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Palace Lord God, that’s legend in Dark Star Shrine.

Ye Xing was summoned by the Lord of the Palace Lord. The genius character in Xue Baotong’s Quasi-God disciple did not dare to violate the willpower of the Lord of the Palace Lord.

However, seeing Xue clothely reconciled, Xue Baotong also knew that Ye Xing would not die, and Xue Ying’s heart disease was difficult to get rid of.

As a member of the same family, and worshipped under the door of Xue Yinan as senior and junior brothers, they still have feelings for each other. Furthermore, the killing of Xue Family children by Ye Xing also made Xue Baotong unhappy.

Xue Baotong thought for a moment and said, “Ye Xing was summoned by the Emperor to kill him in the Dark Star Shrine. It is impossible, but if he left the Dark Star Shrine, any Martial Artist would go outside and fall. Maybe it will be hopeless to kill him again. “

Xue Ying’s eyes suddenly flashed: “Yes, if Ye Xing leaves Dark Star Shrine, he will have a chance to kill him. At that time, he will have to rely on 2 Senior Brothers.”


Star Origin Tower Third Layer.

The strong star power has almost condensed into the visible essence of naked eye. Surrounded by this, even if the technology is not running, the star power is drilled into the inside of the body.

If technology is used, the vitality of the stars will be absorbed by the river like a galloping river.

Ye Xing sits in the center of the cultivation room and runs the Profound Level Top Grade Falling Star Art, the highest realm, with a body like a bottomless pit, absorbing the vitality of the stars all around.

Deep star strength, converging in Ye Xing all around, turned into a vortex visible by naked eyes, Ye Xing’s cultivation base progress, one day, a thousand miles.

Time passed day after day, and soon a month passed.

Ye Xing not at all I have received a challenge from anyone, and continue to cultivate in the Star Origin Tower Third Layer. I will not cultivate to become the King of Nine Stars in one breath.

Even a nirvana Quasi-God Xue Ye was defeated by Ye Xing, and the matter has spread throughout Inner Sect.

The gate of ‘Arrow Emperor’ Ye Xing, except for the disciple that is not rushing outside, the entire Dark Star Shrine’s disciple, whether it is Inner Sect outer sect or Core Disciples, I am afraid everyone knows.

Even the True God expert who set up on high has heard about Ye Xing. After all, in addition to defeating Xue Ying, Ye Xing has also been received by the Palace Lord.

There is no doubt that Arrow Emperor Ye Xing is the most popular character of Dark Star Shrine during this time. No one knows for a time, known to everyone.

Ye Xing’s strength is strong, Inner Sect Disciples only has a deep admiration for him, no one dares to challenge, after all, no Inner Sect Disciples thinks that he has other Divine Level capabilities.

Therefore, Ye Xing does not need to leave the Star Origin Tower every month. If no one challenges, Ye Xing will still be the first of the Inner Sect, and he can continue to cultivate in the Star Origin Tower Third Layer.

Time hastily passed, month after month, year after year, Ye Xing has been in the Star Origin Tower Third Layer, retreating hard.

Massive star power was absorbed by Ye Xing refining, which enabled Ye Xing’s cultivation base to continue to consolidate and improve. After more than 3 years of accumulation, Ye Xing’s cultivation base finally reached the step of breaking silkworms into butterflies. With qualitative breakthrough.

This day.

The star power of the entire Stars Tower is rioting. Just outside the stars tower, there are countless star power, being pulled by the invisible strength, coming from the directions in the sky and converging together.

Above the Star Origin Tower, a huge star energy vortex appeared, hanging upside down, like a funnel, and the continuously vital star energy poured into the Star Origin Tower Third Layer.

The cultivation room of the Third Layer has been filled by the star power. Ye Xing is at the center of the star power, not only the whole body meridian, but even the whole body’s 100000000 10000 pores are absorbing the star power frantically and heading towards the Star Ocean Boundary Ninth Layer.

The whole process lasted one hour.

The vortex of the stars in the sky was thin and finally dispersed, but there was a wave of frightening breath, which emanated from the Third Layer of the Star Origin Tower.

Third Layer, in the cultivation room, Ye Xing has stood up, his cultivation base has broken through the Star Ocean Boundary Ninth Layer, and has become the king of Nine Stars. In Star Moon Continent, he can be regarded as an emperor.

Ye Xing’s Star Astral has a qualitative breakthrough. When he was the King of Seven Stars, Profound Level Top Grade Falling Star Art had been cultivated to the limit. The strength of Star Astral was not weaker than that of Nine Stars.

Now, the strength of Ye Xing’s Star Astral has undergone 2 cultivation base breakthroughs and continued to be strengthened. Compared with the Star Astral strength of King Nine Stars, it is more than 2 grades, which is almost comparable to a Nirvana Quasi-God that has experienced Nirvana. ratio.

Ye Xing made a fist, and felt that the body was full of frightening strength. Between the hands and feet, there was a vast divine force, moving mountains and suppressing seas.

“Become the King of Nine Stars, you can finally re-enter Sky Bow Mainland and get all the inheritance of Sky Bow True God’s …”

“And, be able to enter Secret Star Realm and explore the hidden treasure of Star Paragon …”

Ye Xing’s thoughts turned and he was extremely happy, and he had been waiting for a long time on this day.


Ye Xing cultivation base breakthrough, the Dark Star Emperor immediately sensed it. Like Ye Xing, the Dark Star Emperor also showed joy.

Tiangong True God is a legend in the streamer world. It is the highest expert in True God. All the inheritance left by Tiangong True God is also very interested in even the stars.

In particular, Truebow True God once gained great opportunities in Secret Star Realm, and Dark Star Emperor also entered Secret Star Realm when he was King of Nine Stars, but did not get much.

Dark Star has always wanted to know what great opportunities True Sky God gained in Secret Star Realm.

Now, finally, and the hope of knowing, his soul willpower will enter Tiangong Mainland with Ye Xing. Everything Ye Xing goes through, he will perceive it clearly.

Dark Star is also the same as the True God of Heaven ’s bow at that time. He stays at the limit of True God and wants to ask Martial Dao Paragon but he has no direction. He is anxious to know some Secret Star Realm’s secrets in order to be able to peep through them. Ask Paragon.

Leaving the Star Origin Tower, Ye Xing and Feng Xiaoxiao and other Disciple from Star Moon Continent met.

In the past 3 years, many Outer Sect Disciples breakthroughs have become Inner Sect Disciples, and Feng Xiaoxiao has become the King of Six Stars.

According to Feng Xiaoxiao, Zhuo Feifan broke through the Seven Stars King and became the first person in this session to become King of Venerable Level except Ye Xing.

Feng Xiaoxiao and Zhuo Feifan are the outstanding geniuses in this session of Ye Xing’s disciple, but under Ye Xing’s rays of light, they all look dim …


Dark Star Shrine, teleporting great hall.

There is a 7-level teleportation array here, and the strong strength can transmit a number of 1 billion miles to reach any area of ​​the Dark Star Continent.

However, the 7-level teleportation array is very expensive. It is not a critical moment, and the Dark Star Shrine will not be turned on.

Ye Xing passed the 6-level teleportation array, left Dark Star Shrine, and arrived at the city closest to the Tiangong Mainland entrance.

Then, continue through the teleportation array in the city to reach the Tiangong Mainland entrance.

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