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The damage of Reincarnation Light to the soul body was extremely serious. With just one blow, Seven Stars died a great loss for Spirit King.

This is still not enough for Wei Qingxuan’s cultivation base. If you can further increase the secondary cultivation base and use Reincarnation Light formidable power to frightening it, I am afraid that a Reincarnation Light will kill Seven Stars Spirit King Insta-kill.

Under the attack of Wei Qingxuan’s Reincarnation Light, the death of Seven Stars Spirit King naturally flees to the opposite side, which is exactly the direction of the Great Yuan Dynasty Martial Artist.

Watching Seven Stars die and the Spirit King fleeing, the Martial Artist of Dark Star Order was overjoyed and cheered.

The Great Yuan Dynasty’s Martial Artist was horrified. Even when Seven Stars died, Spirit King rushed to his side, and there was still fear in the expression.

Seven Stars died Spirit King and rushed straight towards a One Star King.

“No … don’t come over.”

The One Star King, expression suddenly turned into panic, Seven Stars died and Spirit King came to him, obviously to take away his body.

This person quickly retreated, while waving the Profound Armament treasured sword in his hand, and killed the Spirit King of Seven Stars.

Unfortunately, his attack was useless for the Spiritual Body of Seven Stars’s Death King. The speed of Seven Stars’s Spirit King was much faster than him, and it instantly struck into his mind.

When this person was on the side of the King, when Seven Stars died and Spirit King rushed over, he was already scared to flee to 2 and no one dared to stop.

After all, the death of Seven Stars and Spirit King can take away anyone’s body at the moment, and no one dares to get angry.

“King Wugu, don’t touch my children in Mongolia!”

In the distance, Meng Tie angry roar, he was protected by the dynasty Dragon Destiny, King Hei Biao could not stop him, moved forward and backward freely, and rushed over.

King Wugu, this is the real name of Seven Stars’ dead Spirit King.

It was no secret that Zhuo Yu Peng was killed by the Spirit King and the Dark Star Order spread the news long ago. It is no secret that Meng Tie and Zhuo Yu Peng cooperated to know his true identity. Ancient King ‘.

Two people had an agreement. King Ugu took the Great Yuan Dynasty’s troops, found Dark Star Island, destroyed the Dark Star Order, and removed Great Yuan Dynasty’s scourge. As for the Martial Artist of the Dark Star Order, all were owned by Ugu Wang. King Ugo devours their flesh and blood to strengthen the cultivation base.

Of course, King Wugu not at all told Meng Tie that he was the Seven Stars dead Spirit King, but he lied to Meng Tie and said that he was only Three Stars dead Spirit King. Otherwise, Meng Tie would not agree to the Martial Artist of Dark Star Order. Consume to King Wugu.

In the past 2 years, in order to quickly restore the cultivation base, King Wugu slaughtered countless Martial Artists and even some Two Stars empires. Several of them were known by Meng Tie, but it was only agreed with King Wugu that it was not allowed. Martial Artists that hurt the Great Yuan Dynasty ’s direct influence, especially the Martial Artist of Emperor’s Clan.

And now the King of One Star, the king of Wugu, is the man of Emperor’s Clan.

In addition, he is also a genius king of Emperor’s Clan, and is the nephew of Meng Tie, named Meng Yuanlie.

Although Meng Yuanlie’s innate talent is not as good as Meng Yuansheng, it is not inferior. Meng Tie’s talented sons have all died under Ye Xing. In the past two years, Meng Yuanlie has been trained as a future successor.

Today Meng Yuanlie is already the cultivation base of the Star Ocean Boundary First Layer peak, not far from the King of breakthrough Two Stars. Naturally it is valued by Meng Tie. .

Zhuo Yu Peng’s innate talent is higher than Meng Yuansheng, and Ugo is more satisfied. He and Meng Tie have teamed up to destroy the Dark Star Order for the Dark Star Order ’s many Martial Artists. However, now Ugo ’s The fleshly body was destroyed, and even the soul was hurt a lot. He didn’t care what he agreed with Meng Tie.

Originally, the ancient king of Wu wanted to take Wei Qingxuan, but was reincarnation light terrified, so he could only take the second place. Anyway, Martial Artist on the side of the Great Yuan Dynasty found a house, and naturally he looked at Meng Yuanlie.

Even if the soul of King Wugu was seriously injured, it would not be comparable to the spirit of the power of King One Star.

King Wugu rushed into Meng Yuanlie’s body, and Meng Yuanlie struggled violently. With just one breath, his eyes had exposed red light.

Meng Yuanlie has been taken away and no longer exists, only King Wugu.


King Wugu spewed black energy out of his body, and exhibited an extremely fast technique, such as the same black light, across the sky several dozen li in an instant and far away.

Meng Tie looked at the distant Wugu King, expression furious, shouted: “Kuwu, this King will kill you …!”

“Hahaha … Meng Tie, you should save your own life before you say it!”

King Wugu’s voice came from a distance, and the voice changed from loud to quiet, showing his speed.

“Meng Tie, where to go!”

King Hei Biao shouting loudly, he followed Meng Tie closely, Black Dragon 9-style display, 2 hunting zhang Black Dragons instantly looked towards Meng Tie and killed.

Although Meng Tie was in a time of anger, he could not help but tremble at the words of King Wugu.

King Wugu just showed strength, but he was better than his Meng Tie, but even so, King Wugu was beheaded to fleshly body, his soul was damaged and he fled.

One King Hei Biao is enough for Meng Tie’s uncomfortableness. Now there is another Wei Qingxuan, and an expert who secretly puts a cold arrow, Meng Tie thought, sou sou in his heart, he sweated coldly.

“Get on board, withdraw …!”

Meng Tie used the dynasty Dragon Destiny to resist King Hei Biao’s attack, while being loudly shouted.

Although Meng Tie cannot use the Dragon Destiny to attack, the defense has been very difficult to deal with. Attacks under King Five Stars cannot shake Dragon Destiny ’s defense at all. King Hei Biao ’s Black Dragon 9 is natural. Can’t shake it.

The Great Yuan Dynasty’s Martial Artist saw Meng Tie order a retreat and immediately sighed in relief and flew towards the Profound Level High Grade spaceship.

At this point, the Dark Star Order would miss the opportunity to beat Great Yuan Dynasty’s. All the kings and lords flew up into the sky and attacked the spaceship in the sky.

Wei Qingxuan rushed to the front, and with a palm shot, it was a palm print condensed by white mist and cold air. Wherever he passed, the void was frozen.

The cold palms blasted on the Azure Dragon transformed by the Dynasty Dragon Destiny, so that the Azure Dragon was both lightly trembled and half of the body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

Although Azure Dragon shuddered, the ice broke in an instant and was not damaged, but it can also be seen that Wei Qingxuan has the power to shake the Dragon Destiny.

If Reincarnation Light is used, it will even penetrate the dynasty Dragon Destiny’s guardianship. Unfortunately, Wei Qingxuan has already performed 3 Reincarnation Lights. Until the strength of the reincarnation of Divine Pupil is restored, it can no longer be used.

The dynasty Dragon Destiny surrounded the spaceship and blocked attacks from all directions. Soon, all Martial Artists of the Great Yuan Dynasty boarded the spaceship.

Meng Tie controlled the spaceship, turned into a stream of light and flew into the distance, and soon disappeared into view.

Dark Star Island, a small area is a wolf, and the Formation restriction outside the island were all destroyed, but the Martial Artist of the Dark Star Order had no injuries. Watching the Great Yuan Dynasty wolverine fled, the Dark Star Island suddenly sounded There were cheers.

And Wei Qingxuan continued to perform the reincarnation Divine Pupil and searched for the four parties. Her hunch was very strong. Ye Xing must be back …

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