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The last Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array, Ye Xing not at all, was broken, but a few flags were thrown.

This is the missing Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array banner of Firecloud Founder. It was destroyed half by Ye Xing and half left.

Although these arrays of flags can no longer arrange a complete Formation, the key point has just blocked the array bases of the front Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array.

The connection between the bases was blocked, and the Formation naturally could not be formed, as if broken.

After more than two hours, the nine-seat Killing Array under the cloth of Venerable Chi Yan was broken by Ye Xing.

The difference is that the first eight were completely destroyed, while the ninth was suppressed and sealed with a banner to block the formation. The formation seemed to be broken but still existed.

After doing all this, Ye Xing breathed a sigh of relief, his face paled slightly, and it seemed that the loss was not small.

Ye Xing turned around and glanced at the Blue Feather Empire and Blue Dragon Empire’s Martial Artist, saying: “The 9th burst is broken, everyone, you can enter the burial ground.”

At this point, everything is clear ahead. In the middle of an empty valley, there is a small palace of scarlet, about ten meters high, and both length and width are more than ten zhang.

The palace wall was engraved with the flame Rune, and the 2 doors were closed.

Ye Xing said nothing, then turned and walked into the valley, Blue Dragon Empire’s Martial Artist, followed immediately.

With a wave of Yu Chengqian, the Martial Artists of the Blue Feather Empire also quickly moved forward.

As for the other Martial Artists, they dare not step into the valley. They do not compete with Two Great Empires. They just want to wait for the Experts of Two Great Empires to leave, and then go to the burial ground and look at the two Great Empires. expert If there is anything missing, maybe I can take a bite of soup.

Seeing Ye Xing walked through the area where the previous 9 Killing Arrays were intact, followed by the Martial Artists, all sighed in relief.

Ensuring that all 9 serial Killing Arrays are broken, Reverend Beichuan hastened his pace and stood out from the Martial Artists of the Blue Dragon Empire.

At the same time, the Nine Stars master ‘Lu Yue’ in the Blue Dragon Empire team is also moving fast.

Behind the Blue Dragon Empire team, Yu Chengqian eyebrow raised in the Blue Feather Empire team and noticed that the situation was a bit wrong.

whiz whiz whiz whiz 嗖 …

Just as Yu Chengqian eyebrow raised, Reverend Beichuan suddenly took out several flags.

These arrays of flags, all of which are azure, instantly rose to the size of a foot. They are located in Reverend Beichuan all around. Each array of flags is branded with flowers and trees.

As soon as the flag was set up, a frightening imposing manner erupted. I saw a wave of Reverend Beichuan’s hand, and numerous greenwood sword energy flew out of the array. Densely packed was like a heavy rain falling to Ye Xing. Hacked in the past.

It is the Third Level Killing Array of Grand accomplishment-Greenwood Sword Array!

Yu Chengqian didn’t expect, with so many experts in the Blue Dragon Empire, suddenly he suddenly yelled at Ye Xing sneak attack and suddenly yelled at Ye Xing: “brother be careful!”

When Yu Chengqian speaks out, the densely packed greenwood sword energy has enveloped Ye Xing.

Seeing that Ye Xing was about to be cut into pieces by greenwood sword energy, suddenly two flame array flags appeared around him, rotating to form a circle of flame shields.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang ……

Countless greenwood sword energy smashed onto the flame shield, making a continuous sound of crackling.

Ye Xing is a vigilant spirit. He has been prepared for the Blue Dragon Empire’s people. However, he could not be attacked by sneak. He didn’t even return, and he controlled the Flame Shield Astral Array to resist the attack of greenwood sword energy.

Greenwood Sword Array, Flame Shield Astral Array, one is grand accomplishment Third Level Killing Array, one is grand accomplishment Third Level defense array, Defense Formation of the same level is slightly weaker than the attack power of the formation.

Even though the cultivation base of Reverend Beichuan is much higher than Ye Xing, the power of Star Astral contained in Formation is stronger than Ye Xing. However, Greenwood Sword Array also for a moment did not want to break the defense of Flame Shield Astral Array.

However, it was not only Reverend Beichuan who attacked Ye Xing sneak attack.


Immediately following the attack of the Greenwood Sword Array, a sword light was shining like a meteor, passing through the void in an instant.

It was Reverend Lu Yue, a sword stabbed at Ye Xing.

Reverend Lu Yue, as a master of Nine Stars, is performing Top Grade Spirit Martial Art Meteor Sword Technique. Even though Astrology is not used, at this moment, his Star Astral is running to the limit, full strength attack, and formidable power are extremely terrifying.

Even the Supreme Stars can’t resist the sword of Reverend Lu Yue on the front, not to mention that Reverend Lu Yue shot abruptly, was unprepared to attack, and was invincible and unstoppable.

Long Xiao knows that Ye Xing is a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar. If he has a vigilant in his heart, Reverend Beichuan can’t help him even if he has a sneak attack.

Therefore, after sound transmission let Reverend Beichuan start to Ye Xing, Long Xiao secretly sound transmission again, so that Reverend Lu Yue also took the opportunity.

When two Third Level Formation Martial Scholars used Formula to compete, the sudden kill of a Nine Stars master was enough to determine the outcome instantly.

Meteor Sword Technique is characterized by fast, as fast as a meteor across the sky.

Reverend Lu Yue’s Meteor Sword Technique has been cultivated to the Grand Accomplishment Realm, and the speed is extremely fast, it is really like a meteor flickering across the sky, just as soon as it flashes.

Hey –

Suddenly, the sword light stabbed on the circle of flame shield outside Ye Xing. The flame shield faced the attack of greenwood sword energy and reached its limit of defense. At this moment, Reverend Lu Yue stabbed with all his strength. He tore a gap.

It’s like a sword light like a shooting star, piercing the flame shield, driving straight into the Ye Xing’s vest.

This sword stabs, and then backs in, chests out, penetrates the heart, one strike certain kill.

The hit of the Nine Stars and the treasured sword in the hands of Reverend Lu Yue is the Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword. It is extremely sharp, even if Ye Xing has a High Grade defensive treasure, he cannot stop the sword.

Avoid, there is no time!

Resist, basically impossible!

This sword, in everyone’s eyes, is a sword that must be killed!

Yu Chengqian turned pale for a moment, but Ye Xing, the peerless genius who was chosen by the big character, had instructed the core executives of Blue Feather Empire’s Emperor’s Clan. If Ye Xing is in danger of life, he must save it!

Now Ye Xing is in danger of life, but Yu Chengqian is too far away to save.

And, even if Yu Chengqian is next to Ye Xing with his strength, it is impossible to save Ye Xing from the hands of Reverend Lu Yue, and wait for him to order Blue Feather Empire’s Nine Stars, or Third Level Formation Martial Scholar, It’s too late.

If Ye Xing was killed in front of him, it would be difficult for Yu Chengqian to explain to the big character.

Seeing Reverend Lu Yue’s stabbed sword tip, it was about to pierce Ye Xing’s within the body. Suddenly, a black armor appeared on Ye Xing’s body.


With a bang, the Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword stabbed on top of this black treasure, and sparks 4 splashed.

All the Martial Artists expressed their horror and startedled. I saw that Spark 4 was splashing, and the treasured sword in the hands of Reverend Lu Yue turned into a half moon.

Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword, stabbed on top of this black treasure armor, even the sword’s body was bent, but it failed to pierce?

What level of treasure is this?

Spirit Level High Grade treasures can never withstand the puncture of the Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword. Only Spirit Level Top Grade treasures can work.

However, a Three Stars Spiritual Master who can become a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar is already extremely shocking. Does he still have a Top Grade Spirit Tool treasure?

The surprise of the Martial Artists only existed for a moment, and it was determined in his mind that the black armor of Ye Xing was indeed revealing the breath of the Top Grade Spirit Tool.

And, it ’s not just the armor, Ye Xing has a black helmet, two hands, a pair of black gloves, and a pair of black boots.

The armor, helmet, gloves, boots, and 4 items all reveal the breath of the Top Grade Spirit Tool.

In addition, the 4 Top Grade Spirit Tool are consistent in color and breathe in perfect harmony, as a whole.

Obviously, this is a suit!

The shock in the hearts of Martial Artists was instantly 100 times stronger.

Top Grade Spirit Tool set?

This is a rare treasure in the world, let alone the Blue Feather Empire and Blue Dragon Empire, even if it is all the empires of the Eastern Divine Continent, it may not have a set.

Because there was no Refiner Master for refining the Spirit Tool set. The refining method of the set was lost a long time ago.

Only some ancient ruins are possible to produce the Top Grade Spirit Tool set.

The most shocking thing is Ye Xing’s Reverend Lu Yue, who looked at the Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword crooked into a half-moon in his hands, and his eyes were incredible.

Before waiting for the curved treasured sword to straighten, Ye Xing turned.


One punch punched out, the speed of punching out was faster than the speed of sound, and the air was blasted, forming a frightening impact ripple.

Reverend Lu Yue, who was shocking, was startled. How could he expect that Ye Xing received a sword from him, and there was still room for counterattack? This was greatly unexpected by Reverend Lu Yue.

In shock, Reverend Lu Yue was boxed in the chest by Ye Xing.


Reverend Lu Yue spit blood and was blown away by Ye Xing.

The frightening air wave rippled out, and even the greenwood sword energy in front was shattered.

Reverend Beichuan expression was shocked. He immediately closed the greenwood sword energy and closed back. Vigilant looked at Ye Xing, and the expression revealed an incredible color.

Not only Reverend Beichuan, but also the Martial Artist present, all eyes were incredible.

However, this incredible look is different.

The vast majority of Martial Artists have unbelievable eyes. They cannot believe that Ye Xing received a sword from Reverend Lu Yue, and can instantly counterattack and wound Reverend Lu Yue.

Because even the Top Grade Spirit Tool armor or the Top Grade Spirit Tool set can block the sharp edge of this sword, but it is also difficult to block the strength of this sword.

Nine Stars Master full strength attack, how terrifying, Ye Xing was stabbed, even if he did not pierce his body armor, it should be that the whole person was hit by this sword, how could it even be the strength of this sword? To block?

As for the few other incredible Martial Artists, they knew why Ye Xing could withstand the sword of Reverend Lu Yue and was able to counterattack immediately.

Because they all recognized the Top Grade Spirit Tool suit worn by Ye Xing, which is the famous Scarlet Flame Suit that was hunted or so years ago.

What made them incredible was how Scarlet Flame Suit disappeared with the disappearance of Venerable Chi Yan?

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