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[The date calculation in the previous chapter is incorrect. The 8th day is changed to the 6th day, and the Twelfth day is changed to the 1th day. It has been modified! 】

Ye Xing immediately took out a Spirit Level High Grade detoxification Spirit Pill and served Yang Gang.

Ye Xing was not poisoned deeply, took a Spirit Level High Grade detoxification Spirit Pill, 5 claw marks on the chest, and black quickly receded.

He was not seriously injured, and Spirit Level Middle Grade’s recovering Spirit Pill was enough to allow him to recover quickly.

The corpse poison in Yang Gang is much more serious than Ye Xing. After taking a product to detoxify Spirit Pill, although the skin tone has improved, it still has black energy.

Seeing this, Ye Xing took out a Spirit Level High Grade Detox Spirit Pill and recovering Spirit Pill, and served Yang Gang.

Spirit Level High Grade’s detoxifying and recovering Spirit Pill is worth up to 200,000 star crystals, and Yang Gang ate 3 of them at once. The black energy on his body finally receded and his injuries recovered quickly.

“Didn’t expect you will come to save me, and even more didn’t expect you to rescue me from the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Astral Boundary Seventh Layer, many thanks!”

Yang Gang within the body’s dead body weakened, reacting from a near-coma state, thanking Ye Xing, and expressing surprise in his voice.

Ye Xing patted Yang Gang’s shoulder and said, “We are companions, how can we not save it. Since I dare to take a shot, I have great confidence. If there is no hope at all, I will not rush to death and you will be poisoned. It was very deep and the injury was serious. It was difficult to recover at one and a half moments. You should first adjust your interest and wait for the injury, then look for other corpse jade. “

Yang Gang nodded, eyes closed.


It took more than a day for Yang Gang to completely clear out the remaining corpse poison within the body, and the injuries were completely recovered.

2 people changed areas, went on searching for corpse jade, experienced a danger, and both of them vigilant a lot.

One day later, the two of them found a Corpse jade of Spirit Level Middle Grade, and it was only Spirit Level Grade 2, and the guarded Corpse Dao Martial Artist was the cultivation base of Star Whirlpool Boundary Ninth Layer.

“Spirit Level Middle Grade corpse jade, this Sect Disciple cultivation is not bad!”

Although the corpse jade of Spirit Level Middle Grade has no effect on the cultivation of Ye Xing and Yang Gang, they are not disapproving.

The Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Whirlpool Boundary Ninth Layer was easily killed by 2 people, and the Corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 4 was taken away.

On the 5th day, two people left Crow City for half a month and finally ushered in the first stage.

2 people found a corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 7, the guarded Corpse Dao Martial Artist, and the Star Astral Boundary Fourth Layer.

corpse jade is Spirit Level High Grade, which has an effect on the cultivation of 2 people, and the guarded Corpse Dao Martial Artist, 2 people can just deal with it.

“Broken Moon!”

Yang Gang used the High Grade Spirit Martial Art Moonbreaking Sword Technique to lead the way to the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of the Star Astral Boundary Fourth Layer.

The sword glow is cut, and the rays of light are dazzling, like a curved half-moon, revealing the breath of sharp frightening.

boom! boom!

Corpse Dao Martial Artist shot two palms in a row, and the sword was broken by him. The two palms of the High Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword collided together and made a crisp sound.

Corpse Dao Martial Artist appeared two sword marks on both hands, and the black blood was flowing out, but this was just a Surface injury. Corpse Dao Martial Artist burst forward, rushing towards Yang Gang, continuous shooting with both palms Out.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

Even with the use of Astrology, Yang Gang backed up under the attack of Corpse Dao Martial Artist.

After all, Corpse Dao Martial Artist can carry Yang Gang’s attack hard, but Yang Gang is afraid to be hit by Corpse Dao Martial Artist.

Sun Flame spear technique-Burning Slaughter!

Ye Xing used Flame Astrology, and Dark Dragon Spear swallowed sharply and stabbed in one shot.

The blast of flame energy condensed from the tip of the gun into a mass of blizzards, bursting suddenly when it hit Corpse Dao Martial Artist, and the sound was trembling.

Corpse Dao Martial Artist was shot by Ye Xing, and frightening’s strength bombed Corpse Dao Martial Artist’s chest.


Corpse Dao Martial Artist slammed on the wall of the cave, a bang, the rubble flew across, the top collapsed, and a large amount of earth and stones fell, and the Corpse Dao Martial Artist was buried.

Ye Xing’s experience is enough, knowing that Corpse Dao Martial Artist would not be so easy to kill. Suddenly, Superbrain scanned the location of Corpse Dao Martial Artist and killed it in one shot.

Sun Flame spear technique-Pursue Sun!

The gun pierced, and the gunman struck a bright white light, and immediately pierced the earth and stones.

Ye Xing’s gunpoint pierced the Corpse Dao Martial Artist’s head accurately, pierced the Corpse Dao Martial Artist’s head, and killed him.

When the Dark Dragon Spear picked, the Corpse Dao Martial Artist’s body was picked up, and the gun tip was thrown, and it was thrown out. Ye Xing retracted the Dark Dragon Spear and turned his eyes to the Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade with a smile on his face. .

This is the real gain.

Yang Gang took off the corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 7, and said, “Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade has the best effect on my cultivation. You are Two Stars Spiritual Master. Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade is just right for your cultivation. “

Ye Xing slightly smiled, didn’t speak.

The technical inheritance of his cultivation is the Falling Star of the Spirit Level Top Grade. It has been cultivated to the Third Layer. Although the Yang base is 2 realm worse than the cultivation base, the Star Astral strength is not worse than Yang Gang.

For Ye Xing, he also needs a corpse jade with Spirit Level Grade 8 or higher, which will have the greatest cultivation effect on him.

The corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 7 is less effective.

If Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade requires only 2 pieces to allow Ye Xing’s cultivation base breakthrough, then Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade requires at least 6 pieces.

For the next time, Ye Xing and Yang Gang went on searching for corpse jade.

Most of the time, they find Spirit Level Middle Grade corpse jade, but occasionally they also find Spirit Level High Grade corpse jade.

The Guardian of Spirit Level High Grade corpse jade and the cultivation base are usually very high. 2 people have learned the lesson of meeting Star Astral Boundary Seventh Layer Corpse Dao Martial Artist, but if they find a Spirit Level High Grade corpse jade, let Ye Xing go Take the lead, once you find that the guarded Corpse Dao Martial Artist is too strong, Ye Xing has Wings of Clear Sky and can immediately escape.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, the two were already deep in the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range for more than a month and a half.

This one and a half months, the harvest of 2 people is good, and they have received 7 pieces of Spirit Level Grade 3 corpse jade, 6 pieces of Spirit Level Grade 6 corpse jade, 5 pieces of Spirit Level Grade 4 corpse jade, and 4 pieces of Spirit Level Grade 5 corpse jade.

Also, they encountered 2 other Martial Artist teams looking for corpse jade.

The first time the teams saw each other from afar, they all changed directions and avoided frontal contact.

The teams in Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range are all looking for corpse jade, stay longer, have more or less corpse jade on their bodies, if different teams meet, it is easy to happen Murdering to seize the treasures.

Ye Xing 2 and the team they met for the first time had mutual fears. Naturally, they changed their direction from a distance and did not contact directly.

However, the team they met for the second time came straight to Ye Xing and Yang Gang.

There are 5 people in this team, 2 Four Stars Spiritual Master, 2 Stars Spiritual Master, 1 Two Stars Spiritual Master, compared to Ye Xing and Yang Gang, a Two Stars Spiritual Master, a Four Stars Spiritual Master, it looks like Much stronger.

Ye Xing and Yang Gang changed their directions when they saw each other far away, but the other was catching up. The purpose was obvious.

The other party wanted to kill Ye Xing and Yang Gang and take away the treasures from them. The final result is conceivable. The other 5 people were killed by Ye Xing and Yang Gang and all died.

It is a pity that this team should have just entered the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. Soon, the team did not at all how many corpse jade, just a Spirit Level Grade 6 corpse jade. The two of them got a lot of Medical Pill. I patched it back and got 2 Middle Grade Storage Rings.

A day and a half later.

Ye Xing and Yang Gang found the corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 8 again. While they were pleasantly surprised, they were also exceptionally vigilant.

The last time I encountered a Corpse jade that found Spirit Level Grade 8, but encountered a Corpse Dao Martial Artist from Star Astral Boundary Seventh Layer. Two people suffered heavy losses, and Yang Gang was almost killed.

Yang Gang stayed in place, Ye Xing used the Great Power of Darkness in the Minute Subtlety realm, with black energy to make up for it, concealed breath, and quietly approached the cave room where corpse jade was located.

Soon after, Ye Xing retreated with a surprise on his face and said, “This time we are really lucky. The Corpse Dao Martial Artist guarding the Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade is the cultivation base of the Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage. . “

Yang Gang suddenly glanced, said with a smile: “Hey … we can finally harvest the first Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade.”

Ye Xing pointed to a cave next to him and said, “You go there and hide, I’ll take the Corpse Dao Martial Artist away, then you go to get the corpse jade, walk around the cave next to it, and we meet at the entrance.”

Attracting the Corpse Dao Martial Artist is dangerous, but Ye Xing’s speed is fast. Of course, it is Ye Xing to do it. If Yang Gang is going to attract the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of the Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage, he can’t escape.

Yang Gang nodded, walked into the cave next to him and hid, Ye Xing still used Power of Darkness to hide his breath and sneak forward.

The Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage is obviously not as inductive as the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Astral Boundary Seventh Layer, Ye Xing is coming up silently, and Corpse Dao Martial Artist is not at all to find Ye Xing’s coming.

Ye Xing was far away, so he took out Heaven Shaking Bow, Purple Gold Arrow, and aimed at Corpse Dao Martial Artist.

Bow and shoot!

Exterminating Flame Arrow Skill-Arrow of Burning Extermination!

Hey -!

The arrows burst through, with the burning death fire, and shot into the forehead of the Corpse Dao Martial Artist.


A crisp sound, such as metal collision, nailed the arrow to the Corpse Dao Martial Artist’s head, but shot only about an inch.

Corpse Dao Martial Artist screamed, and the arrow shot an inch into the forehead, which obviously damaged the mind of Corpse Dao Martial Artist, but because the shot was not deep enough, Corpse Dao Martial Artist was not seriously injured.

With a scream, the Corpse Dao Martial Artist grabbed his hand and pulled out the Purple Gold Arrow. The silhouette erupted into Ye Xing like electricity.

After Ye Xing’s archery, seeing that the arrows only shot an inch, he knew that the Corpse Dao Martial Artist was slightly injured. He was surprised at the strength of the Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage Corpse Dao Martial Artist fleshly body and immediately pulled away.

Wings of Clear Sky appeared behind Ye Xing. Ye Xing’s speed was extremely fast. In order to avoid too fast speed and the Corpse Dao Martial Artist behind him gave up chasing, Ye Xing deliberately controlled the speed, only a little faster than the Corpse Dao Martial Artist, and Every now and then take time to shoot an arrow in the rear.

The Corpse Dao Martial Artist was furious, screaming, chasing Ye Xing, and soon away from the cave where corpse jade was located.

Yang Gang walked out of another cave, quickly reached the cave where corpse jade was, and took off Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade.

Chasing Ye Xing’s Corpse Dao Martial Artist, suddenly angry roar, realizing that corpse jade was stolen, he immediately gave up chasing Ye Xing and hurried back.

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