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Ye Xing held his breath for a moment.

King … King? Hei Biao turned out to be a king?

Ye Xing’s eyes widened, and Hei Biao looked at him. He couldn’t believe it. The man who called him brother and brother was a king!

To this day, Ye Xing has not even seen the true Lord, and has only encountered a half-step Lord.

In the True Profound Domain, His Holiness is already a legend and cannot be seen. The King is a legendary legend, which is the existence of the peak in the Stars Continent Martial Dao world.

Ye Xing suddenly learns that Hei Biao is the king, but it is not shocking dumbstruck.

Hei Biao watched Ye Xing’s reaction, laughed, and said, “Why, don’t I look like a king?”

Ye Xing’s mind, after all, is very comparable, and soon reacted, smirked, and said:

“It’s not that Elder Brother Hei Biao is different, but it’s unbelievable. I even met a king, and I’m also a king who is my brother and brother. I’m afraid no one will believe this.”

Hei Biao sees Ye Xing and learns that he is the king, and he can continue to treat with a smile as before:

“It is worthy of a visitor from the outer space. You have a good temperament. I like it. My age is not very big compared to the life essence of the king. Only 2 years old, you will become the king and you will be my peers. Now you and my brother are right, just right! “

Hei Biao not at all asked Ye Xing’s destiny. He only knew that Ye Xing was a monster in troubled times. He could shake the character of the Great Yuan Dynasty empire in 10000 years, and he must be the king in the future.

Ye Xing also laughed. He likes to be friends with Hei Biao.

Since Hei Biao is the king, Ye Xing immediately remembered another king, Lan Qin King who took Wei Qingxuan away.

Ye Xing asked, “Elder Brother Hei Biao, do you know a king named Lan Qin King?”

Hei Biao smiled nodded and said, “Lan Qin King is one of the Order 4 Dafa Kings, of course I know each other.”

Ye Xing blinked his eyes and said, “Nearly 2 years ago, Lan Qin King took a girl in Lunar Spirit Sect in the Clear Sky Region. Does Elder Brother Hei Biao know about this?”

Since Ye Xing’s serious injury coma, Wei Qingxuan went to Lunar Spirit Sect and has never met again.

In the future, Ye Xing only learned from Lunar Spirit Sect’s Spiritual Master Yan Yue that Wei Qingxuan was taken away by a king named Lan Qin King, and then there was no follow-up audio.

Now, finally find someone who knows Lan Qin King, Ye Xing is of course to inquire about Wei Qingxuan’s whereabouts.

Hei Biao said with a slight smile: “Of course I know, the girl is called Wei Qingxuan, isn’t it? Actually, the reason why I came to the Clear Sky Region is to take a step from the Great Yuan Dynasty and find that you are a troubled demon star because of this girl. Therefore. “

Ye Xing snapped and said, “Qingxuan talked about me?”

Hei Biao nodded, saying: “Lan Qin King took her back to the Dark Star Order, and later learned that a troubled monster was born. At first, the Order thought she was a troubled monster, and her innate talent is stronger than you.

However, according to Sikong Yan’s calculations, the troubled world demon star surnamed Ye, the Order also calculated the Great Master, and the demon star surnamed Ye, so she was excluded.

Because she learned that the purpose of the Great Yuan Dynasty to find the troubled monster star was to get rid of it as soon as possible, and she thought that the troubled monster star was you, and she reflected to Lan Qin King on your growth path.

Lan Qin King told me about you, so I came to the Clear Sky Region to follow your news while comprehend Great Power of Darkness.

Fortunately, in the end, I confirmed that you are a troubled monster, and that Great Power of Darkness has realized Perfect. Both goals are perfect. The next thing to do is to prevent you from being found by Great Yuan Dynasty and falling into their hands. . “

Knowing the whereabouts of Wei Qingxuan’s, Ye Xing was overjoyed and asked, “How is Qingxuan now?”

Hei Biao looked at Ye Xing with a profound meaning, and said, “You are very fond of her, haha ​​… don’t worry, she is very good now, this time Eastern Divine Continent younger generation Will participate, and it won’t be long before you see her. “

It has been 2 years since I saw Wei Qingxuan, and more than a month later, I was finally able to meet again at the Eastern Divine Continent younger generation genius conference. Ye Xing was very happy.

However, happy, he was still agile and asked: “I heard that this time the entire Stars Continent range of genius trials was ordered by the Great Yuan Dynasty. Qingxuan is a Dark Star Order disciple, can I participate?”

Hei Biao slightly smiled, saying: “I said, my Dark Star Order took root in the Eastern Divine Continent 2 1000 years ago. Many forces are dissatisfied with the Great Yuan Dynasty and have secretly trusted.

The Genius Trials held by the Great Yuan Dynasty, of course, the Order disciple cannot participate, but the Order inserts several disciples in the forces of the Eastern Divine Continent. This is with no difficulty. Wei Qingxuan will represent the younger generation genius of the Blood Peak Empire. , Take part in the contest. “

Hei Biao finished talking, watching Ye Xing laughed, and paused said, “Do you know, the Great Yuan Dynasty held a genius trial for 3 years. What is the purpose?”

Ye Xing shook his head and said, “Isn’t it just to select geniuses, is there any other purpose?”

Hei Biao stared directly at Ye Xing, smiling without saying a word.

Ye Xing understood the meaning in Hei Biao’s eyes, expressing a surprise, and said, “To find a troubled world star? Is it to find me?”

Hei Biao nodded, said: “Yes, Stars Continent is too broad, there are too many Martial Artists. Although the Great Yuan Dynasty killed many Ye’s babies, Sikong Yan concluded that the demon star is not dead, not directly born, but from outside the world Starry sky.

Therefore, Sikong Yan provided suggestions to Dameng to High King Meng Tie, held a talent selection trial in the entire Stars Continent range, and found out the troubled demons.

Sikong Yan has calculated that within ten years, the demon star will threaten the Great Yuan Dynasty empire. It can be seen that the demon star grows extremely fast. This genius trial took 3 years before and after.

And the scope covers the entire Stars Continent, which is to give the demon star enough time to grow, so that the demon star stands out in the talent selection contest, walking right into a trap.

Since the demon star can threaten the Great Yuan Dynasty empire within ten years, in three years, it will be able to become a generation of experts. The growth speed is so fast, it must be in the golden cultivation time.

Therefore, Sikong Yan reckons that the troubled world star comes from the outer sky, but is not very old. After appearing in Stars Continent in this life, Surname Ye will grow rapidly on the road of Martial Dao.

Moreover, it is said that Sikong Yan also calculated that the troubled world monster star is related to the bow and arrow, which is Dao of Bow expert. In this way, as long as the troubled world monster star participates in the genius trial, the identity exposure is almost inevitable. “

Ye Xing has a layer of cold sweat on his back. The other person counts himself so clearly. If he really amazed the world with a single brilliant feat in the genius trial, the Great Yuan Dynasty will surely confirm that he is a troubled monster. .

The third genius trial was held at the Central Heaven Continent. If the identity of the troubled world star is exposed, isn’t it inevitably dead?

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