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Ye Xing slightly smiled.

Today, he has decided to kill Xing Chengji. He must kill Xing Chengji for revenge for Heavenly Emperor Xing Han.

Ye Xing’s eyes sharpened and said, “Xing Chengji, then we will have a decisive battle of life and death. Do n’t run away, do n’t allow others to intervene, until one party dies. How about that?”

Do n’t run away, do n’t let anyone else intervene until one party dies!

Ye Xing said these 3 conditions. Xing Chengji has only joy in his heart. This is exactly the condition he wants to put forward. Otherwise, Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue are glare like a tiger watching his prey. Killing Ye Xing is not easy.

However, Ye Xing’s intensely penetrating strength has a taste that goes straight into the heart and into the soul, which makes Xing Chengji feel very uncomfortable.

Xing Chengji is still very self-confidence, that uncomfortable feeling was ignored by him, chuckled: “Okay !! Come on, I’d like to see, you little king, what can you do!”

The words fell, and Xing Chengji flashed into the distance like a stream of light, and he was about six fifty kilometers away in one breath.

The killing intent in Ye Xing’s eyes gradually solidified, Wings of Clear Sky appeared behind him, and the silhouette was like the same stream of light, also dying 6 fifty kilometers away from Xing Chengji, and still kept fifty kilometers away.

Seeing the Wings of Clear Sky behind Ye Xing and Xing Chengji’s coldly smiled, he said, “How do you dare to fight against this god, it turns out that you have the flying Divine Tool, haha ​​… this is a good baby, just when you are Here is a great gift for God. “

While speaking, Xing Chengji shot like lightning, while using Sacred level Astrology-White Tiger Astrology. On a golden star, there is a huge White Tiger illusory shadow, roar towards the sky.


Suddenly, Divine Armament ‘Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal’ has been taken out by Xing Chengji. The 4 Fang Baoyin has become the size of a mountain, golden light is bright, with frightening extreme strength, suppressing Ye Xing.

Although the Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal is large, the speed is not slow, and the distance of fifty kilometers is almost instantaneous.

However, compared to Ye Xing’s speed, this Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal is too slow. When the Wings of Clear Sky slaps, Ye Xing flashes like a streamer, which easily avoids Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal’s attack.


Xing Chengji expressed his surprise that his attack speed was much faster than the mobile speed, more than 8 fifty kilometers, and one point faster than the speed of 2 niches Quasi-God. Ye Xing escaped easily, really weird.

This shows that Ye Xing’s speed is far more than 6 fifty kilometers.

“Is it the Middle Grade Flying Divine Tool?” Xing Chengji said secretly in one’s heart.

As for the true meaning of the wind of small accomplishment, Xing Chengji didn’t think about it at all. As Quasi-God, he knew how difficult it was to achieve small accomplishment of true meaning. Ye Xing is the king, and he can achieve the original meaning of the wind , It is already very bad.


From the perspective of the star-defying Quito, a finger pointed at the arrow and suddenly broke into the sky. Ye Xing used Sagittarius Astrology and Vermilion Bird Astrology.

Ye Xing’s moving speed is too fast, and immediately behind Xing Chengji, Xing Chengji startled.

Suddenly, Xing Chengji within the body golden light bloomed to form a golden mask body, while Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal swept out a golden light blade and cut it back.

Relying on the strength of the protective body astral qi, and the life strength of the god body, Xing Chengji carried Ye Xing, a finger, and seized the opportunity to attack Ye Xing.

The golden arrow was just hitting the hood of the golden arrow, and the golden light blade had been cut.

Xing Chengji’s judgment on the penetrating power of the finger stalk was severely erroneous. His shield, golden light, was like a foam, broken by Ye Xing.

The sharp fingers suddenly pierced into Xing Chengji’s Divine Physique.

However, this sharp finger came fast and fast. Seeing that the golden light blade was about to split off Ye Ye’s body, Ye Xing abruptly retreated, and immediately exited several kilometers, and all the golden light blade’s attacks were missed.

At this speed, not to mention Xing Chengji, even Quasi-Gods in the distance are surprised. At this extreme speed, it is extremely difficult to meet each other. Xing Chengji’s situation is Not good.


Suddenly, Ye Xing struck from another direction, still a finger dart with extreme speed and extreme penetrating power.

With the last experience of Xing Chengji, he simply combined Star Astral and Divine Physique to defend his body surface. Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal also split the golden light blade and killed Ye Xing.

For his Divine Physique, Xing Chengji is very self-confidence. He has an Undying Body and hardly carries Ye Xing’s attack, but Ye Xing is only the king. As long as he is hit once, it is the result of his death.

Xing Chengji is absolutely unexpected, Ye Xing also has Undying Body, but Ye Xing not at all uses the Undying Body to play desperately.

The same is the Undying Body, but as Xing Chengji’s Quasi-God, Life Strength is much more than Ye Xing, and desperately is not cost-effective for Ye Xing.

And with Ye Xing’s strength, there is no need to use a desperate style of play.

Ye Xing repeatedly came to Xing Chengji from different directions. Xing Chengji relied on the advantages of Divine Physique and motionless as mountain to destroy the sword and counterattack in Jin Gang Heaven Subduing Seal. Soon, 2 people have already Pay dozens of times.

Each time, Ye Xing’s refers to the stern arrow, penetrates Xing Chengji’s external defense, and also causes some damage to Divine Physique, but always when the formidable power is about to erupt completely, the golden light blade kills, Ye Xing retreated immediately.

Although Ye Xing has not been brought to Yijiao by Xing Chengji, the slight injury that Xing Chengji suffered was also the same as that of no injuries.

“Ye Xing, your attack is like a mosquito bite, but God ca n’t do it, and God only needs to attack once to kill you and keep coming … I see how many times you can avoid! “

Xing Chengji shouted loudly. Although he was shocking at Ye Xing’s strength, he was still confident.

Even though Ye Xing speed is super fast, but Xing Chengji thinks that he is invincible, if Ye Xing flees, he can’t catch up, but the two people are committed to a decisive battle of life and death. As long as Ye Xing dares to keep fighting, he will Confidently, you will always hit Ye Xing once and kill Ye Xing.


Another starlight soared into the sky. Ye Xing used Black Hole Astrology, and Dark World immediately shrouded the star base.

Ye Xing’s shuttle through Dark World is even more silent.

Xing Chengji opened Martial Dao Divine Eyes, and Quasi-God’s suppression of the king made his eyesight in Dark World, which can also be seen outside the fifty kilometers.

Each time, Xing Chengji was carried hard by the Divine Physique, and then the golden light blade carried out a ranged attack. It did not require the exact location of Ye Xing’s, as long as he knew the big position. Therefore, Black Hole Astrology for this battle The impact is not great.

Xing Chengji laughed and said, “Ye Xing, this is already your last cards in one’s hand, haha ​​… You have a long way to go with this god!”

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