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When Ye Xing used Zodiac Constellation, King Wuba knew he was not an opponent.

If he was not restrained by the formation, with his strong body, King Humba thought it was not difficult to escape.

However, at the moment, he is trapped by the Formula, even if it is only his inconspicuous Fifth Level small accomplishment Formation, but at this moment, it has become his cage, limiting his actions.

How strong Ye Xing’s attack is, King Uba has just been taught, and now Ye Xing has used Sagittarius Astrology, which has greatly increased his strength and is enough to threaten King Uba’s life.

If King Wuba is going to break the formation, he will have to face Ye Xing’s deadly attack. If he doesn’t break the formation, he will not be able to escape.

Therefore, King Humba immediately ordered the army of necrotic forces to attack.

At the same time, King Humba also let the two King Spirit King and Zado King break through, and tried their best to delay the battle with Ye Xing.

There are 2 Seven Stars dead Spirit Kings inside, and hunted thousand dead souls outside. It will not take long to break through these small accomplishment Fifth Level Formations.

Therefore, as long as you drag Ye Xing for a while and a half, the Formula will break and you can escape.

There was a hint of joy in King Wumba ’s heart, as long as he escaped this tribulation, this living world has a lot of living flesh and blood, waiting for him to enjoy, he ca n’t believe that there will be a second person in this Mainland, whose strength is like the young man in front of him. So against the sky.

The roar of the Necromancer, shake Heaven and Earth, Ye Xing’s corner of the mouth raised, everything was as expected.

In the past six months, he has arranged dozens of small accomplishment Fifth Level Formations. Among them, there are Illusory Array and Trapping Array. Each Formation is enough to trap King Six Stars.

Dozens of Formations, even the King of Seven Stars, need a certain amount of time to break the battle. Ye Xing is very self-confidence, and the other party cannot get enough time.

The hunting of the thousand thousand undead army came from Ye Xing, but walking right into a trap that’s all.

If the hunting thousand army of the Necromancers scattered and fled, Ye Xing was incompetent, and the Martial Dao expert of Stars Continent was also limited. It was really difficult to hunt down. The other party rushed directly into the Formation area he arranged, just besieged by the Formation, and killed all .

Ye Xing opened Jin Yan’s bow, and a black flame arrow condensed into shape and burst out.

King Uba has long sharp claws on his fingers, and his strength bursts to the limit. He grabbed the black flame arrows. Sharp claw collided with arrows. Sparks splattered. King Uba’s body exploded backwards and hit the Formation mask. , At an absolute disadvantage.

However, as the Death Star of Seven Stars, how sturdy the body is, although the impact is heavy, it is nothing.

Wow, the king is still lively dragon and animated tiger, shouted: “Although your attack is strong, you can’t help this King. When this King gets out, he will kill all the humans I have seen in this Mainland. Race, you are strong, but what? You can’t stop this King! “

Ye Xing laughed, and said, “Who says I can’t stop it?”

As the words fell, Ye Xing used another kind of Astrology, and the Black Hole Astrology appeared, and a Dark World was formed, covering the King of Humba, the Spirit King, and the King of Zado.

Suddenly my eyes were dark, and I didn’t reach 5 fingers. The 3 dead Spirit Kings were all startled. Kazakh Spirit King exclaimed: “What’s going on? I can’t see anything?”

At this point, the Necronomical Army has entered the Formation area.

First Layer and First Layer Formation were stimulated, some were Illusory Array, which let the dead directly fall into Illusory World, and some were Trapping Array, which was surrounded by each and everyone Formation masks.

“Don’t let these undead escape, while they are in Formation, kill—!”

King Hei Biao shouting loudly, Ye Xing has already negotiated with him, and when the Necromancers are caught in the battle, it is when the Martial Artist of Stars Continent takes the shot.

As long as you do not enter the Formation area, you will not be affected by the Formation, and the Martial Artists can remotely kill them.

“Be careful, don’t get into the formation …!”

Wei Qingxuan speed was the fastest, killing forward, and shot it with one palm. Bai Sensen’s Extreme Cold astral qi instantly froze 1000 meters. Except for Middle Level Dead Spirit King, the rest of the dead were frozen.

Behind Wei Qingxuan, the kings and lords attacked, hiding the sky and covering the earth, attacking those frozen dead spirits.

The ice crystals were shattered, and the 4th-level green hair necrosis was broken into pieces like the ice crystals. The corpse jade fell directly from within the body.

As for the Tier 5 hairy necromancy, the body is much stronger. The fragmentation of ice crystals only caused partial rupture of the body, some cracked hands and feet, some cracked their heads, and some cracked their bodies, but corpse jade was still there, They can still move.

Formation is just at the time of operation. In the sky there is one after another obvious Formation mask. All Martial Artists are outside the Formation area and attack from a distance. In a blink of an eye, they have killed more than 100 green hair necrosis.


King Humba, Spirit King, and King Zado are caught in Dark World. Immediately protect their chests. For the undead, the corpse jade at the chest is their only vital part.


Behind Ye Xing appeared a pair of azure wings, and the silhouette was like electricity, and instantly rushed into the formation of the siege of the three King Stars and the death King.

Where the opponent defends his chest, Ye Xing can only close the enemy.

Ye Xing’s speed is too fast. In Dark World, the reaction of the dead spirit is also a little slow. Ye Xing appeared next to Kazakh Spirit King. Kazakh Spirit King had not responded yet, and he was grabbed by his wrist. Slam it hard.

How heavy Ye Xing’s power was, the Spirit King’s body flew straight up, the body lost its center of gravity, and the other claw protecting his chest suddenly moved away.


Ye Xing’s 5 fingers in the other hand are close together, like a bird’s beak.

The rays of light at the fingertips are dazzling, its shape is like an arrow, and it contains the penetrating power of frightening, and fiercely’s pinched on the chest of Spirit King.

This rampant strength is too brightening, especially the strength of Sagittarius Astrology, and the penetrating power is terrifying.

Ka-cha ——

Kazakh Spirit King’s chest broke instantly, and Ye Xing’s 5 fingers fell into Kazakh Spirit King’s chest.

When he came out, Ye Xing 5 meant that he had grabbed a piece of polished white stone, which is the corpse jade of Spirit King.

Without the corpse jade, the Spirit King’s body instantly loses the source of strength and cannot be controlled.

“I took your fleshly body!”

Harry Spirit King’s soul roared angrily, and then rushed into Ye Xing’s within the body.

The spirit of Seven Stars dying Spirit King will power Ye Xing.

However, when the spirit of Kazakh Spirit King appeared in the Ye Xing’s forehead space, he was greeted by a pale flame-the Star Fire Seed.

This is simply walking right into a trap, and the Star Fire Seed immediately enveloped the soul of the Spirit King, leaving only savage blood-curdling scream.

However, the blood-curdling scream that occurred in the Ye Xing forehead space was not heard by outsiders.

“Have Spirit King, how are you doing?”

King Zado shouted nervously, terrified in his heart.

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