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Ye Xing’s Breaking Void God’s Eye has lost its effect, and it is no different from what naked eye sees.

Breaking Void God’s Eye, a total of 3 layers, Ye Xing cultivation to First Layer, you can see through a space, even if the starry sky is 100000000 million squares in the Mainland, Breaking Void God’s Eye’s eyes can penetrate, you can see where you want to see where.

However, the flames beside these two have the effect of blocking the eyes of Breaking Void God’s Eye, and Ye Xing Breaking Void God’s Eye cannot see through the flame.

The trail in front is not a straight line, it just bends forward several dozen meters looking towards the right, so outside the dozen dozen meters ahead, there is still a flame, and Breaking Void God’s Eye can’t see through …

2 In the side flames, the temperature is extremely hot. Ye Xing used small accomplishment Fire Dao to prevent it, destroying the Star Fire Seed and unable to attract it.

The hot sensation made Ye Xing feel a tingling tingle. Although the hot tingling of Top Grade King Body did not affect Ye Xing’s life, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

Ye Xing wanted to go up to the sky and take a look at the planet while standing above the flames, but found that in the sky shrouded an invisible strength. As long as his feet were off the ground, the invisible strength was like a mountain that could not be carried. Squeeze it down and immediately push Ye Xing back to the ground.

This flame planet cannot fly and cannot be penetrated by Eye Technique. Everything is unknown and confused. There is only one trail leading forward.

Ye Xing stared at the trail for a while, his eyes turned to the flame next to him, and he extended his right hand into the flame.

A sudden pain came, and Ye Xing’s palm came into contact with the flames and was immediately incinerated into ashes.

Like an electric shock, Ye Xing immediately withdrew the right hand, and flesh and blood grew back into the palm of his hand.

Looking at the flame next to 2, Ye Xing’s eyes are full of look of dreading. This flame is so frightening. If he enters it, he will soon be burned to burn to ashes, even if the flesh is reborn, it won’t last long.

Ye Xing’s eyes once again turned to the road ahead where I didn’t know where to go. There seemed to be no other feasible way besides moving along the road.

Ye Xing stepped forward, because the two legs could not be off the ground at the same time, his speed could not be fully exerted, each step was taken, and the steps taken by normal people were only about half a meter away.

Whenever Ye Xing wants to speed up, when the two feet are off the ground at the same time, the invisible strength will be suppressed. Ye Xing has no way at all, only step by step, just like ordinary mortals walking forward.

At such a speed, I am afraid that I can only walk 100 li or so for a whole day, and Ye Xing’s current flight speed is three thousand miles, which means that he can walk for about a month now.

The current speed seems to Ye Xing to be like a turtle crawling, it is too slow, but he can only go so slowly, there is no way.

This feeling of strength but unable to exert it was very embarrassing.

Ye Xing breathed deeply, spit out one mouthful of impure air, adjusted his mood, kept calm, and walked along the road, step by step.

This road is always curvy, and the straight line distance does not exceed 100 meters, so that Ye Xing can’t always see the situation in front, it can only go like a blind road, and go to the front full of unknowns.

While walking, Ye Xing has always been vigilant to guard against any danger in the fire beside Road 2. However, going all the way down is not dangerous except boring and boring.

From the beginning of the meteorite to the first test planet, from the first test planet to the second test planet, the second test planet to the third test planet, all have gone through a long boring flight, especially the second test planet to the third test planet. Ye Xing is even more A full month of flight in Void Passage.

With these boring experiences, Ye Xing is quite resistant to boring boredom.

And, Martial Artist cultivation, sometimes it ’s a year and a half, or even a few years, and I can stand the loneliness, so the first few months of Ye Xing’s advance along the road, not at all felt too boring.

However, when Ye Xing has been on the road in this flame for more than a year, the environment is still the same, there is an eternal flame next to 2, and there is no road that can not see the front and back, Ye Xing still feels depressed.

Along the way, Ye Xing at first in great spirits, always guarding against any danger in the flames next to 2, but after more than a year, no danger occurred, this way is only boring and lonely.

“The first test is a test of temperament, the second test is a test of strength, and this third test … should be the test of perseverance?”

Recalling that for more than a year, I have been walking on the road in the flames without danger and obstacles. Except for walking slowly, all the way is smooth. Only loneliness and boredom are accompanied, which is irritating and frustrating …

The thought of this test should be perseverance, the frustration in Ye Xing’s heart disappeared instantly, 2 eyes flashed out, and he continued to become aggressive.

The first test and the second test are both sad, and they cannot be defeated in this third test.

Since it is a test, there is always an end to this road …

Step by step, Ye Xing walked forward with hope in his heart. As long as he completed this test, he could get the Inheritance of Star Paragon.

A Paragon’s Inheritance, Ye Xing’s incomparable expectations, and expectations turned into motivation, driving Ye Xing forward, always maintaining high morale.

Time passed by Ye Xing step by step.

Another year has passed, beside Ye Xing 2, there is always an eternal flame, and there is always a road that cannot see the end …

“The end of the road is ahead … Star Inheritance is waiting for me!”

Ye Xing’s spirit has been kept in a state of excitement, and the hope rays of light in his eyes are not extinguished, and he continues to move forward.

Year 4 …

Year 5 …

Year 6 …


Time passed year after year, Ye Xing has been on the road in flames.

Rao is always thinking about it, Star Paragon’s Inheritance is waiting for him, but after 7 years of walking, he hasn’t come to an end, and Heart Force can’t help but feel exhausted and frustrated.

“Did I make a mistake …?”

“Will this be a fantasy, this road is practically endless, and I can’t finish it until I die …?”


As time went on, Ye Xing’s thoughts became more and more complicated. He began to doubt himself, and was no longer firmly convinced that Star Paragon’s Inheritance was waiting for him.

Ye Xing felt that his legs were getting heavier and harder, and it was more difficult to take a step than it was at first, which was because of mental exhaustion.

“Stop, this road has no end at all, all efforts are in vain, and it is just as if to continue …!”

In Ye Xing’s mind, a voice began to appear.

He was exhausted physically and mentally. He wanted to listen to this voice and stopped.

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