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Realizing that Ye Xing’s face had changed, Wei Qingxuan asked, “Elder Brother Ye Xing, what’s wrong?”

Ye Xing looked back and said, “The Star Moon Continent has changed. Although it was expected, didn’t expect it so quickly. In just a few years, the Big Dipper Dynasty fell apart, and Big Dipper Sword Sect has only one lone city. “

6 years ago, Dark Star Shrine recruited Disciple in Star Moon Continent, and Astrology Palace returned to 2 Nirvana Quasi-God ‘Xing Yinshang’, becoming the only 2 Nirvana Quasi-God of Star Moon Continent, breaking the Star Moon Continent for 10000 years Since the balance.

At that time, Ye Xing knew that Star Moon Continent was about to change, and the situation would change dramatically.

However, Big Dipper Sword Sect, as the Inheritance of Four Stars Sect with 10000 years, is very powerful, but Ye Xing didn’t expect it. Only 6 years, this day has changed.

Even the ‘Big Dipper City’ lone city has only the inner city area. It is still in the hands of Big Dipper Sword Sect, and the outer city has fallen.

In the outer city, Ye Xing saw 3 Quasi-God experts: Astrology Palace’s ‘Xing Chengji’, Sealing Devil Valley’s ‘Feng Hao’, Mystic Yin Palace’s ‘玄 玄’, 6 years ago Ye Xing participated in Dark Star Shrine I’ve seen all the disciple selections.

With the skills of Ye Xing photographic memory, I can’t forget them.

Astrology Palace, Sealing Devil Valley, and Mystic Yin Palace all have Quasi-God experts. They sit outside the city of Big Dipper, and there are many kings of Star Ocean Boundary. It can be seen that Big Dipper Sword Sect is always surrounded.

Up to within the city, two of the Big Dipper Sword Sect, Quasi-God Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue, were sitting in the sect protecting. The two people looked sad, apparently because of the current situation of Big Dipper Sword Sect.

Astrology Palace, Sealing Devil Valley, and Mystic Yin Palace have laid down the entire Big Dipper dynasty, and are unable to siege the inner city of Big Dipper alone. Ye Xing guesses that it should be the Dragon Destiny dynasty that the Big Dipper dynasty has accumulated for 10000 years.

Ye Xing relied on the name of the Big Dipper dynasty to get the place to participate in the selection of the Dark Star Shrine disciple. Moreover, he and Feng Xiaoxiao are also best friends. Big Dipper Sword Sect is in trouble and he must not leave without a consultant.

Ye Xing expression is so deep, deep in his eyes, there is a killing intent revealed, saying: “Qingxuan, let’s go to Big Dipper Sword Sect!”

Wei Qingxuan nodded, the two flew away in a flash, and went in the direction of Big Dipper Sword Sect.

On the way, Ye Xing continued to use Breaking Void God’s Eye to observe the situation of several other dynasties.

Astrology Palace, Sealing Devil Valley, and Mystic Yin Palace all hit the doorstep of Big Dipper Sword Sect. This three great dynasties are naturally worry-free. Ye Xing mainly observes the Golden Lion dynasty, the giant Spirit King dynasty, and the Zhanyue dynasty. Great Power.

The Golden Lion dynasty, not at all what changes, Quasi-God ‘Golden City’ did not sit in the Golden Lion Sect.

Golden Lion Sect does not have a Quasi-God seat, but not at all was captured by forces such as Astrology Palace, Sealing Devil Valley, and Mystic Yin Palace. As a result, I am afraid there is only one-Golden Lion Sect has taken on these 3 Great Power forces.

When Ye Xing observed the Giant Spirit King, he confirmed this. Jinhong City was attacking the Great Spirit Sect with the strength of Astrology Palace and Sealing Devil Valley 2 Great Power.

Like the Great Dipper Sword Sect, the Great Spirit Sect lives in dynasty, leaving only the inner city of the king, which is still in its own hands.

At this moment, Astrology Palace’s 2 Nirvana Quasi-God ‘Xing Yinshang’, Sealing Devil Valley Quasi-God ‘Feng Nong Ying’ are leading many kings to besiege the inner city of Djinn City.

Great Spirit Sect Quasi-God ‘Lu Zhenghong’, Dragon Destiny, who controls the Spirit King dynasty, is fighting Quasi-God, Xing Yinshang, Feng Nongying and Jin Hongcheng.

Dragon Destiny from the Spirit King is a blue giant dragon, which has a number of thousand zhangs. It is entrenched in the inner city of the giant spirit. It is very powerful. It is against Xing Yinshang and Feng Nongying.

However, the Dynasty Dragon Destiny is not endless. The Giant Spirit King Dynasty has already survived. Dragon Destiny loses its source. For every one point consumed, one point is lost. Although Xing Yinshang, Feng Nongying, and Jin Hongcheng cannot defeat the Dragon of the Dragon King, Destiny, but the purpose is probably to consume. When the Dragon Destiny towards the Spirit King reaches a certain level and the strength weakens, you can break it and destroy the Great Spirit Sect.

However, the dynasty Dragon Destiny has experienced 10000 years of accumulation and is extremely surging. I am afraid that it cannot be consumed in a short time.

The situation of the Moon-Cut Dynasty is currently the same as that of Big Dipper Sword Sect, except for the inner city of the capital, Astrology Palace Quasi-God ‘Xing Yue Hong’, Sealing Devil Valley Quasi-God ‘封 绍 元’ sitting outside the city Let Mononslash Sect take care of itself.

In summary, now Star Moon Continent 7 Great Power is divided into 2 camps, one is Astrology Palace, Sealing Devil Valley, Mystic Yin Palace, Golden Lion Sect, and the other is Big Dipper Sword Sect, Great Spirit Sect, Moonslash Sect .

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for Big Dipper Sword Sect, Great Spirit Sect, and Moonslash Sect 3 Great Power. In addition, the strategy of the 4 Great Power is to siege Big Dipper Sword Sect and Moonslash Sect first, and then attack the Great Spirit Sect with all its strength.

Even the dynasty power of Stars Continent, let Dragon Destiny dissipate, takes about 100 years. Star Moon Continent 7 dynasties, each dynasty is stronger than Stars Continent’s dynasty, and has existed for longer. The accumulated dynasty Dragon Destiny is certainly more surging, and it will take longer to dissipate naturally.

It may take more than 100 years, or even 2 100 years, that the Dragon Destiny of the Great Spirit King will dissipate.

However, if someone can compete against the strength of the Dragon Destiny dynasty and keep attacking, the speed consumed will be faster, I am afraid that it will be more than ten times faster than natural dissipation.

The Dragon Destiny, a dynasty that would have dissipated for a period of 2 years, may have dissipated in 100 years.

The Star Moon Continent 7 Great Power has Martial Artist in Dark Star Shrine cultivation. Every 100 years, someone comes back from Dark Star Continent, Xing Yinshang and the others. Obviously, I don’t want to drag the war time too long, so as not to appear. The accident is that in 100 years, the Big Dipper Sword Sect, Moonslash Sect, and Great Spirit Sect will be destroyed. Then, after 100 years, even if the 3 major Sects have an extraordinary talent to return from Dark Star Shrine, there is no foundation. Also unable to return to heaven.

According to the normal development of things, if nothing happens, Big Dipper Sword Sect, Moonslash Sect, Great Spirit Sect will probably be destroyed within 100 years.

However, now that the accident of Ye Xing has occurred, the result is not certain.

Big Dipper Sword Sect.

The Great Emperor Kuang Tian is cultivation in a land full of Star Power.

Although the Power of Stars here is abundant, it is very useful for the cultivation of the dynasty, but for the Nine Stars king, the effect is very small.

It ’s just that Big Dipper Sword Sect is in a critical autumn. The Great Emperor Kuang Tian wanted to break through Starfield and become Quasi-God. Big Dipper Sword Sect ca n’t help the breakthrough of Quasi-God, so it ’s only in Star Power. Ample local cultivation, barely able to increase the chance that’s all.

Suddenly, the Emperor Kuang Tian sensed that a message came from the communication beads, stopped cultivation, took out the communication beads, and his face suddenly became shocked.

It turned out to be a message from Ye Xing: “Wind Sect Master, Junior Ye Xing, came from Dark Star Shrine to help Big Dipper Sword Sect get out of trouble. Please ask Sect Master to inform Hanqiu Senior and Junyue Senior to meet Junior in the south of the city. “

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