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[Supplement Chapter 8]

Anyway, Four Stars Spiritual Master can’t break the Formation, Ye Xing didn’t rush to rush!

Instead, he slowed down and lurked forward with the help of the mountain peaks.

Holding East Sect was blood-washed by Ye Xing, Dubian Xiong, the Four Stars Spiritual Master, and Martial Artist in the Clear Sky Region.

Ye Xing is certain that the Four Stars Spiritual Master who attacked the Golden Light Array 2 is not the Martial Artist of the Clear Sky Region.

It’s weird not to be a Martial Artist in the Clear Sky Region, but to attack the Formation outside Star Crystal Ore Vein.

What’s even more weird is that this Four Stars Spiritual Master can’t break the 2 golden light array. According to reason, he should have given up long ago.

However, Ye Xing received a rumor from Gu Tianshang, and it has been more than an hour since he arrived here. This Four Stars Spiritual Master is still attacking the 2 meter golden light array.

This is so abnormal, even if the Four Stars Spiritual Master has perseverance, it should not be used in this regard.

Ye Xing doesn’t think this Four Stars Spiritual Master is an idiot. If he does, he definitely has his reason.

Ye Xing can be sure that the purpose of the other party is not to break the team, but for another reason.

What happens when the Four Stars Spiritual Master keeps attacking the Formation?

Ye Xing ’s mind turned, his thoughts quickly divorced light flashed, secretly said in one’s heart: “The result was that I came to Star Crystal Ore Vein, did this Four Stars Spiritual Master attack the formation of Star Crystal Ore Vein, the purpose was To attract me? “

Ye Xing think of it this way, the more you think the more you go!

Moreover, Ye Xing’s thoughts turned around and began to speculate on the origin of the Four Stars Spiritual Master. Since it is not the Martial Artist of the Clear Sky Region, where did it come from?

Ye Xing in the True Profound Domain can be regarded as an enemy. There are only 2 Sects, one is Earth Fiend Sect, and the other is Firecloud Cult.

The revenge against Earth Fiend Sect is because Ye Xing beheaded Earth Fiend Sect’s talented Shi Wenxie on the Young Hero Assembly!

There are two reasons for revenge with Firecloud Cult. One is the conflict between Ye Xing and Firecloud Cult disciple Xue Yan and Yan Lin, and the other is Ye Xing and Fire Cloud Cult son Yun Tianhao. The contradiction caused Yun Tianhao to send two Four Stars Spiritual Masters to kill Ye Xing afterwards.

After hunting down Ye Xing’s 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters, he was killed by Hei Biao, and Reverend Wu Yu took the killing of 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters to himself, and assured Ye Xing that Firecloud Cult would be settled.

Ye Xing certainly believes in Reverend Wu Yu’s guarantee, so Firecloud Cult should be able to rule it out.

Last time Yun Tianhao sent two Four Stars Spiritual Masters to kill Ye Xing, both of them were killed. Firecloud Cult cannot send another Four Stars Spiritual Master to deal with him, which is unreasonable.

If the Four Stars Spiritual Master attacking the Golden Light Array is Earth Fiend Sect Martial Artist, Ye Xing also has some doubts. Reverend Wu Yu can even align with Firecloud Cult. Is n’t it even with Earth Fiend Sect?

I’m afraid Earth Fiend Sect does not have the courage to dare to confront Reverend Wu Yu.

However, if this Four Stars Spiritual Master is not from Firecloud Cult or Earth Fiend Sect, where did it come from?

Ye Xing can’t think of other enemies!

His mind occasionally thought of Whitebones Sect.

Whitebones Sect is a powerful Sect as famous as Heavenly Astral Sect.

However, the relationship between Ye Xing and Whitebones Sect is at best poor and there is no hatred. Whitebones Sect has no reason to commit the risk of revenge with Reverend Wu Yu to deal with this hatred-free Ye Xing.

Therefore, Ye Xing couldn’t guess the origin of this Four Stars Spiritual Master.

The Four Stars Spiritual Master is a killer from the Seven Kills League, and the Seven Kills League is the Killer Organization of the Blue Feather Domain. Ye Xing didn’t know it, of course he couldn’t guess.

“No matter that many, when I capture you, I will always be able to cross-examine the calendar!”

Ye Xing secretly said in one’s heart: “In Clear Sky Region, it’s easy to hear about me. The ending of Holding East Sect, well known, this Four Stars Spiritual Master also deliberately attacked me to Star Crystal Ore Vein. Obviously It depends, maybe he still has a helper! “

Ye Xing improved vision, perspective, Superbrain scan, search.

When Ye Xing left Star Crystal Ore Vein with only 20 miles left, he found another 3 Spiritual Masters that were latent.

There was a shadowy area of ​​lush trees, which was inherently low in light. The three Spiritual Masters all wore black robes and blended with the darkness. Even if they glanced over, they could not find it.

However, under Ye Xing’s Superbrain scan, the silhouette of the 3 people is clearly visible.

There are 3 people lurking here, only there is a person Four Stars Spiritual Master attacking 2 golden light array, Ye Xing was attracted, 3 people shot secretly, even if the target is Five Stars Spiritual Master, with their Technology of Assassination, they can Instant Insta-kill.

But they absolutely did not expect that Ye Xing not at all, because Star Crystal Ore Vein was attacked and rushed up without a thought, but calmly lurked closer, instead they discovered them first.

This is not to say that the three Spiritual Masters are not good enough as killers. In fact, even the Six Stars Spiritual Master, if you search carefully, you will not find them.

But their opponent is Ye Xing. Under the scan of Superbrain, any concealment is nothing. Even if the 3 people hide more, even if the body is buried in the soil, where the eyes cannot see, Ye Xing’s Superbrain cannot escape. scanning.

“So that’s how it is, a Five Stars Spiritual Master, 3 Four Stars Spiritual Master, is really a powerful team, if I flew directly over and was sneaked by a sneak attack of 3 people, it is really possible to be killed, Unfortunately, under the Superbrain scan, you have nowhere to limp. Since you want to sneak attack me, then you can also try my sneak attack! “

Ye Xing’s mind was coldly snorted. Using Power of Darkness, the whole person was shrouded in Dark Aura, blended with the shadow of the mountain, and the hidden effect was better than the several killers lurking.

Not long after, Ye Xing came to a peak opposite the latent peaks of the three Spiritual Masters, and the distance to the three Spiritual Masters was only 3 3 miles away.

Ye Xing’s effective range is ten miles long, and it can be shot in a blink of an eye. The distance of 4 miles is almost half a blink of an eye.

Such a short distance, half an blink of an eye, Ye Astrology believes that the other party must not respond.

Ye Xing opened the Heaven Shaking Bow and did not use Astrology to avoid shocking each other, but used 3 types of Great Power of the World.

Great Power of Wind, increase the speed of arrows.

Great Power of Fire, increase the formidable power of arrows.

Great Power of Darkness, the smell of hiding arrows, is difficult to sense before it is shot.

The tip of the arrow aimed at the Five Stars Spiritual Master, Ye Xing secretly said in one’s heart, “You guys have a taste of sneak attack!”


Suddenly, Ye Xing loosened the bowstring, and the arrows burst out, instantly turning into a giant Azure Dragon.

Azure Dragon’s Arrow Form from Dragon’s roar!

Azure Dragon crossed the distance of several li and flung to the potential of 3 Spiritual Masters.

Speaking late, then, quickly, the arrows off the string, turned into Azure Dragon, and shot several li, all completed in less than a blink of an eye.

The arrows were off the string, and the 3 Spiritual Masters lurking, felt the sharp breath from the arrows burst, and the heart trembled.

Before they can take precautions, they are already rushed by Azure Dragon illusory shadow.

The two Four Stars Spiritual Masters were okay, but they were caught by the Azure Dragon illusory shadow converted by arrows, not at all under substantial attack, and the Five Stars Spiritual Master was shot by arrows.

Purple Gold Arrow shot into Five Stars Spiritual Master’s chest instantly, and the strength of frightening broke out within its body, shattering one by one meridian, one after another.

Five Stars Spiritual Master just wanted to operate the Star Astral defense, but Star Astral had not yet started, the arrows had shot through the chest, and the intense pain immediately caused the condensed Star Astral to collapse.


The body of the Five Stars Spiritual Master was pulled back by 10 meters with arrows, and then nailed to a large tree thicker than an adult’s body.

If the Five Stars Spiritual Master is prepared, with his strength, with no difficulty, he can fly this arrow.

However, because of the sneak attack, the response was unsatisfactory, and the body was shot by the arrows, but was hit by a near fatal wound, nailed to the trunk, and made a terrible sound.

Due to the injury, within the body Star Astral couldn’t work at all, and his body was nailed to the trunk by arrows, making it difficult to move.

This sudden change made two Four Stars Spiritual Masters startled, and even the Four Stars Spiritual Master who attacked the Golden Light array was also startled because of the misery of Five Stars Spiritual Master.

Four Stars Spiritual Master shouting loudly attacking Formation: “What’s going on?”


The answer is an arrow, speed is like light, like White Tiger flutters.

This Four Stars Spiritual Master expression is terrifying, and the silhouette flashes over 1000 meters in a flash to dodge.

However, the arrows volleyed and caught up in no time.

The Four Stars Spiritual Master’s body is extremely high, and it changes direction 4 times in a blink of an eye. However, the arrows also change 4 times in the sky continuously, always shooting towards the body of Four Stars Spiritual Master.

The Four Stars Spiritual Master couldn’t get out, and hurriedly turned back to punch the arrows.

The arrows shot by Ye Xing with all their strengths, even though they did not use Astrology, could not be countered by the Four Stars Spiritual Master. Besides, the Four Stars Spiritual Master was just a rush.

His fist was shot, arrows flashed through, and his throat was instantly worn. Four Stars Spiritual Master had lost his blood-curdling scream without sending it out.

At this time, the two latent Four Stars Spiritual Masters, like the bird of surprise, rushed out of jungle. They had no regard for Five Stars Spiritual Master, which was nailed to the trunk by serious injury. The black wings behind them fluttered and fled to the distance go with.

Ye Xing didn’t move. He opened his bow and fired an arrow again. Ye Xing’s range was ten miles long, and the opponent couldn’t escape the palm of his hand.

Two consecutive arrows were fired, and the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters who fled and fled were like the geese being shot, and they suddenly fell from the air, breathe one’s last!

Three Four Stars Spiritual Masters were all shot dead. Only the Five Stars Spiritual Master was severely wounded, nailed to the trunk, and difficult to move.


Ye Xing flew across the sky, and soon landed in front of Five Stars Spiritual Master. He looked at each other coldly and said, “Who are you, who asked you to kill me, and tell me, I will give you a happy life!”

Five Stars Spiritual Master looked at Ye Xing, his eyes were full of astonishment, and it was unbelievable, saying, “I didn’t expect that the target of this assassination turned out to be more like a killer than us. It was unexpected!”

With that said, black blood flowed out of the corner of the man’s mouth, and his body twitched, even taking Poison, breathe one’s last!

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