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Ye Xing lifted his hand, and Middle Grade Divine Armament ‘Green Sand Divine Wood Bow’ appeared in his hand.

Cang Yan destroys virtual arts of arrow. Ye Xing waved a bow, bringing out a pale flame bow shadow, full of violent strength.


Kong Peng’s mirage was useless in front of Ye Xing. The flame bow shadow accurately hit Kong Peng’s real body, blocking Kong Peng’s attack.

Ye Xing motionless as mountain, the silk is not moving, but Kong Peng, like a heavy blow, startedled, his body burst out and shot backwards, and he fell back to the ground, blinking back to the edge of the challenge stage in a blink of an eye. A blow hit the ring.

The fight between two people was a long story, but it was instantaneous.

Kong Peng is the first of the Inner Sect. The strength cannot be said to be not strong. Quasi-God is not out. No one is his opponent. It is difficult to take him with the Realm King Nine Stars.

But Ye Xing’s strength, even without using Black Hole Astrology and Sagittarius Astrology, is far from being the Nine Stars King. Mention on equal terms Kong Peng is certainly not an opponent.

This result is not only unexpected by Kong Peng, but also unexpected by Inner Sect Disciples. Although Ye Xing is only the cultivation base of Star Ocean Boundary Eighth Layer, its strength can be considered as extraordinary.

Kong Peng was even more horrified, but it was the green sandalwood Divine Wood bow in Ye Xing’s hand, the sound shocked: “Middle Grade Divine Armament?”

His only superiority is the Divine Armament in his hand, which is extremely rare in Inner Sect Disciples. Didn’t expect that Ye Xing is higher than him in Divine Armament. Divine Armament in his hand turned out to be Middle Grade.

Regardless of breath, Astrology, Divine Armament, strength, Kong Peng was completely suppressed by Ye Xing. Only the cultivation base is higher than the Ye Xing First Layer, but … nothing else will work. The cultivation base is higher than the First Layer. Appearing in a panic, Kong Peng’s fighting spirit suddenly fell into thousand zhang. In front of Ye Xing, he only had inferiority.

“Remember, my name is Ye Xing and my name is ‘Arrow Emperor’.”

Ye Xing loudly shouted, a silhouette like light, appeared instantly in front of Kong Peng, and the bow of Divine Wood swept away, and another flame bow burst out.

The speed of the flame bow shadow was too fast, exceeding the limit of the king’s reaction, Kong Peng could not avoid it, and he had to wave against it.


The flame bow drew on Kong Peng’s palms, and there was an explosion. Kong Peng immediately spit blood, shot backward, and flew off the challenge stage.

Ye Xing, win easily.

Inner Sect Disciples, look at each other in dismay, expression shocked.

They expected that this battle would end very quickly and one side would easily win, but they felt that it was Kong Peng who won easily, but Ye Xing won easily.

An King of Eight Stars, an unknown new disciple, defeated Kong Peng and became the first disciple of Inner Sect. This result is difficult for the Inner Sect Disciples to accept.

Some of them have been in cultivation for more than 100 years, and some have been in cultivation for more than 100 years. Many of them have stayed in the realm of Star Ocean Boundary Ninth Layer. In my heart, it is not taste.

However, regardless of the taste in their hearts, Kong Peng was defeated.

Even Kong Peng is not an opponent of Ye Xing’s, they are naturally not an opponent.

Ye Xing was originally a nameless person, but now everyone knows his name and even remembers his title ‘Arrow Emperor’.

Of course, for the ‘Arrow Emperor’ title, many disciples of the cultivation Dao of Bow are very good.

Immediately there was a disciple that refined Dao of Bow, and he went to Ye Xing: “Dare to be named” Arrow Emperor “, you are really brave. You thought that among Dao of Bow Kings, you were invincible in the whole world. No one is Are you your opponent? “

Arrow Emperor’s title is Wei Qingxuan’s title, and Ye Xing also likes it.

Today, Wei Qingxuan is not around. Ye Xing misses it. The title given by Wei Qingxuan will naturally be maintained.

Ye Xing’s eyes were like electricity, and he looked at the Inner Sect Disciples with a cold voice: “I’m Arrow Emperor. If you don’t like it, just fight.”

That disciple’s neck shrunk. He was in the Inner Sect leaderboard, outside the 50th, and even the top ten was far worse than that. How dare he fight Iner Sect’s first Ye Xing.

Ye Xing’s eyes glanced at all the Inner Sect Disciples: “I am the Arrow Emperor. Anyone who feels wrong should go to war.”

Touching Ye Xing’s gaze, the Inner Sect Disciples all bowed their heads to dodge.

Kong Peng is already strong enough. In the Inner Sect, no one can be defeated. Ye Xing, as a Dao of Bow Martial Artist, has not yet shot an arrow. He just beats the bow and defeats him. Xing’s strength is far better than Kong Peng, who dares to fight Ye Xing.

“Little King, a big breath …!”

A coldly shouted sound came from afar, the sound was full of disdain and resentment, and a mighty frightening.


The words fell, a long rainbow thread crossed the sky and stopped over, exposing a young silhouette.

This person is walking in the void, over the Inner Sect area, flying, and is a Quasi-God.

The eyes of all the disciples looked at the youngster in the air, and many disciples folded their hands and said, “I have seen Xue Ying Senior Brother.”

Kong Peng is the same. In the face of ‘Xue Ying Senior Brother’, expression of respect.

Xue Ying, but a nirvana Quasi-God, Core Disciples, is a lot higher than Inner Sect Disciples.

Ye Xing’s eyes, cast to Xue Ying, expression as usual: “This Senior Brother, my title is Arrow Emperor, it seems … can’t get in your way?”

Xue Ying stared at Ye Xing, with a killing intent in his eyes: “What shit is yours, it doesn’t matter about the gods, but you kill me Younger Brother Xue purple clothed, but the gods have to count with you.”

Xue purple clothed …

This is a name that is silent in the memory of Ye Xing. If no one mentioned it, Ye Xing would never think of it.

In Tiangong Mainland, Xue purple clothed pursued Ye Xing and was killed by Ye Xing. Only Hu Yanlong saw it with Eye Technique.

Later, Hu Yanlong was shot and killed by Ye Xing with a broken arrow, but Hu Yanlong killed Ye Xing by purpuring cloth and told another disciple.

It seems that some of those disciples told the news to the Xue Family.

Seeing for himself that Hu Yanlong who killed Xue purple clothed was dead, Ye Xing would never admit it, saying: “Xue Ying Senior Brother is wrong. When did I kill Xue purple clothed?”

Xue Ying’s eyes were fierce: “This is what Hu Yanlong saw with his own eyes. Although Hu Yanlong died, she is the younge Brother’s fiancee, and she will never invent my Younger Brother’s cause of death, Ye Xing, you killed in Tiangong Mainland same sect, this is a death sin, and today God will take your life to sacrifice my Younger Brother in the spirit of heaven! “

Xue Ying said that kill and kill, Sacred level ‘Wind Astrology’ operates, and take out a Low Grade Divine Armament treasured sword.

“Tian Ning Ning Sha Jian Jue!”

Xue Ying’s sword pinch, Low Grade Divine Armament rays of light is brilliant, bursting out of the horrible sword, out of the blue, straight cut Ye Xing.

In addition to the challenge stage, Inner Sect Disciples all turned pale with fright. Didn’t expect Xue Ying to be in Dark Star Shrine. He even said that he would take a shot and then retreated to the 4 parties.

However, I thought Xue Ying avenged his brother. Many disciples could understand Xue Ying’s emotions.

However, Ye Xing, who has just won the first place in the door, is terrible. In the view of Inner Sect Disciples, Quasi-God is furious, Ye Xing will die.

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