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Gai Qing was performing Eye Technique and looked at the distance. He said, “No, Ye Xing is far away from here, a few hundred thousand thousand li. However, he also seems to be cultivation of a very strong Eye Technique. He should be looking here. “

Xing Yan fears only Ye Xing.

Knowing that Ye Xing is still out of the hundreds of thousands of thousands of li, Xing Yan’s heart is settled.

Xing Yan said with a sneer: “It ’s a Kill without mercy, it ’s very good. I only counted to ten. After ten sounds, I still haven’t handed out the treasure of my body. I am also Kill without mercy. In front of me, You are just a bunch of clay chickens and pottery dogs, as easy as blowing off dust, you can kill you corpses everywhere across the field, scared witless …! “

Gao Jian ignored the sneer of Xing Yan and began to count: “One!”

“Gao Jian Senior Brother, what’s going on?”


Suddenly, there were a lot of disciple of Dark Star Shrine, asking Gao Jian sound transmission.

Gao Jianxiang sent to several major disciplinary sound transmissions: “Just rest assured, Senior Brother Ye Xing has arrangements.”

These main disciples also informed other disciple sound transmissions that they learned that it was Ye Xing’s arrangement. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they also settled down.


With a self-confidence smile on Xing Yan’s face, following Gao Jian, he started to count.

“2 !”

“2 !”

“3 !”

“3 !”


As the numbers reported by the two were getting closer and closer to the ten, the imposing manner of the two sides clashed, and they became fierce.

The disciples of both sides broke out in a violent atmosphere.

Dark Star Shrine’s disciple learned that Ye Xing had arranged a backhand and was full of confidence.

The disciple of Galaxia Palace learns that Ye Xing is a hundred thousand li away from this number, and it is also in his heart.

Both sides are confident that they can hold each other.

“9!” Gao Jian’s eyes tightened slightly, his eyes sharpened.

“9!” The corner of Xing Yan’s mouth is still smiling expression, except Ye Xing, no one is his rival. Knowing that Ye Xing counts hundreds of thousands of thousands, there is naturally no worry about Xing Yan.

Gao Jian looked at Xing Yan, with his killing intent in his eyes, shouted: “Since you want to die, you will be fulfilled, ten!”

“Hey …!”

Xing Yan shrugged with a very relaxed expression, expressing his contempt.


However, at this moment, the void in front of Xingyan suddenly appeared a little ripple transmission, a silver arrow, smashing void from the point in the heart of the ripple, burst into Xingyan.

Xing Yan was trying to count the ‘ten’, but his scornful smiling expression suddenly solidified on his face, and his eyes suddenly showed a color of terror.

This arrow appeared too suddenly, completely unexpectedly by Xing Yan. At this moment, he had no defense at all.

The speed of the arrows is too fast, like a flash of rays of light, and after the arrows shoot out from the the sky, the distance from Xingyan is too close, less than 100 meters.

With such a fast speed and such a short distance, Xing Yan has no time to respond.


In Xingyan’s horrified eyes, the silvery white arrows instantly penetrated his body Star Astral, penetrated his head, and left a hole with a big fist.

After the silver and white arrows penetrated Xingyan’s head, she was castrated, and continued like a hot knife through butter, and shot backwards.

In a blink of an eye, the disciples of the five Galaxia Palaces just behind Xingyan were penetrated by the silver arrows. Until the sixth person was shot, the strength of the arrows was exhausted, and the sixth person’s within the body was fixed.

The strength in the arrows, extremely brightening, Xing Yan and the 5 Galaxia Palace disciple behind him, died instantly and fell from the sky.

The one in the middle of the arrow was also severely hit. His body fluttered, his mouth spit blood, and it almost fell.

咝 ——

Whether it’s Dark Star Shrine or the disciples of Galaxia Palace, they all suck in a breath of cold air, startled.

The sudden emergence of the arrows, too terrifying, not only strength frightening, but the most important thing is the sudden shooting from in the sky, which is unpreparable.

However, the difference is that the Disciple of Dark Star Shrine is a surprise, and the disciple of Galaxia Palace is horrifying.

A single arrow of Insta-kill astritis, and at the same time Insta-kill 5 Galaxia Palace disciple, also hit one, this arrow scared them, completely defeated the self-confidence in their hearts.

At this time, Gao Jian shouting loudly: “Kill—!”

Killing the sound.

Dark Star Shrine’s disciple, when I heard the killing sounds, I was in a great spirit, and immediately imposing manner was like a rainbow.

And the disciple of Galaxia Palace, when it was in my heart, I heard the killing and heard the fright, and turned around and fled.

In fact, the 40 people from Galaxia Palace were all elites, and they were very powerful. Even if 6 people fell, one person was seriously injured, and the remaining 33 people still had the ability to fight Dark Star Shrine disciple.

After all, most of the disciple of Dark Star Shrine’s disciple are not here. The strength of the Four Stars King class is much less than Galaxia Palace.

If there is a normal battle between the two sides, it is hard to say who wins or loses.

But now, the disciples of Galaxia Palace are all frightened by the shooting and death of Astral and the others, and the situation is completely different.

Dark Star Shrine’s disciple chased him up, just like killing chickens and dogs, with no difficulty harvesting the lives of many Galaxia Palace disciples.

The Galaxia Palace disciple, who escaped in the end, had fewer than 5 people. Most of them were killed by Dark Star Shrine disciple during the process of escape, and the losses were extremely heavy.

Time is limited. For the escape that Galaxia Palace has escaped, Dark Star Shrine disciple not at all, but harvested the storage ring left by the dead Galaxia Palace disciple. After some allocation, continue to travel south and return. Entrance and exit of the Dark Star Continent.

To the east of the distant Tiangong Mainland, Ye Xing cast Breaking Void God’s Eye and looked at it all from a distance. The result was exactly similar to what he expected.

He expected that the sight of Galaxia Palace’s disciple would be frightened when Gao Xiayan died, and let Gao Jian be loudly shouted to kill the word, which would be enough for the other side to flee. Once the other side flees, it is the lamb to be slaughtered, which is an inevitable result.

Seeing the Disciple of Dark Star Shrine, he embarked on his return journey, Ye Xing regained his eyes, and the disaster of Galaxia Palace, after this defeat, it is no longer a concern. The disciple of Radiant Palace is not slashed, and it can not set off any storm. Dark Star Shrine’s disciple is completely worry-free and does not require his attention.

The Space Crack to Stars Continent is located on the eastern edge of the Tiangong Mainland. Ye Xing found this Space Crack without much effort following the route Zhuo Hongyuan had traveled.

At this point, the Disciple of the Dark Star Shrine has also rushed to the entrance and exit of the Dark Star Continent and merged with other Dark Star Shrine disciples.

Ye Xing displayed Breaking Void God’s Eye, watching Dark Star Shrine’s discipline, and left the Tiangong Mainland through the void portal. He retracted his gaze and walked forward into the Space Crack.

In Space Crack, the strength is very confusing, and Ye Xing can feel the danger.

However, when Zhuo Hongyuan passed, Ye Xing self-confidence was no problem.

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