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[Ten! 】

Compared with Exterminating Flame Arrow Skill breakthrough Grand Accomplishment Realm, Ye Xing has a much harder time to fully understand the formation knowledge left by Venerable Clear Sky.

Ye Xing takes longer to become a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar!

Time rushed, and ten days passed in an instant.

On this day, Reverend Wu Yu came to Falling Star Sect, along with Xiang Hongye who sent the letter, and Heavenly Astral Sect disciple Yang Gang.

Reverend Wu Yu learned that the killer of the Seven Kills League assassinated Ye Xing, came naturally, and brought the cultivation base, Yang Gang, who just broke through the Star Astral Boundary Fourth Layer.

“Meet you!”

Ye Xing and Reverend Wu Yu paid respect first, then his eyes fell on Yang Gang, saying: “I haven’t seen you in more than 3 months. Elder Brother Yang has become the Middle Tier Spiritual Master. Congratulations!”

Reverend Wu Yu smiled and rushed to Ye Xing nodded.

Yang Gang expression is happy, but also with some emotions, saying: “If in the past, the Star Astral Boundary 4th level can be firmly ranked first in the Earth Profound Ranking, but now, hehe …

I heard that Mu Shaoyue broke through the Two Stars Spiritual Master before I broke through the Four Stars Spiritual Master. You were Mu Muoyoy one step through the Two Stars Spiritual Master. My strength is definitely not as good as yours. I am in the same generation as you two. It’s so frustrating! “

After finishing, Yang Gang added another sentence: “In One Star Spiritual Master, you beat Mu Shaoyue. Now you have become Two Stars Spiritual Master. I do n’t know who is strong and who is weak. Of course, if you use Archery Technique, surely You are better! “

Yang Gang doesn’t know yet that Ye Xing and Mu Shaoyue have tried it, but he knows that Ye Xing as Archery Technique killed one of the Five Stars Spiritual Master of the Seven Kills League and three of the Four Stars Spiritual Master. sneak attack, but it also proves that Ye Xing’s Archery Technique is very powerful and terrifying!

Wu Mingyi hearing this smiled and said, “More than half a month ago, Mu Shaoyue came to Falling Star Sect and tried it against Little Friend Ye. There was a big gap between the two. Mu Shaoyue injury obtain is not light . “

Yang Gang slightly smiled, and said, “I know, brother Ye is better. How many tricks did you use to defeat Mu Shaoyue this time?”

Wu Mingyi said: “Mu Shaoyue attacked 3 moves first, Little Friend Ye did not retreat, Little Friend Ye counterattacked a move, Mu Shaoyue vomited blood and retreated, and was hit hard!”

Wu Mingyi said serene, but whether it’s Revend Wu Yu, or Yang Gang, Xiang Hongye, hearing this heart is startled.

Before they heard Wu Mingyi said that the gap was very big, and they didn’t know how big it was. Now they listened to Wu Mingyi to explain it in detail, only to know that the gap is not generally large, and it is no longer a grade.

Mu Shaoyue is also a monstruous talent genius rarely seen in the True Profound Domain for 1000 years. Unfortunately, it was completely suppressed by Ye Xing.

Yang Gang sighed and said, “It seems that the saddest thing is not me, but Mu Shaoyue. He is like this evildoer, and True Profound Domain is also rarely seen for thousands of years. But the same generation as you, was suppressed to death. Yes, this is really sad! “

Ye Xing shook his head and said, “I don’t think this is sad, but an honor. Prosperity comes out. Whether you or Mu Shaoyue, in most times, is the first existence of Earth Profound Ranking.

Even Bai Cang and Meng Zhi may rank first on the Earth Profound Ranking, but this generation does not, which proves that our generation is in its prime.

Born in the heyday, this is an honor in itself, so why bother about whether the ranking is the first, although Mu Shaoyue is not the first in the Earth Profound Ranking.

But it is certain that his future achievements will far exceed the previous Earth Profound Ranking first. In this case, is it meaningful to struggle with the first? “

Yang Gang was stunned by Ye Xing, his eyes gradually glowed, and said: “Brother Ye’s view to stand out from the masses is suddenly bright, good, born in the flourishing age, which is an honor in itself, haha ​​… …! “

Ye Xing slightly smiled, to change the subject, and asked, “Why did Elder Brother Yang come to Falling Star Sect?”

Yang Gang said: “Come to you, go to Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range to experience!”

Ye Xing expression was surprised, and said, “Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range?”

Ye Xing has heard of Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. A piece of corpse jade he auctioned at the Bone Auction House was produced by Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, which allowed him to strengthen many cultivation bases at the Star Astral Boundary First Layer.

Yang Gang said, “The winter and spring are over, and the weather is warm. Every summer and autumn, Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range Yin Qi is the weakest and is the best time to obtain corpse jade.

It is very difficult to obtain a corpse jade in the winter and spring seasons, but it is much easier in the summer and autumn 2 seasons. The corpse jade is a good thing to improve the cultivation base.

At the end of this year, the younger generation genius conference of the Eastern Divine Continent will be held. Compared with the younger generation of those Two Stars empires, we have a great disadvantage on the cultivation base.

If you can get the best corpse jade, speed up the cultivation speed, or you can make up the distance between them, and you won’t lose too much at the younger generation genius conference of Eastern Divine Continent. “

Aside Reverend Wu Yu said: “Ye Xing, although your cultivation base is improving quickly, corpse jade will make you faster, and Martial Artist’s growth requires training, and taboo in Sect retreat cultivation, Falling Star Sect With me, don’t worry! “

Speaking of it, Reverend Wu Yu raised his hand and took out a leather mask, saying: “You put on this mask and go to Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range with Yang Gang. The killer of Seven Kills League is more Divine Ability, and it is impossible for no reason. Find Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range from Falling Star Sect. “

Ye Xing took off the mask and said, “Okay, I planned to go out and practice, but I didn’t leave because I couldn’t rest assured that Falling Star Sect. I was assured that there was a superior here.”

Ye Xing put on the mask, the mask was close to his face, and he couldn’t see his true colors at all.

That night, Ye Xing and Yang Gang left the Falling Star Sect by night, and the two took the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture to Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.

On the back of the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, Ye Xing and Yang Gang sat cross-legged, Ye Xing asked, “Have you ever been to Elder Brother Yang at Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range?”

Yang Gang nodded, said: “Yes! Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range is very wide. I heard that it is bigger than True Profound Domain. I have been to a small area.”

Ye Xing expression was surprised, and said, “Large than True Profound Domain? How can there be such a large mountain range!”

Yang Gang slightly smiled, saying: “Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range is not all mountains. This is just a general name for an area, because Yin Qi is heavy and living people are difficult to survive, and the dead body is buried in it, absorbing Yin Qi, but there is death. The resurrection is possible, so the entire area, the Corpse Dao Martial Artist, runs side by side, so it is called Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. It is a grave of living people, a paradise for the dead. “

“Corpse Dao Martial Artist, what is Corpse Dao Martial Artist?”

Ye Xing heard the name, faintly understood the meaning, could not help asking.

Yang Gang said, “The Corpse Dao Martial Artist is the resurrection of the dead body and rebirth of consciousness, but they have no memories of their lives, but a new life.

Strictly speaking, it is not a living body, they can only be called living dead. They live on Yin Qi from Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, and once they leave Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range and lose the moisture of Yin Qi, they will breathe one’s last and become a dead body completely. . “

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