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Star Astral Boundary Sixth Layer’s flaming Elder is included in the Trapping Array.

Elder Jia of Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage was pierced with a single arrow.

Yun Tianhao At this moment, my heart was shocked, and my heart was terrified.

Who is it?

Let them die!

Yun Tianhao I don’t know, I don’t know, when did I provoke such a frightening foe.

In any case, Yun Tianhao did not expect that the archer in the dark would be Ye Xing.

At this point, Yun Tianhao had no time to think too much. Two Elders, one trapped and one killed, how dare he stay.

Yun Tianhao immediately jumped on the back of Chiyan Lion Bat, and wanted to carry Chiyan Lion Bat and escape.

However, he had just jumped on the back of Chiyan Lion Bat, and Chiyan Lion Bat suddenly became violent, and flung Yun Tianhao as soon as his body fluttered.


In the eyes of the Red Flame Lion Bat, there are 2 groups of clouds and mist vortex. Its angry roar opens its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl like a lion’s head, spit out a flame, and banged at Yun Tianhao.

Yun Tianhao startled, absolutely did not expect that the tamed red flame lion bat turned against the water at this critical moment and became violent.

However, Yun Tianhao is a Five Stars Spiritual Master after all, and his strength is upstream of the Five Stars Spiritual Master. After escaping the flame attack of the Red Flame Lion Bat, Wolverine immediately launched a counterattack and suppressed the Red Flame Lion Bat.

However, the Red Flame Lion Bat was completely violent at this moment, and its strength broke out. It was as desperate as Yun Tianhao.

However, Yun Tianhao could not bear the killer because the Red Flame Lion Bat was his mount in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. Therefore, even though Yun Tianhao prevailed, the Red Flame Lion Bat was desperately attacking for a while, but it was difficult to escape.

Ye Xing’s Pupil of Clear Sky is just a blink of an eye attack on the Red Flame Lion Bat. Now his Pupil of Clear Sky is enough to affect the thinking of Third Level Middle Tier Demon Beast. The Red Flame Lion Bat is immediately affected. And became violent.

Six Stars Spiritual Master fire, using Astrology at this moment, full shot, attacking the formation, to break the array and go out, Ye Xing has no time to deal with Yun Tianhao, if the fire rushed out of the formation, then, Ye Xing It is difficult to suppress it anymore. Facing Six Stars Spiritual Master, Ye Xing can only escape.

Ye Xing kills the Spiritual Master Huo Ling while it is under attack by the Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array.

Suddenly, Ye Xing’s killing intent shrouded the Six Stars Spiritual Master fire, expressing the first transformation of the fire, and startled. He suddenly became blind and suddenly turned all black.

Even the two fire snakes have disappeared.

However, Spiritual Master Huo Ling was also able to feel the breath of the 2 fire snakes and their trajectory of attack.

boom! boom!

Spiritual Master Huo Ling came out with both palms and hit 2 Fire Snakes accurately again.

The sparks splattered and the 2 Fire Snakes were cracked. If there were several more attacks of this kind, the 2 Fire Snakes would completely collapse and disappear completely.

Just when the Spiritual Master Huo Ling felt the direction of the two fire snakes retreating, and when he was about to smash them again with a severe hand, the cold hair suddenly stood up, and a heart of coolness came out in his heart, and he felt the threat of frightening.


Ye Xing opened his bow and fired an arrow with a ‘Withering Flame Arrow’. Arrows burst into the fire behind him.

The arrows flash like light, the speed is fast, and it contains a strong strength, revealing the breath of frightening.

If you are shot by arrows, Spiritual Master Huo Ling can be sure that he will be fatally hit!

Spiritual Master Huo Ling moves in one step, the silhouette is like electricity, and it moves more than 100 feet in an instant.

Although his range of movement is limited by the formation mask of the Sky Astral Array, he can move freely inside the formation mask.

Spiritual Master Huo Ling knows Dao of Bow 2nd realm very well, knowing that Dao of Bow expert can change the direction of arrows, so after the body is moved, the silhouette is still like electricity, and the direction is changed again.

In a blink, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling changed direction 4 times.

However, Spiritual Master Huo Ling underestimated what Ye Xing’s Dao of Bow told.

Ye Xing’s Dao of Bow has already reached the realm of the arbitrary fourth transformation. Even if he spends a lot of time comprehend, he can even reach the arbitrary fifth transformation.

The arrow transformation in the fourth direction, still locked the body of the Spiritual Master Huo Ling, has shot behind the Spiritual Master Huo Ling.

At this point, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling had been unavoidable. At the same time, his heart was inwardly shouted. At the same time, he had turned around instantly, turned his palms, and shot to the arrows.

The fire moves!

The Star Astral of the flames rotated, and the arrows shot in front of the Spiritual Master Huo Ling. They were suddenly affected by the force of the flame’s rotation and the direction was deviated.

Around the palm of Spiritual Master Huo Ling, arrows were taken aside by him and shot empty.

Six Stars Spiritual Master is Six Stars Spiritual Master. If Spirit Master Huo Ling is Five Stars Spiritual Master, it is absolutely impossible to divert this arrow attack.

However, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling resolved the arrows attack, but was unable to focus on the Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array attack.

Bang! bang!

2 fire snakes, banging heavily on the back of Spiritual Master Huo Ling!

Although these two fire snakes were beaten apart by the Spiritual Master Huo Ling, and the strength was greatly reduced, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling was directly bombarded, and he still vomited blood, suffered minor injuries, and his body suddenly turned Before the flutter.

Two Fire Snakes headed up and continued to attack the Spiritual Master Huo Ling. Ye Xing, at this moment, fired the second arrow!

Exterminating Flame Arrow Skill-Arrow of Burning Extermination!


The arrows are broken, with a strong death fire, more frightening than the formidable power of Withering Flame Arrow!

Spiritual Master Huo Ling has not yet broken through the Formula, yet he is attacked by Ye Xing’s arrows. He is attacked by the back and heart, after all, it is difficult to care about it.

Feeling the formidable power of Ye Xing this arrow, even before that, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling couldn’t help despairing, secretly thought: “I’m dead!”

At this time, the Spiritual Master Huo Ling had to resist the attack of Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array, and at the same time, the arrows coming from the laser also had to resist.


Spiritual Master Huo Ling’s breath erupted again, raising it a bit, and it actually burned Star Astral.

Anyway, it has reached a dead end, and Spiritual Master Huo Ling simply broke his own life and burst out of his life with stronger strength.

Star Astral burns, within the body bursts out the flame energy of frightening, forming a frightening ripple, shaking the 2 fire snakes away.

At the same time, Spiritual Master Huo Ling shot it with a single palm, and the arrows that were shot were instantly taken back by him.

Six Stars Spiritual Master is fighting hard, his strength is indeed frightening!


Spiritual Master Huo Ling roared. At this moment his within the body was like an explosive bomb. The breath was extremely violent, and the flame was soaring into the sky.

While roaring, Spiritual Master Huo Ling 2 came out!

Bang! bang!

The two already broken fire snakes were directly blasted by the two palms, and the Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array was completely destroyed.

After the two flame palms destroyed Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array, they were cast aside and blasted on the formation mask of Sky Astral Array, making a deafening popping sound.

The formidable power of these two flame palm prints is indeed frightening. If they are directly bombarded on the Formation mask, they will definitely be able to explode the Formation mask.

However, the two flame palmprints first destroyed the Yin-Yang Fire Serpent Array, and then exploded on the Formation mask. Although the Formation mask shattered and even cracked, it was not destroyed after all.

Burning Star Astral, time is limited, and Spiritual Master Huo Ling is desperate. Of course, the purpose is not only to destroy the Formation, but to kill Ye Xing from a distant archery.

However, before the Sky Astral Array is broken, he has to be trapped in the Sky Astral Array. He can’t even get close to Ye Xing. How to kill?

The Formation mask was unbroken, making the Spiritual Master Huo Ling impatient.

Sou! sou! sou!

However, without waiting for the Spiritual Master Huo Ling to attack again, a burst of sounds connected to it, and three arrows blasted him in succession.

Ye Xing knows that the Spiritual Master Huo Ling at this moment has a body that looks like a lit ammunition barrel, and any attack may cause him to burst completely.

Therefore, at this time, there is no need to show how powerful the Archery Technique moves. The most important thing is that the attack speed should be fast, harass the Spirit Master Huo Ling as much as possible, and delay time.

Therefore, Ye Xing fired 3 arrows and fired 3 arrows at the same time, but the speed of the 3 arrows was not the same after the string was disconnected. The Spirit Master Huo Ling couldn’t stop all 3 arrows at once.

In addition, Ye Xing fired 3 arrows and immediately took out 3 arrows to put on the bowstring. The first 3 arrows just hit the front of the Spiritual Master Huo Ling, and there were 3 arrows in the back.

Spiritual Master Huo Ling would not dare to be hit by the arrows at this moment, otherwise he would not be within the body of the wild flame Star Astral lost his physical restraint and would immediately lose control and explode completely, leaving no residue.

Burn Star Astral in exchange for great strength, gods block then kill gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, but there are also disadvantages, that is, the body has become a balloon that is about to blow out and cannot be broken by external forces.

The balloon is about to blow out, and it only needs to be punctured with a small needle to burst it.

Spiritual Master Huo Ling’s body is of course much stronger than the balloon’s defensive power, and it is not so easy to burst, but the arrows shot by Ye Xing, formidable power can be 10000000 million times stronger than a small pin.

Spiritual Master Huo Ling took one palm at a time and patted the arrows that were connected. There was no time to attack the Formation mask, and he was always trapped in the Sky Astral Array, anxious.

Ye Xing fired 3 waves of renju arrows in a row, and suddenly his heart moved, thinking of the Spinning Archery Technique learned in the ordinary Martial Artist.

When the 4th wave of 3 arrows was fired, Ye Xing used Spinning Archery Technique. The last Archery Technique struck a large arc after leaving the string, wound around the back of the Spiritual Master Huo Ling, and shot back.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

Spiritual Master Huo Ling was so anxious at this moment that he finally saw all the arrows in front of him being shot, his heart was overjoyed, his spirit appeared relaxed, and he didn’t notice that arrows also came from the rear.

“No more arrows, die–!”

The Spiritual Master Huo Ling yelled, seize the opportunity immediately, and out again, attack the Formation mask!


As soon as his voice fell and he just shouted the dead words, the palm print he had taken had not yet left his hand, and the arrows shot from the back shot into his body, and suddenly burst.

Spiritual Master Huo Ling’s body was shot through, within the body the burning flame Star Astral, finally found the vent, like a balloon pierced a hole, and suddenly exploded.

The Star Astral of the Six Stars Spiritual Master is so surging that it explodes. The formidable power is horrifying. The explosive strength instantly destroys the Sky Astral Array. The frightening gas surges and it rushes to all directions.

[Arrow God is now ranked 18th in the fantasy monthly ticket list, 8 places away from the top ten! The distance is very far, I can’t get up in one breath, only step by step slowly! Brothers, at least 3 more will be offered tomorrow, if the arrow god advances one place, to 17, and 4 more! To the 16th place, fight to vomit blood, but also 5 more!

Brothers, if you can make Arrow God advance 2 places a day, rush to the top ten, chocolate will vomit and fight this month. The update will make everyone happy!

Ask for a monthly pass! !! !! Hope to get up tomorrow, the monthly ticket can refresh the chocolate spirit! !! !! 】



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