Yu Qianqian and others looked calm, and they felt normal.

Especially the monk Tangan, when he saw that the fierce and overbearing little prince was finally beaten by Ning Xiaochuan, he shouted at Ning Xiaochuan without any regard to his imagination: "Ning Xiaochuan, the fat face, one Looking at the fat face is not bound, Ning Xiaochuan, leave one for the poor monk, so that the poor monk is also refreshed. "

Ning Xiaochuan stepped Ye Chaofan and others under his feet at the moment, but he did not completely subdue them immediately, but glanced at them coldly. When they could stand up, Ning Xiaochuan would slap them over again. .

Stepping on the ground with Ye Chaofan's face, Ning Xiaochuankou said coldly, "Don't you like to torture people like this, then today I will let you taste it too."

When they were in the Heavenly Pride Palace of the Kingdom of Truth, Ye Chaofan and others insulted the Tianjiao people from the Bapin civilization. But now they also end up like this, being insulted by Ning Xiaochuan wantonly.

Ye Chaofan's face hit by Ning Xiaochuan at the moment was red and swollen, and the gaze in his eyes almost burned everything in front of him.

After being stepped on the ground several times in succession by Ning Xiaochuan, he finally couldn't help anymore, roared loudly, and threw a punch at Ning Xiaochuan.

His fist didn't have any power, but the bracelet on his wrist suddenly broke away from Ye Chaofan at this moment and turned into a black metal man.

Immediately after the appearance of the metal man, he punched at Ning Xiaochuan with one punch.

The metal man doesn't seem to use any rules. The fist that is punched is just the most common fist, but the power of this fist has made everyone around him startled.

Ning Xiaochuan also changed his face, and as soon as his figure turned around, he appeared beside Yu Qianxi and others, waving a whirlwind and sending them all back to the God's Palace.

Yu Qianqian and others just entered the God Reserve Palace, and a layer of colorful film appeared around the God Reserve Palace. Apparently, the Emperor Zijin has already shot and protected the God Reserve Palace.

The metal man just punched out, although he did not hit Zhongning Xiaochuan, but the punch force penetrated the layers of space, directly punching a large hole in the ground of the planet.

This large hole penetrated the entire planet, but the punch did not seem to weaken, and it rushed towards the starry sky.

"What the **** is this? It's so powerful!" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the metal man in front of him in amazement.

The combat power shown by the metal man is extremely powerful, but it does not use any power of law at all.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this is my life-saving alchemy urn from my father Wang. You actually forced me to use it. You are dead today." Ye Chaofan climbed up from the ground with an angry look, staring coldly at Ning Ogawa.

He waved at this metal man, and this metal man unexpectedly returned to Ye Chaofan, as if it had become a stream of water, wrapping Ye Chaofan in the middle.

"Kill!" Ye Chaofan, who transformed into a metal man, screamed angrily.

Immediately, his figure killed Ning Xiaochuan again, which was different from the simple punch he had just known. At this moment, Ye Chaofan melted into the metal man, raised his hands and raised his feet, and even brought a rule. .

Ning Xiaochuan turned around and rushed into the starry sky above him.

This metal man is too strong. If you fight on the ground, I am afraid that the entire planet will collapse.

Opening up layers of space, Ning Xiaochuan's figure quickly moved away.

At that moment, the metal man was behind Ning Xiaochuan, breaking through the layers of space and chasing after him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I want you to die." Ye Chaofan's voice came from the metal man.

In fact, the second **** has no strength to shuttle long distances in the starry sky, but at this moment, neither Ning Xiaochuan nor this metal man is comparable to ordinary second gods. With the blessing of spiritual power, Ning Xiaochuan's strength has become too strong to be abnormal, and this metal Man is also a treasure of the Kingdom of Truth, powerful, otherwise King Yun will not be used to protect Ye Chaofan.

After traversing countless distances in the starry sky, Ning Xiaochuan's figure stopped abruptly and he turned around and watched the metal man getting closer.

"Generally, only when you cultivate to reach the realm of the gods can you be in full control of the rules. You can use various rules to create various powerful tricks, but I am different. The spiritual power I have learned can already suppress the rules, so even In the sub-god realm, these rules must also be obediently controlled by me, and today I officially began to create my own tricks. "

Standing in the starry sky, Ning Xiaochuan's mind kept thinking.

At the same time, all the laws of the world he had learned before were all beaten by Ning Xiaochuan.

The World Extinction Kendo and the World Extinction Knife Path formed a long river of sword energy and sword air around, and the World Extinction Fire Path burned a blazing fire in the surrounding starry sky ...

There are twelve kinds of laws of extinction. At this moment, all of them were beaten by Ning Xiaochuan.

He could only exhibit one way of extinction at a time, but at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was able to fight out the twelve ways of extinction together.

"Trash, all trash, Ning Xiaochuan, I'll grab you, search your soul, and see what secrets you have." Ye Chaofan's growling voice appeared.

In his anger, Ye Chaofan didn't even look closely at the rules around him. Otherwise, he would surely find out that these rules played by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment are the strongest destruction laws in the world.

However, Ning Xiaochuan ignored Ye Chaofan's roar, and stood on the starry sky, letting those starry storms blow his clothes.

With one hand holding in the air, Ning Xiaochuan moved slowly all the laws of the world around him at this moment.

With sword tactics as claws, knife paths as teeth, magic thunder roads as eyes, beast emperor roads as limbs ... a law beast composed entirely of rules, suddenly formed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.


Just like the same real beast, when the law beast appeared, it immediately gave out a loud roar, and the starry sky around it seemed to shake it.

Immediately, this law beast growled at the metal man before him.

The claws were torn, the teeth were gnawed away, and a thunder blasted on the metal man. The metal man was like a page of flat boats in the surging ocean, which was played by the beast of this law.

"Impossible, this is impossible." Ye Chaofan roared, but could not control the movement of the metal man at all.

After the beast roared loudly, the claws formed based on the extinct Kendo, caught the metal man in front of him.

Ye Chaofan's body slipped out of the metal man, and the metal man slowly shrank into a palm-sized humanoid sculpture.

Ning Xiaochuan beckoned and held the sculpture in his hands.

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