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Even Yeo Xing, Zhuo Yu Peng’s powerful Ye Xing, was a little surprised.

Although Zhuo Yu Peng failed to kill Mourning Coffin King, Zhuo Yu Peng’s displayed strength is not inferior to Wei Qingxuan from Ye Xing’s point of view.

Even though Wei Qingxuan dealt with dozens of kings in one move, it seemed powerful, but Wei Qingxuan’s move was originally a large-scale attack, and Zhuo Yu Peng and Ye Xing can naturally see that the blow just now was just a random attack For this reason, it has not come up with real strength.

I thought that the strongest on the Great Yuan Dynasty side was High King Meng Tie, didn’t expect, and the strongest person was Zhuo Yu Peng.

This made Ye Xing secretly rejoice. Before he hurriedly fired the “Broken Arrow”, this last broken arrow should be used against Zhuo Yu Peng.

Zhuo Yu Peng hit Mourning Coffin King in a single blow, not at all and continued to hunt, but his eyes turned and fell on Wei Qingxuan in the distance.

The Great Yuan Dynasty’s kings retired. Only Zhuo Yu Peng still imposing manner, and Wei Qingxuan’s eyes also looked at Zhuo Yu Peng.

“You are the beautiful woman who I have been so obsessed with, my body is really amazing, really didn’t expect, you have such a strong strength, hehe …”

Zhuo Yu Peng laughed, saying: “My body covets your beauty and wants to sleep with you, but I … I fancy the strength of you within the body and want to eat you, hehehehe …!”

Speaking, Zhuo Yu Peng licked his tongue, and his voice became sharper and sharper: “Zhu District One Star King, within the body should contain such a strong strength, your Bloodline must be very bad, if you eat this, this King must Be able to revert to a higher cultivation base and become the master of Stars Continent! “

At this moment Zhuo Yu Peng, a burst of black breath burst out, and the whole person was shrouded in dark mist.

The black mist spread, the size of a hunted zhang, the shape of which was like a ghost’s head, matched with Zhuo Yu Peng’s sharp voice, like the advent of a demon, with a frightening taste.

Zhuo Yu Peng in this state, the Great Yuan Dynasty’s kings have never seen it, looking at the dark mist evil spirits in the sky, fear has arisen in their hearts.

At this moment, you can still see Zhuo Yu Peng’s body clearly. I am afraid that only Ye Xing is far away from 10,000,000 li. The black mist outside Zhuo Yu Peng cannot naturally stop the eyes of Breaking Void God’s Eye.

At this moment, Zhuo Yu Peng is completely different from the normal state. His skin is completely covered by a layer of black Rune. Ye Xing can see that black Rune contains a strong strength and makes Zhuo Yu Peng’s body become As solid as Profound Armament.

Zhuo Yu Peng’s forehead opened the third eye. The eyeball was ash-gray, without a trace of life aura. Obviously it was not the normal Martial Dao Celestial Eye, but an Eye Technique.

This is an Eye Technique of the Dead Realm-Eye of Death.

As soon as Zhuo Yu Peng opened the eye of death, not only his eyesight was much stronger, but even the induction was more sensitive. He immediately felt that there was a line of sight watching him.

If the line of sight is felt under normal conditions, Zhuo Yu Peng would not suspect him, but now that he is in the dark fog, the average Martial Artist can’t see him at this time, and being watched at this time naturally caused Vigilant by Zhuo Yu Peng.

However, Zhuo Yu Peng was relieved immediately, because Wei Qingxuan’s forehead opened the third eye, the eyeballs changed in color, and kept spinning, obviously not the normal Martial Dao Celestial Eye, but an Eye Technique that penetrates The dark mist saw him.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yu Peng naturally relieved the doubts in his heart.

Wei Qingxuan’s Eye Technique, from Bloodline Memory Inheritance, is Divine Level Eye Technique of Holy Land Samsara Palace-Reincarnation Divine Pupil.

Although the reincarnation Divine Pupil can’t penetrate through the void like Breaking Void God’s Eye, it’s no problem to see through the black mist outside Zhuo Yu Peng’s body.

Zhuo Yu Peng was killed by the Spirit King, which is no longer a normal human, or is no longer a human at all. Whether in terms of righteousness or selfishness, Wei Qingxuan must be killed by Zhuo Yu Peng.

“go to hell–!”

Reincarnation Divine Pupil locked Zhuo Yu Peng’s body, Wei Qingxuan tenderly shouted, and the silhouette rushed past.

At the same time as the body was moving, Wei Qingxuan had taken a palm shot, a white mist-like palm print, which was faster than her body’s speed, and was instantly photographed into the black mist.

White misty palm prints, supreme Yin and cold, wherever they go, the void freezes.

Wei Qingxuan’s previous palm, the cold air scattered several thousand meters, attacked dozens of kings. Now this palm, the amount of cold air not only does not decrease, but increases, but only condenses into a palm print. It can be imagined that this palm print has How terrifying.

The King of Three Stars can still survive the previous range attack, but if he encounters the current print, the King of Three Stars will surely die, and even the King of Four Stars can hardly compete.

“Hey …!”

Zhuo Yu Peng’s laughter came from the black mist. Although Wei Qingxuan’s palm was terrifying, not at all was put in Zhuo Yu Peng’s eyes.

He rushed up against the palm print, and his body was the most powerful weapon.


The white mist-like palm print hits Zhuo Yu Peng and immediately freezes Zhuo Yu Peng, but Zhuo Yu Peng’s body continues to burst forward, and the ice outside the body collapses.

“Well, I can’t hold the ice?” Wei Qingxuan’s eyes were surprised, and expression immediately condensed.

The Dark Star Order’s Martial Artist has the same tight mind. Now, King Hei Biao and Meng Tie can’t entangle, Wei Qingxuan’s outbreak of such fearful strength has completely become the Dark Star Order’s savior.

Zhuo Yu Peng’s strength, they have all seen it. If Wei Qingxuan is defeated, there is no way out for the Dark Star Order. Therefore, this battle is the battle of the fate of the Dark Star Order. See Wei Qingxuan’s freezing cold Can’t stop Zhuo Yu Peng, the Martial Artist of Dark Star Order is nervous.

“Little beauty, your strength is indeed strong, but unfortunately, it is worse than me, hehehehe …!”

Zhuo Yu Peng sneered, only to see his ten fingers suddenly grow, and a sharp sharp claw grew out of his fingertips, like a blade, flashing cold light.

whiz whiz whiz whiz 嗖 …

In the blink of an eye, Zhuo Yu Peng rushed to Wei Qingxuan, his hands became claws, and he grabbed them again and again. I didn’t know how many claws had been attacked in a blink of an eye. all directions.

Wei Qingxuan smashed the Bloodline strength within the body to the limit, turning his palm into a fist, one after another, the ice fist strength, attacked all directions, and constantly collided with the claw marks.

Although Wei Qingxuan’s strength is strong, she is still at a disadvantage on the cultivation base, and her cultivation Dark Star Profound Physique’s fleshly body is not as good as the opponent, and she has fallen into a disadvantage by not fighting 30 moves.

Speaking late, it was fast, and the two of them fought nearly 2 moves, which was only 30 or 2 breaths.

Seeing that the fleshly body of the other party was strong, Wei Qingxuan immediately abandoned the close combat, and his body collapsed, shouted: “Reincarnation Light-!”

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