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The 6th platform.

Wei Qingxuan’s opponent is Wu Yuanzheng, ranked 6th by Ten Great Chosens.

Wu Yuanzheng was born in the Middle Grade Empire Black Tiger Empire and is under 24 years old.

As early as 2 years ago, Wu Yuanzheng’s cultivation base broke through the Star Astral Boundary Sixth Layer. A year ago, he had a record of defeating Seven Stars and was one of the Ten Great Chosens.

Today, Wu Yuanzheng’s cultivation base has been consolidated to the Sixth Layer peak, and Martial Arts is more sophisticated than a year ago.

Compared to when Ten Great Chosens was first listed, Wu Yuanzheng’s current strength is obviously much stronger.

Wu Yuanzheng is a direct child of Emperor’s Clan. He repairs the technology and is the combat technology ‘Blacktiger Astral Fiend’ of the Black Tiger Empire.

The combat technology is different from the pure technology Inheritance. The pure technology Inheritance is only cultivation, promotion cultivation base, strength Star Astral, and battle technology, there is one more function, that is, Star Astral battle.

Fighting technology is like a combination of technology Inheritance and Martial Technique.

Black Tiger Empire’s combat technology ‘Blacktiger Astral Fiend’ is Profound Level Lower Grade Merit Law, but like Falling Star Art, it is divided into Spirit Level Low Grade, Spirit Level Middle Grade … and other different grades.

Wu Yuanzheng, Blacktiger Astral Fiend of the current cultivation, is Spirit Level Top Grade, and the accomplishment is the Fourth Layer.

The Star Astral of his within the body is powerful and powerful. Compared to the same grade of Star Astral, he can be better than the same stage of Star Astral, and can be mentioned on equal terms with Fifth Stage Star Astral of Ye Xing Spirit Level Top Grade Falling Star Art.

But Wu Yuanzheng’s cultivation base is higher than Ye Xing, so Star Astral’s intensity is higher than Ye Xing. In the Ten Great Chosens, Wu Yuanzheng ranks very high, one of the very best.

Even Wu Yuanzheng’s Astrology is just Higher Class Astrology, but the powerful Star Astral makes him no less inferior to Seven Stars.

There is Pinnacle Class Ice and Snow Astrology floating over Wei Qingxuan. The temperature of the entire platform has become extremely low. Every palm shot, the sky is snowy.

The Martial Technique she performed is High Grade Spirit Martial Art ‘Floating Snow Divine Palm’, perfecting Perfect.

Ice and Snow Astrology and Floating Snow Divine Palm are extremely compatible and complementary, and at the same time, formidable power is extremely frightening.

Every shot of Wei Qingxuan, cold wind, snowflakes flying, where the palm wind passes, the ground is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, even ice.

However, Wu Yuanzheng, as one of the Ten Great Chosens, is not a member of Shang Ziān, and can be commented on equal terms.

In Shang Ziān’s attack, Wei Qingxuan could easily freeze, but it couldn’t freeze Black Yuanner’s Blacktiger Astral Fiend.

Wu Yuanzheng punched out, Blacktiger Astral Fiend left, turned into a huge black tiger, issued a tiger howl, broke the layers of frost, and blasted Wei Qingxuan directly.

Wei Qingxuan shot it with one palm, and the palm of the black tiger was completely frozen and broken into pieces until the palm was pressed against the black tiger’s head.

However, Wu Yuanzheng’s attack came again.

Wu Yuanzheng shot forward with one hand in the palm and the other in the claws, grabbing from above.

Roar! roar!

The black tiger condensed into two black tigers and killed again. One came straight and the other leaped to the sky. As a fierce tiger descended the mountain, it swooped down.

Wei Qingxuan was facing two Blacktiger Astral Fiend attacks at the same time, and immediately hesitated.

“It’s snowy!”

Wei Qingxuan a light shout, showing one of the tricks in Floating Snow Divine Palm.

I saw her first two palms together, and then swept towards the sky, palms against the sky.


The cold wind suddenly increased ten times, the snowflakes flew ten times faster, and the temperature around all around dropped sharply.

With Wei Qingxuan as the center, the wind screamed, and there seemed to be a mass of tornado, and the snowflakes kept spinning in the air.

The rotating cold wind is getting wider and wider, and the snow is full of snow. The two black tigers condensed by Blacktiger Astral Fiend are smashed into pieces.

In addition, the snow and snow did not weaken, and continued to expand the scope, covering the entire platform and Wu Yuanzheng.

Wu Yuanzheng’s eyes froze, shouted: “You are forcing me to do a trick-black tiger killing!”

While speaking, Wu Yuanzheng stepped forward, printed his hands, and pushed forward. The whole body followed this push, leaning forward sharply.

boom ~ boom ~ Bang …

Suddenly, Wu Yuanzheng’s Blacktiger Astral Fiend was separated and turned into 4 huge black tigers, rushing forward.

The black tigers are screaming. They have 4 claws to smash the ground. They are ramming. Yes, instead of hitting directly, they are ramming. 4 black tigers cross and collide, completely dispersing the wind, snow, and wind.

What is this black tiger killing, this move should be called ‘crazy tiger killing’.

These 4 black tigers are mad like crazy, and the strength is very rightening, Tiger Megatron.

The snowy sky was rolled back by four black tigers, and Wei Qingxuan backed up again and again, eventually jumping off the ring, defeating the battle.

“Hahahaha …!”

Wu Yuanzheng took one move, and Blacktiger Astral Fiend rushed back, all of them were within the body, laughing, and the laughter was full of pride.

His gaze fell on Wei Qingxuan under the ring, saying: “Fight me, you’re still a little behind!”

Although Wei Qingxuan is dressed in men’s clothing, her appearance is indeed amazing and looks pleasing to the eye. She was defeated by Wu Yuanzheng and sighed by countless young Martial Artists.

At the same time that Wei Qingxuan was defeated, Ye Binglong on the 5th ring was also defeated by Ye Wuxue.

Ye Binglong and Ye Wuxue, like Wei Qingxuan, are ice attribute Martial Arts, ice attribute Astrology, and once they are shot, they are threathening cold energy.

Both people are younger generation geniuses of the Black Crow Empire. No matter who wins or loses, the black evil empire has a younger generation genius, which is among the Ten Great Chosens. Therefore, this battle is more a private name of two people The battle for share.

In the end, Ye Wuxue, the 5th Chosen, was even better. Ye Binglong, a rising star, lost more than 20 strokes after more than 1 moves.

At this point, the first group to the sixth group, all the geniuses in the Ten Great Chosens have maintained their position and continue to be among the top ten.

However, Groups 7 to 1 have experienced a major reversal.

Group 7, Ancient Commerce Empire Shang Buqun, against Stone Rock Empire Shi Jianyu.

Shang Buqun is ranked Ten Great Chosens, of course, not mediocre. His sword technique is very high, but Shi Jianyu’s defense is too strong. Shiyan astral qi is impervious to sword and spear, which greatly restrained Shang Buqun’s sword technique. .

After nearly 2 moves in 30 fights, Shang Buqun finally missed a move under Shi Jianyu’s close attack and was shot down by Shi Jianyu.

Group 8, Skyhawk Empire Ying Xiangyang, vs. Northwave Empire Beigong Yidao.

Beigong Yidao, as can be seen from the name, he is a Sabrewielder, his saber technique, fast, accurate, fierce, and extraordinary strength.

However, the rising star, Skyhawk Empire, has a very high stature and is faster than Beigong Yidao’s knife speed. Beigong Yidao has attacked dozens of tricks and never even touched Ying Xiangyang’s clothes.

However, Ying Xiangyang launched a counterattack. With just over ten moves, Beigong Yidao was bombed off the ring by Ying Xiangyang, and another Chosen title changed hands.

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