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“He’s too … too terrifying!”

“what should we do?”

“Spiritual Master Zhankong, Spiritual Master Youxie!”


The One Star Spiritual Master expression was shocked and terrified. The two Easts and Three Stars Spiritual Master of the hosting East Sect were completely destroyed, and everyone’s eyes were on the remaining 2 Spiritual Masters, Soaring Cloud Sect Master Yun Zhankong, and Blood. Abyss Sect Master Mo Youxie!

Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie glanced at each other, and they saw fear and remorse from each other’s eyes.

2 people shouted at the same time: “Use the formation and defend with all your strength!”

However, after two people spoke, they hurried to the other side of the Holding East peak. They did not believe that the formulation of the Holding East Sect could block Ye Xing. They just wanted the Holding East Sect to delay for a while, and they fled on the other side. .

In addition to Holding East Sect, under the command of Ye Xing’s, the Demon Beast army, led by many Third Level Demon Beast troops, was divided into two and left and right along the formation of the holding sect of Holding East Sect. Surrounded by East Peak.

Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie are two Two Stars Spiritual Masters. They are Ye Xing’s primary concern. Behind him is Wings of Clear Sky, flying outside the Formation mask. Even if they fly in a curve, they are better than Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie. Take the first step to the other side of the Holding East peak.

Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie had just rushed out of the Formation mask from the south of Holding East and saw Ye Xing suddenly appearing, and then they were caught in Dark World.

Hey -!

The arrows broke, Azure Dragon Yin Tian, ​​Azure Dragon’s Arrow Form burst into an instant.

Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie screamed in panic at the same time. How could you have expected that Ye Xing was so intrigued, and quickly turned and rushed towards Holding East Peak.

Although darkness envelopes all around, they still have a sense of direction.

However, the speed of the arrows is much faster than their reaction speed. When the two turned around, Azure Dragon was already on Mo Youxie, passing through the throat instantly.

Then, the arrow folds in the air and changes direction. It is almost a blink of an eye, and it passes through Yun Zhankong’s body.

Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie one after the other fell from the air, and the last two Two Stars Spiritual Masters were killed.

Several One Star Spiritual Masters saw Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie fleeing Holding East Sect and fled. They also lost confidence in the formation of Holding East Sect and followed the two people to escape.

However, before they left Holding East Peak, they saw Yun Zhankong and Mo Youxie being killed by Ye Xing kill two birds with one stone. They stopped immediately and couldn’t stop half a step forward.

Although the formulation of Holding East Sect is not very reliable, it seems that whoever escapes the Formation mask first will now take the lead on the dead end.

The Martial Artist on the holding east peak has only one way to go, and that is to use the formation against the army of Ye Xing and Demon Beast.

Holding East Sect’s Third Level Formation Master is still a One Star Spiritual Master. Loudly said: “Don’t panic. This Form has accumulated over 1000 years, and the First Layer is connected to the First Layer. There are dozens of them.

If I control the Formation, the Four Stars Spiritual Master may not be able to come in. You pass the Star Astral for me. I will use the Formation formidable power to the limit. The dozens of Third Level Formation are destroyed, and it is not hopeless to destroy this kid. “

Before, there was Dubian Xiong. As a Four Stars Spiritual Master, he was more terrifying than the dozens of heavy Third Level Formations of Holding East Sect.

On formidable power Dubian Xiong’s attack may be equivalent to dozens of heavy Third Level Formations, and may be inferior to half-chips, but Formation is dead. Although formidable power is powerful but cannot be moved, Dubian Xiong can be moved at will.

So, in the army of Ye Xing’s Demon Beast, there were not many Third Level Demon Beasts, Dubian Xiong took the Spirit Masters out of the battle, and the Spirit Masters held the Third Level Demon Beast, and he killed Ye Xing.

As a result, due to a serious misjudgment of Ye Xing’s strength, his life was lost, and the Spiritual Masters also lost and suffered heavy losses.

Now, the Third Level Formation Master of Holding East Sect has become the backbone, and everyone’s hopes are pinned on him.

The One Star Spiritual Master came behind the Third Level Formation Master, and the Star Astral was running, passing the Star Astral to the Third Level Formation Master one by one, so that the Third Level Formation Master had almost inexhaustible Star Astral.

Although the Star Astral intensity of the Third Level Formation Master has not been greatly improved, the quantity is better than that of the Three Stars Spiritual Master.


The Third Level Formation Master presses the ground with both hands, Star Astral swims underground, activating the formation one by one, shouting loudly.

I saw that besides the Holding East peak, in addition to the Formation mask, there were other First Layer and First Layer formations.

There are Sword Qi vertical and horizontal, blade light Huo Huo, as well as the beast birds and birds formed by the formation strength of Flood Dragon lion tiger, snake and leopard eagle crane, etc., all are Killing Array.

Apart from this, there are various attribute formations such as Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, closely linked with one another, among which the flames are rising, the rivers are rushing, 10000 woods are swords, flying sand running stone, and golden glow is shining.

Dozens of Third Level Formation, one after another excite, the entire Holding East Peak was protected from dripping water, even if a Four Stars Spiritual Master attacked it, it was difficult to please.

However, Ye Xing just made Demon Beast siege the mountains, not at all made them attack.

Ye Xing is also far away from the numerous formations outside the Holding East Peak, which is far from several li and not close.

Although the formation was excited, he couldn’t move. Ye Xing couldn’t go forward. The formation formidable power couldn’t reach him.

In the sky, the Wings of Clear Sky behind Ye Xing is unfolded. Black Hole, Sagittarius, and Flame are three types of Astrology. They all shine in the sky. In their hands, they hold High Grade Spirit Armament Heaven Shaking Bow. Wind, Fire, and Dark are three types of Minute Subtlety. Of the World is always used, and the breath remains in the peak state.

As a Dao of Bow expert, Ye Xing doesn’t have to rush up to meet the enemy’s short soldiers, just need to shoot arrows far away, which is the most powerful attack.

For a large array of arrays, the Dao of Bow expert is simply a nemesis, with only beatings.

The Third Level Formation Master of Holding East Sect also wanted to use the Formation to counterattack while Ye Xing and the Demon Beast army attacked, but now a Demon Beast has not attacked, only Ye Xing opened the bow in the distance, and his face suddenly hard to look .

He used the Spirit Master’s strength to inspire dozens of formations in one fell swoop. It was like a person bursting strength to the strongest realm, only to find that he was too far away from the enemy, but his attack distance was not enough. In vain, Bai lived a busy life.

The most important thing is that he can’t attack the enemy, but the enemy can attack himself. In the face of Ye Xing’s bow and arrow, on the side of Holding East Sect, he can only be beaten for nothing!

“His bow and arrow must not break the formulation of this sect. The dozens of heavy formations are excited, and the formidable power that erupts must be able to smash the arrows that are shot!”

Holding Level Sect’s Third Level Formation Master can only change his mind in this way and strengthen his confidence.

Ye Xing opened the Heaven Shaking Bow, but not at all hurriedly shot arrows.

At this moment, his Superbrain scan, eyes perspective, searching for the weak spot of dozens of formations outside the Holding East peak.

There is no perfect and without blemish!

As long as the weak spot in the Formula is found, Ye Xing can use the minimum effort to break these dozens of heavy Formulas.

Time passes by every minute!

Ye Xing’s delay in launching an attack, on the contrary, made the Martial Artist on the Holding East Peak feel more depressed, as if his chest was always pressed against a stone, and heavier and heavier.

All Martial Artists are puzzled: what exactly is Ye Xing doing!

Several Formula Masters frowned, and a shock flashed in their eyes. They naturally knew that the Formula had weak spots, and the Dao of Bow expert’s eyes were far beyond ordinary people. Ye Xing opened the bow at this moment without shooting arrows. Obviously watching the weak spot of the Formation.

“In this case, First Layer is connected to First Layer and is closely linked with one another. He cannot find the weak spot of the formation unless he is a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar. This is impossible!”

Third Level Formation Master of Holding East Sect, secretly said in one’s heart.

After 30 breaths passed, Ye Xing’s eyes burst into a burst of light and became extremely shiny.

The killing intent was several times more powerful, and might also exploded at this moment!

On the peak of Holding East, several Form Masters were in the heart of Mo Ming. At this moment, they felt bad from Ye Xing’s eyes.

That was Qiuhao’s self-confidence gaze, did that mean … Ye Xing really saw the Formation weak spot?

The concerns of several Formation Masters were easily verified. At this moment, Ye Xing finally shot arrows that had already been wound.

Azure Dragon’s Arrow Form, Arrowize Azure Dragon!

A hundred zhang Azure Dragon flew across the sky in several moments, and fiercely hit on the Formation outside the Peak of Holding East.


With a bang, Azure Dragon rushed deep into the formation of light and shadow, in which it rammed, First Layer and First Layer’s formation of light and shadow, under the impact of Azure Dragon, they collapsed and annihilated.

The speed of the arrows is too fast. When the Third Level Formation Master of Holding East Sect reacts, there are already several formations that have been bombed by Azure Dragon’s Arrow Form.


The Third Level Formation Master yelled, and suddenly there were ten top-level Formation devastation, sword glow, blade light, Fire Dragon, Water Margin, etc., all kinds of Formation strength attacks, all blasted on Azure Dragon.

The top ten formations hit at the same time, the strength was extremely powerful, and the Azure Dragon was immediately blown away. The arrows strength was exhausted and was also blown up.

However, at this point Ye Xing’s second arrow shot again.

White Tiger’s Arrow Form!

The arrows turned into a hungred zhang-sized White Tiger, flew over several li in an instant, and rushed into the heavy battle from another position.

In Ye Xing’s arrows, there is the power of wind in the Minute Subtlety realm. How fast is the speed? As soon as the arrows come out, they have already entered the heavy formation. The Third Level Formation Master does not respond to speed so quickly to resist.

When the Third Level Formation Master responded, the remaining Formations were destroyed and the White Tiger’s Arrow Form was defeated. At least 4 Fifth Stage Formations have been forcibly removed from the weak spot by the arrows and completely destroyed.

Martial Artist on the Peak of Holding East once again exuded panic.

This heavy formation, under Ye Xing’s attack, does not seem to stop for long.

In addition, at the moment Ye Xing shot, at least a few of the Formulas were broken, and the effect was great, and the Third Level Formation Master of Holding East Sect counterattacked, just kicking back the arrows shot by Ye Xing. For Ye Xing, including the root hair No.

Seeing the formation outside the Holding East peak, the first layer and the first layer were destroyed by Ye Xing, and the Martial Artist on the holding east peak was frightened!

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