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Ye Xing thinks hard.

If there is no way, even if he hides in the hall space, once the 60-year period expires, the second test will be considered a failure and will be transmitted out of Secret Star Realm.

People always have to push to the desperate situation, and new ideas flash in their minds. Ye Xing has been thinking hard for several hours, and a single thought head suddenly pops up in his brain:

If different avenues are truly integrated into one, will there be a stronger strength?

At present, when Ye Xing attacks, you can incorporate the true meaning of the wind, the true meaning of Fire Dao, and the true meaning of darkness. However, this is only the convergence of three strengths. Not at all merges with each other. Although the formidable power has increased greatly, there is no qualitative breakthrough.

Ye Xing was thinking that if different avenues were truly integrated into one and became an inseparable whole, the power would be much stronger, just like two ropes. The strength of intertwining is stronger than that of side by side. many.

Flashing through this thought, Ye Xing thought more and more feasible. The true meaning of each avenue is extremely mysterious and contains great power. If the different avenues can be merged into one, then the strength of extreme mysterious and abstruse will collide. , Will definitely erupt the miracle of one plus one greater than two.

A kind of true meaning represents a kind of avenue. The fusion of true and true meaning is the collision between Tao and Tao, resulting in a strength of extremely mysterious and abstruse, which is almost beyond its gods. Ye Xing does not know that such strength is called ‘Divine’ in Martial Dao. Ability ‘.

Divine Ability requires great wisdom, great understanding, and even a great Good Fortune to be created. Even a True God expert can rarely create Divine Ability.

However, Ye Xing owns Superbrain, and his head calculates speed faster than True God expert. For him, he is afraid that there is no way and no way forward.

Once there is a way forward, the existence of Superbrain will greatly reduce the difficulty.

The mysterious real meaning of the wind, the real meaning of Fire Dao, and the true meaning of darkness were scanned into one after another by Superbrain.

These data are extremely complicated. With the brainpower of Quasi-God, it is impossible to study them, but in Ye Xing’s Superbrain, they are well organized.

Ye Xing tried to fuse the three kinds of real data, and as a result, the degree of complexity made Ye Xing’s Superbrain feel a little overwhelmed.

If we say that the three kinds of real data are all ten, then when they are combined, there will be ten by ten by ten permutations. There are a total of 3 kinds, and the difficulty is increased by 1000 times.

If the data are all 100, the permutation will be 100 times 100 times 100. There are 1,000,000 types, and the difficulty is increased by 10000 times.

Darkness, wind, and fire are three real meanings. Ye Xing has realized Small Accomplishment Realm. Superbrain has digitized it and the information is extremely complicated. It is more than 3 100000000. The fusion of three kinds of true meanings will be 10000 3 times 100000000 10000 times. No wonder Superbrain was struggling.

That combination of many times, Superbrain doesn’t know how long it will take to figure it out.

After many attempts, Ye Xing decisively stopped the fusion of 3 kinds of true meaning, and changed to 2 kinds of genuine meaning fusion. After many attempts, Ye Xing set the goal of fusion as 2 kinds of true meaning of fire and darkness.

Perhaps because of Astrology, Vermilion Bird Astrology contains Dao of Fire, and Blizzard Astrology contains Dao of Darkness. Ye Xing can clearly sense that Fire Dao’s true meaning and darkness really fit his body most, and the difficulty of integration is also difficult. lowest.

However, even with the least difficulty, the fusion of the two true meanings is extremely complicated.

True God can live for 30,000 years. Those who can create Divine Ability are in ten-thousand does not have one. From this, it can be seen that even if the difficulty is lower, that is only a relative term, and it takes a long time to try, explore, and verify.

The true meaning of darkness, the true meaning of Fire Dao, constant collision and fusion, time passes through repeated failures.

Over time, there have been more attempts, occasionally a little dawn, a little hope, and local fusion.

However, two different true intentions are truly integrated into one. It is obviously not feasible to rely on only a little local fusion. With a slight change, the local fusion will fall apart and become extremely unstable.

However, even if it is only a partial fusion, Ye Xing also feels powerful and surging power. It can be imagined that if it can be completely integrated successfully, there will definitely be two formidable powers of multiplying strength, not just addition.

With the phenomenon of local fusion, Ye Xing also occasionally left the space inside the hall to battle against the Iron Wing gold demon sculpture impersonated by the Palace Hall of Stars to verify the results in the battle.

The double verification of theory and practice can speed up the speed of success and take many detours.

Ye Xing will only leave the space of the hall once in a long time.

However, with the ebbing of time, Ye Xing’s effect on the fusion of the two kinds of meanings is getting larger and larger. Leaving the space inside the hall, the number of battles with the iron wing gold demon eagle has gradually become more frequent.

The greater the effect of true-meaning fusion, the more powerful the power, Ye Xing’s lethality to the iron wing gold demon eagle is getting stronger and stronger, the iron wing gold demon eagle can’t bear it, and gradually strengthens the supervision strength. After 2 heads, it became 3 heads.

Ye Xing has been immersed in the fusion of true meaning, and for the ebbing of time, he almost forgot, for him, in January or a year, it is unconsciously passing by.

One day after 6 years …

Ye Xing’s Superbrain, for the true meaning of darkness, Fire Dao, I do n’t know how many fusions have gone through, and how many local fusions have occurred halfway through. Finally, on this day, the 2 true fusions have appeared as qualitative progress and stable fusion .

Although the two kinds of true intentions cannot be called perfect, they are more than 2%. The two kinds of true intentions are fused together, inseparable, and the power of Ye Xing contains the frightening.

Ye Xing extend the hand refers to a black flame arrow that emerges from his fingertips. The black flame arrows are as dark as ink and extremely hot, which is the fusion of the true meaning of darkness and the true meaning of Fire Dao. And with the power of Dao of Bow, it has the ultimate penetrating power.

This black flame arrows, once penetrated the defense, the damage caused is absolutely devastating.

Looking at the black flame arrows at the fingertips, Ye Xing slowly said, “You are a fusion of the true meaning of darkness and the true meaning of Fire Dao. Call you the” Dark Fire Dao arrow “!”

Dark Fire Dao arrow sounds like a very common name, but accumulating of power and power are by no means ordinary.

Looking at the dark Fire Dao arrows, Ye Xing took a deep breath, and his face showed a happy look: “Now, it’s time to clean up the iron wing gold demon eagles.”

As soon as Ye Xing thought, he left the space inside the palace. The imitation of the Palace Hall of Stars shrank and was closed by Ye Xing.

At this moment, in addition to the Palace Hall of Stars imitations, there are 3 iron winged gold eagles guarding them. Their response speed is extremely fast, and Ye Xing appears as soon as he appears, locked by their sharp eyes.

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