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With Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue escorting all the way, naturally there were no accidents on the way.

Not long after, everyone came to the connection between Star Moon Continent and the Foreign Star Land. It was located in a canyon among the mountains, with a Space Crack.

Ye Xing, Wei Qingxuan, Emperor Kuang Tian, ​​and Emperor Fengyang 4 people, shuttled through Space Crack and entered Foreign Star Land.

Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue tried it, and it was blocked by heaven and earth rules, as said in the message.

Foreign Star Land, Ye Xing 4 people appear above a mountain, all around are endless mountains.

4 people fell on the mountain and looked at all directions. Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan performed Eye Technique and looked towards far away to explore the environment.

Ye Xing’s eyes will continue to extend until the end of the World, a rough estimate, this is a Foreign Star Land with a number of hundred thousand li.

Moreover, Ye Xing’s expression was a little surprised, he saw the number of Native Persons living on this star land.

These Native Persons, 5 organs, and 4 limbs are no different from normal humans, but in terms of height and physique, they must be much higher than normal humans. Adult men are more than 3 meters tall and have muscles containing frightening strength.

Even women, each and everyone are tall and physically strong. According to Ye Xing’s visual observation, these Native Persons, regardless of male or female, have fleshly body strength that is not inferior to the King of Star Ocean Boundary.

More than 50% of the number of squares of the thousand thousand li are oceans and seas, and the other 50% are 30% mountainous. The places where the Native Person lives are only about 20%.

But even so, the number of Native Persons is an astronomical figure. These Native Persons live in a tribal situation. There are only a few people in the tribe, and there are only 100 in the large number. Large and small tribes are sufficient. There are more than a dozen tribes of 1000000 and 10000 people.

Even in the most central area of ​​Xinglu, there is one of the largest tribes, with a population of 10000000 million people.

That can no longer be called a tribe, but a huge country. A tall Native Person built a huge city with a radius of 1000 miles. In this city, Ye Xing found the Xingluo Cloud Fruit Tree. There are dozens of star Luo Yunguo.

Since the purpose of coming to this Foreign Star Land is for Xingluo Yunguo, Ye Xing has naturally made preparations. He has watched the information about Xingluo Yunguo.

Ye Xing secretly took a breath.

In this city, about 70% of adults, and adults have the power of the king, which is equivalent to having 30-40 million kings.

Even if all the Kings of the Star Moon Continent add up, they cannot reach the hundred thousand, and a tribe in this small Foreign Star Land has terrifying a Native Person with 30-40 million equivalent to the strength of the King.

Ye Xing saw many Native Persons of King of Equivalent to Venerable Level and bowed to the Star Tree Cloud Fruit Tree, with a sincere attitude. It can be seen that the Native Person took the Star Tree Cloud Fruit Tree very seriously.

In addition, the location of the Xingluo Cloud Fruit Tree, all around ten miles away, was surrounded by high walls. Above the high walls, there were always hundreds of Native Persons standing guard and sentry posts.


Ye Xing was suddenly surprised. He carefully searched the huge city with 10000000 million Native Persons, but found a team of human kings.

This is a team of 5 people, all 5 being Nine Stars the Great.

Ye Xing recognizes 4 of them, namely the ‘10000, 9 Elephant King ‘of Astrology Palace, the’ King of the Great King ‘of Sealing Devil Valley, the’ 1 Candle King ‘of Mystic Yin Palace, and the’ Golden Rock King ‘of Golden Lion Sect.

Also there is a person emperor, Ye Xing has also seen outside the Astrology Palace, but I do not know which Sect emperor.

These 5 emperors lurk in the mountain jungles outside the city. They are restrained and blend into the environment around all around. They are silent, even if someone is nearby, they will not be found.

However, under Ye Xing’s Breaking Void God’s Eye, there is no camouflage effect at all. Ye Xing’s eyes can be easily seen at a glance.

The Kuang Tian emperor saw Ye Xing in amazement and asked, “Ye Xing, what did you find?”

Ye Xing’s Breaking Void God’s Eye still looked into the distance, smiled lightly, and said, “I saw some acquaintances, 10000 stars, seals, Xuan 9 candles, Jinyan, and there is a person unknown Nine Stars Emperor, a total of 5 people lurking outside the city with the Fruit Tree of the Xingluo Cloud, I wonder if their purpose is the Xingluo Yunguo in the city, or … I! “

The Emperor Kuang Tian was slightly surprised, saying: “The Sect Masters of their 4 Sects all came in. I’m afraid it’s not just as simple as plotting the star Luo Yunguo. I see … their real purpose is you.”

The Emperor Fengyang also said, “Seal the Old Guy even here. He is not simple. He is the first expert under Quasi-God. I am afraid that I will destroy Divine Armament and I can only compete with him. If he also brings With Divine Armament, the strength is almost equal to Quasi-God mention on equal terms, which is difficult to deal with. “

Kuang Tian the Great is nodded. Obviously, he is also very afraid of tying down the Great.

Ye Xing corner of the mouth raised, saying: “Anyway, their lurking can’t escape my eyes. They think they are in the dark, actually I’m in the dark, they’re in the dark, and they want to plot against me, there is no door. “

While speaking, Ye Xing’s eyes continued to pierce forward, saying: “I’ll check this Xinglu first to see if there are any other gains.”

Breaking Void God’s Eye’s gaze, shuttled in the sky, seen a piece of land, and when he saw the end in one direction, Ye Xing changed direction.

Hundred thousand li squares can be considered extremely wide, but Ye Xing only glanced roughly with his eyes. How fast is the speed, and he saw most of this star and land within a quarter of an hour.

When the eyes of Breaking Void God’s Eye suddenly shuttled into a sea of ​​fire, Ye Xing’s expression was a joy.

It’s Beyond-Heaven Fire!

This sea of ​​fire, continuous several tens of thousands of li, reached the edge of the star and land, but the sea of ​​fire did not end at the edge of the star and land, but extended beyond the star and land, turning into a river of flames, wafting into the sky and stars outside the sky, All the way to Ye Xing.

Ye Xing saw the extremely frightening flame energy from this extraterrestrial sea of ​​fire. Compared with the flame torrent that Ye Xing last encountered in the outer sky, the Beyond-Heaven Fire there must have reached the Divine Level.

In this sea of ​​fire, the nearby ten thousand li or so are all barren. Barren and the nearby several tens of thousands of li are not inhabited by Native Persons. Presumably, for the native person of this star land, it is simply a restricted area.

However, Ye Xing looked at this frightening sea of ​​fire, but his joy was getting stronger and stronger, and he said, “I have a way to deal with them.”

The Emperor Kuang Tian and the Emperor Fengyang both had bright eyes and said, “What’s the solution?”

Ye Xing said with a smile: “My Wings of Clear Sky can swallow other green gold to upgrade the grade. I have Divine Level green gold material on my body, which can promote Wings of Clear Sky to Divine Tool.

However, I did not refine the green flames of Divine Level. I found a large sea of ​​fire on the edge of the star land. The flames in the ground can enhance my Star Fire Seed grade.

Wait for my Star Fire Seed to evolve, refining Divine Level green gold, Wings of Clear Sky to reach Divine Level, then my speed will reach quasi-Divine Level, even faster than ordinary Quasi-God, with quasi-Divine Level speed, hehe … then they will be difficult! “

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