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When Silver-Winged Devil Vulture flew into the Formation mask, Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang started at the same time, with great joy in surprise.

One was surprised that the Ye Xing’s mount turned out to be the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture of the Equivalent to Three Stars Spiritual Master, and 2 was surprised that there was even a Lin Tongyu on the back of the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture.

Lin Tongyu followed Ye Xing, leaping from the back of the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture and paying respect to Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang.

Amethyst Mountain Marquis expression was startled, and said, “Ye Xing, what is this …?”

Gu Tianshang was even more excited with expression. He flashed to Lin Tongyu in a flash, his voice trembling: “Tongyu, you … you are alive, alive!”

Gu Tianshang has been obsessed with Dao of Array all his life. The most admired person is Junior Brother Lin Fenghua. Lin Fenghua is younger than him, but his formation is higher than him, which convinces Gu Tianshang to take it orally.

Ai Wu and Wu Wu, Gu Tianshang naturally loves Lin Fenghua’s daughter Lin Tongyu.

Moreover, Gu Tianshang has no children, and treats Lin Tongyu as a biological daughter.

Gu Tianshang thought that Lin Tongyu, like Lin Fenghua and Lin Xiuyuan, fell into Sect. Today, when I saw Lin Tongyu again, it was naturally very exciting.

Lin Tongyu was emotionally infected with Gu Tianshang and was also a little excited. When she saw Gu Tianshang, she thought of the dead father, grandfather, and other family members.

Lin Tongyu had tears in his eyes, nodded and said: “Uncle Gu, it was Junior Brother Ye Xing who saved me. In Nine Heavens City, Junior Brother Ye Xing also saved a lot of this Sect Disciple.”


Amethyst Mountain Marquis was also excited, and cried out in surprise with Gu Tianshang.

Ye Xing nodded, said: “Yes, Master, Elder Gu, disciple There are a lot of things to report, find somewhere to talk about!”

Star Crystal Ore Vein is the last stronghold of Falling Star Sect, which contains many Martial Artists.

Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang originally brought some Martial Artists to welcome them, and their fierce response attracted a group of Martial Artists, all of them looked at it with surprise, under ‘thousands of staring eyes’, obviously not a conversation Great place.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Gu Tianshang even said 3 good words, which was a pleasant surprise in his heart, and said, “You follow me and go to the Chamber and say.”

When he arrived at the Chamber, Ye Xing told him about Nine Heavens City’s, one by one, and heard Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang, and they were shocked.

Within the Clear Sky Mountain Range, kill Soaring Cloud Sect Two Stars Spiritual Master Elder Qiu Bohong and meet expert Hei Biao!

Control the Demon Beast Silver-Winged Devil Vulture of the Equivalent to Three Stars Spiritual Master and head to Nine Heavens City by carving!

Breakthrough Star Astral Boundary and become One Star Spiritual Master!

Defeat Mu Shaoyue and take the top spot on Young Hero Assembly to become number one in the Earth Profound Ranking!

Received by Reverend Wu Yu and refused to join Heavenly Astral Sect!

Kill Three Stars Spiritual Master, destroy Sun Moon Sect at Nine Heavens City’s stronghold, and rescue Falling Star Sect disciple!

Fight with Firecloud Cult son Yun Tianhao and recapture Lin Tongyu!

Expert Hei Biao, who I met in Clear Sky Mountain Range, is actually a respected man, let Reverend Wu Yu give Ye Xing Dao Protector!


When Ye Xing finishes everything, Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang hear dumbstruck.

Unimaginable, Ye Xing left more than 2 months and experienced so many amazing things.

For example, words like Earth Profound Ranking first and superior, and Falling Star Sect, not just the Martial Dao forces in the entire Clear Sky Region, have no slight intersection.

Not to mention that even the entire True Profound Domain is a legendary lord, Ye Xing even encountered it, which is even more shocking.

Of course, no one would think that Hei Biao might also be the king!

After Ye Xing finished speaking, the scene was very quiet. Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang only had shock in their eyes, and were overwhelmed by surprise, watching Ye Xing for a while and didn’t know what to say.

It took several breaths for Amethyst Mountain Marquis to respond, saying: “Ye Xing, there are three Three Stars Spiritual Masters in the younger generation genius who participated in the Young Hero Assembly, but you took the first, this is to say you Has already surpassed Three Stars Spiritual Master? “

Ye Xing nodded, saying: “Unless the other party is also a genius capable of higher level challenge, the discipline is not afraid of any Three Stars Spiritual Master.”

The eyes of Amethyst Mountain Marquis and Gu Tianshang all shone, blooming the rays of light of hope.

Amethyst Mountain Marquis said excitedly: “Okay! Okay! The sky has eyes! Now that Holding East Sect Master Dubian Xiong sits in Holding East Sect, Falling Star Sect is only Retired Elder Watanabe Tan of the Holding East Sect.

Ye Xing, you have such strength. Before Dubian Xiong arrives, you can kill Falling Star Sect, kill Watanabe Tan, and Dubian Shu, recover Sect, and then use the Formation to resist Dubian Xiong’s counterattack. “

Ye Xing indifferently smiled, took out ‘Rebirth Pill’, and said, “Master, disciple won the first prize, and got the reward of ‘Rebirth Pill’. With Rebirth Pill, your feet will be back once you have passed tonight Grow up, tomorrow, I will kill Sect with the Master, Watanabe Tan, I will solve it, Dubian Shu, the Master will dispose of it himself. “

Ye Xing naturally understood Dubian Shu as Amethyst Mountain Marquis said. It was Hua Tianshu, the former wife of Falling Star Sect Sect Master. Amethyst Mountain Marquis did not recognize her as Hua Clan. Ye Xing naturally no longer called her Hua Tianshu. .

Amethyst Mountain Marquis looked at Rebirth Pill in Ye Xing’s hands, and his breathing was gradually quicker. His feet had been abolished for more than ten years, and he didn’t want to be able to recover as he did one day. This day finally came.

“Thank you…thank you!”

Amethyst Mountain Marquis took over Rebirth Pill and had 1000 words and 10000 words to say to Ye Xing, but in the end just said thank you.

Gratitude is no longer too much, but sincere.

Amethyst Mountain Marquis is grateful and sincere.

He still remembers saying that when he accepted Ye Xing as an apprentice, if Ye Xing could get any treasure of rebirth in the future, he would heal his feet if he had a chance. At that time, he just said casually at the time of hope, didn ‘t expect, Ye Xing actually did it.

Ye Xing’s face had a faint smile, and said, “If there is no Master, how can there be a Disciple? Today, Disciple has long been killed by Yellow Springs. Compared with life, Rebirth Pill is what it is. Thank you, Disciple Ye Xing!”

It’s Amethyst Mountain Marquis, who taught Ye Xing Dao of Bow, let Ye Xing know the wide-ranging and profound of Dao of Bow, and also Amethyst Mountain Marquis, tell him about Martial Dao World and let him know how vast Stars Continent is.

When the Holding East Country army invaded, it was Amethyst Mountain Marquis that saved Ye Xing’s life, otherwise Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan could not escape the pursuit of Dong Xuanying.

To others, Rebirth Pill may be extremely precious and priceless.

But in Ye Xing’s opinion, a Rebirth Pill is far less than the kindness of Master Amethyst Mountain Marquis to him!

Amethyst Mountain Marquis took a deep breath and patted it twice on Ye Xing’s shoulder, saying:

“One of the most correct things the Master has done in his life is to accept you as disciple, Ye Xing. With your innate talent, no one can stop you from standing out, and it will take you as a disciple. This is the greatest luck of the Master’s life!”

“Hahahaha …!”

Gu Tianshang laughed with joy on the side and said, “Tianfeng, I have to say that your vision is really unusual. I wanted to accept Ye Xing as the Dao of Array disciple, but unfortunately his innate talent is too high, and I know it. Can’t teach him anything!

Ye Xing is your disciple, your greatest luck, Ye Xing is your Falling Star Sect’s disciple, and your biggest luck!

Hey … Unfortunately, Lin Junior Brother can’t see it now. If Lin Junior Brother knows that Ye Xing is so prosperous, I don’t know what it will be like. “

Speaking of Lin Fenghua, the smiling expression of Gu Tianshang faded, and the voice became cricket.

Lin Tongyu said: “Father has a spirit in the sky, and he will definitely see the current achievement of Junior Brother Ye Xing, and he will laugh at 9 Quan.”

Gu Tianshang nodded and said: “Yes, yes, Lin Junior Brother will see, Ye Xing, your cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, I do n’t know how the formation level is, you Dao of Array innate talent Brother teaches you Dao of Array, but don’t let it go. “

Ye Xing nodded, saying: “I can already arrange Third Level Formation.”

Gu Tianshang’s expression suddenly freezes, and he is shocked again.

He studied Dao of Array all his life, and finally broke through bottleneck and became Third Level Formation Master because of Sect’s destruction, great stimulation and great potential explosion.

Ye Xing is only 18 years old, and it’s been more than a year since I studied Dao of Array. I have been able to arrange Third Level Formation, which is faster than Lin Fenghua. I don’t know how much.

Gu Tianshang looked at Ye Xing. After a long while, he slowly said a word: “The evil!


Amethyst Mountain Marquis went back to Rebirth Pill for treatment, and Ye Xing continued to talk to Gu Tianshang for a while to learn about Star Crystal Ore Vein’s condition.

After 3 months of mining, Falling Star Sect has already obtained 1000000 Middle Grade star crystals, and Low Grade star crystals, even more than 10000000 million.

According to professional miners’ calculations, this Middle Grade Star Crystal Ore Vein should have been dug only about half, that is to say, you can also wipe out 1000000 Middle Grade star crystals.

2 100+ 10000 Middle Grade star crystals, this is a super huge fortune, many One Star Higher Class Sect cannot compare with it.

As long as the Middle Grade Star Crystal Ore Vein has been collected, Falling Star Sect will be one of the richest One Star Sects, which will have a huge effect on the development of Falling Star Sect’s.

Now, Ye Xing is the Falling Star Sect Sect Master. As soon as Ye Xing returns, Gu Tianshang handed over the star crystal resources to Ye Xing’s management.

1000000 Middle Grade star crystal, which is larger than a house when stacked together, but Ye Xing has a Middle Grade Storage Ring, but it can fit.

As for the 10000000 million Low Grade star crystals, they are piled up and can only be stored in the underground cave first. Unless it is a High Grade Storage Ring, don’t expect to pack so many things.

After checking the star crystal, Ye Xing left Star Crystal Ore Vein when he saw that it was still early.

Since the Falling Star Sect was destroyed, the once glorious Ye Family must have had a hard time. Ye Xing took the time to go to Amethyst Mountain Region Sky-Blue City to take a look at Ye Family.

Amethyst Mountain Region, Sky-Blue City, today is a lively day.

The Xiong Family, one of the Sky-Blue City Three Major Clans, is the new Patriarch Xiong Qisheng. Today, they are marrying the Ye Family, two Ye’s spoiled daughters Ye Yundie and Ye Yunjuan, who are also one of the Sky-Blue City Three Major Clans.

This may be a trivial matter in Falling Star Country, but in Sky-Blue City, it is a well known event.

Even in the Amethyst Mountain Region, many Martial Dao Aristocratic Family know about it and come to visit and congratulate.

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