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King Body, divided into 4 levels.

Low Grade, Middle Grade, High Grade, Top Grade.

Most of the kings, King Body are Low Grade.

Of the hundred thousand kings, only one Middle Grade King Body is possible.

Of the hundred thousand kings with Middle Grade King Body, only one High Grade King Body is possible.

Of the hundred thousand kings with High Grade King Body, only one Top Grade King Body is possible.

This is only a rough ratio. In fact, the probability is even lower.

The King Body is built when the King breaks through. The first King can also be promoted with treasure. When he becomes the Middle Tier King, he will be completely shaped and cannot be changed.

A void portal will appear every 100 years in the Tiangong Seal of the Mainland. Only Martial Artists under Middle Tier can enter it. This is obviously not an accident, but it was deliberately made by Luo Tiangong.

Otherwise, if the Martial Artist entering Tian Gong Dian is already the King of Four Stars, then this group of True God essence blood will not have any effect on his King Body.

Ye Xing is already the King of Nine Stars. The next step is to break through King of the Star Ocean Boundary. Naturally, he is very concerned about the quality of King Body.

Ye Xing secretly thought: “The higher the level of the King Body, the stronger the Life Strength. Even the Low Grade King Body can withstand the fatal damage of many lords. The Middle Grade King Body has no vital except for the head area. Part, High Grade King Body, can be reborn with broken arms, and the whole body is not a vital part. Even if the mind is severely damaged, it can be cured. As for the Top Grade King Body, it is even more against the sky. It is comparable to Divine Physique in Life Strength Undying Body, the whole head is cut and there is no trace of it. True God essence blood is formed by the blood of True God heart. How surging is Life Strength? I do n’t know what level my King Body can reach? High Grade …… or Top Grade ? “

True God blood, Life Strength is too surging, the King Body built is absolutely extraordinary, Ye Xing does not consider Low Grade or Middle Grade King Body at all.

Even Ye Xing thinks that the probability of High Grade King Body is not high, and eight-nine will be Top Grade King Body.

The true blood of a True God who has spent 2 years, if he ca n’t get the King ’s King Body to reach the Top Grade, this is a bit unreasonable.

However, Top Grade King Body is a legend. Even High Grade King Body is rare. Dark Star Shrine is the Peak Five Stars Sect. For 100 years, there have been several sessions of discipline. None of them has a High Grade King. Body.

As for the Top Grade King Body, that’s more than 10000 years, and there is only one after another of Palace Lord.

Dark Star Continent, True God is the peak, the number is about 100 people, Quasi-God is the backbone strength, the number is 10000, and the king, that is an extremely common existence, the number is 100000000.

How many Kings of Dark Star Continent have you been for 10000 years? It is an unimaginable number.

It can be seen how rare the Top Grade King Body is, and it is not surprising that it is called a legend.

Ye Xing’s eyes, recovered from True God’s blood, said: “Senior Eagle, am I here, refining True God’s blood?”

Eagle Track: “Okay, wait for you to refine True God blood, and I will leave your master with the second and third gifts!”

The eagle rail spoke, two beeps, fluttered his wings and disappeared.

Ye Xing sat on the floor, with the front jade box in front of him.

By refining this True God essence, he will be able to break through the King, and he will build an excellent King Body with a little excitement in his heart.

After a while, Ye Xing slowly calmed down his mind, just like stopping the water. At this time, he started to run the Falling Star Art of Profound Level High Grade Third Layer.

Under the control of Ye Xing’s Star Astral, True God essence blood rose from the jade box and moved to the top of Ye Xing’s head before stopping.

The surging energy in True God’s blood turns into rays of light, is attracted by Falling Star Art, hangs down, and is absorbed into the body by Ye Xing.

The energy of True God’s blood is different from the normal Star Power energy. Not at all converges along the meridian toward the Dantian Star Whirlpool. After entering the body, most of it penetrates throughout the body, interacting with Ye Xing’s blood, flesh, muscle. and bones blend together.

Ye Xing can clearly feel that absorbing True God essence blood, not only the Star Astral intensity of the inside of the body is increasing, but also the fleshly body is becoming stronger, and most of the energy of True God essence blood is used in strengthened fleshly on the body.

Ye Xing’s Star Astral and fleshly body are rising at extremely fast speeds, but the True God essence above the head has not been shrinking. It seems to always be the size of the head, but the rays of light that hang down are always there. No reduction.

It can be seen that although the volume of True God’s essence blood is small, the energy contained in it is extremely surging. Like a sea, Ye Xing cannot absorb it in a short time.

Time passed slowly, Ye Xing closed his eyes, and wholeheartedly was cultivation, absorbing True God’s essence and blood, just like entering.

Throughout the day, True God’s blood seems to have remained the same, but Ye Xing’s fleshly body is actually one day, a thousand miles, which has been improved a lot. The cultivation base is at the Ninth Layer peak, and it is getting more and more. The more stable.

In just one day, Ye Xing’s fleshly body has improved a grade. Ye Xing clearly feels that the Life Strength contained in the body has surpassed a lot, and the self-healing ability has been greatly enhanced.

Although this may also be due to the accumulation of Ye Xing, it has progressed in one day, which is enough to prove the true effect of True God essence blood.

This is also because True God’s essence has a lot of energy to consolidate the Ye Xing cultivation base, otherwise, Ye Xing’s fleshly body is physically strongened and speed will be faster.

Although the Life Strength has risen, compared to the Low Grade King Body, it is still somewhat not up to par. With the energy of True God essence blood, at least the High Grade King Body, or even the Top Grade King Body, is now only one. It takes a long time to improve in small steps.

Ye Xing sits side by side, with finger-size True God blood, dangling rays of light, strands of pure and surging strength, constantly being inhaled by Ye Xing within the body, so repeatedly …

The first day … 2nd day … 3rd day …

Time passes by day by day.

Ye Xing’s fleshly body is stronger and stronger every day. Every few days, Ye Xing can feel that the body will produce qualitative changes.

As for the cultivation base, the Ninth Layer peak is also becoming more and more stable, only one step away from the Star Ocean Boundary.

However, this step is extremely difficult to cross, and it is more difficult than going from Ninth Layer Initial-stage cultivation to Ninth Layer peak.

Countless Nine Stars Venerable Lord, because the destiny is only Nine Stars Green Fate, his life is stuck in the Ninth Layer peak, and for 100 years, he failed to break through that step.

The Nine Stars Venerable Lord who has the destiny of the king, at this step, stays much longer than the time he took from Ninth Layer Initial-stage cultivation to Ninth Layer peak.

It can be seen that Ye Xing needs a large amount of energy accumulation from the breakthrough king.

Time continues to pass.

The Star Astral of Ye Xing within the body has already been strengthened to the limit, but is still continually integrating Star Power, accumulating strength, and getting closer to the breakthrough king.

Ye Xing’s fleshly body, because of the nourishment of True God’s blood, with the changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Life Strength is surging, like a sea like a deep sea …

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