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Hei Biao didn’t even move his hands. Just with Eye Technique, he took 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters to Yellow Springs Road with no difficulty.

Reverend Wu Yu traced far behind the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters. Although the distance was too far to see clearly, the master’s eyesight was amazing, but he could still see the silhouette of the two people.

At this moment, a third silhouette suddenly appeared, and in a blink of an eye, the two Spiritual Masters chopped off each other’s heads, and the corpses fell from the sky …

This sudden change scared Reverend Wu Yu, even if he was a superior, at this moment, his heart was cold.

Reverend Wu Yu’s cultivation base is up to Star Astral Boundary Eighth Layer. If he wants to kill Four Stars Spiritual Master, as usual, he can be Insta-kill or even silent Insta-kill.

However, if you want to stop him, Insta-kill 2 Four Stars Spiritual Master, it is absolutely impossible.

And, Reverend Wu Yu knows that no expert in True Profound Domain can do it.

It can be seen that the silhouette that suddenly appeared in front of the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters, what terrifying strength it is, is definitely not just superior.

In the distance, Reverend Wu Yu can also see that the silhouette did not use the Flight Spirit Tool, but it was empty.

His Excellency!

Reverend Wu Yu flashed a single thought in his heart for a moment.

Without condensing the Star Astral feathers, without using the Flight Spirit Tool, you can stand directly in the void, and only the Lord of Extreme Star Realm can do it.

In True Profound Domain, His Holiness is legend. Like 100 princely Martial Saints, they cannot beat a One Star Spiritual Master, and 100 superior Spirit Masters, but they cannot beat the weakest Lord.

Between Spiritual Master and His Holiness, there is as different as heaven and earth.

There was a lord in front of him. How could Reverend Wu Yu not be frightened, and did not dare to move forward, and quickly turned around and returned to Nine Heavens City.

In front of His Holiness, True Profound Domain 9 big upper sect is completely worthless. His Holiness is angry. Any One Star Sect is clay chickens and pottery dogs, which can be easily destroyed.

Although Reverend Wu Yu is famous in the True Profound Domain and ranks 7th in the Heaven Profound Ranking, he is also trembling with fear in front of His Holiness.

Reverend Wu Yu all saw the silhouette of Hei Biao. Hei Biao naturally saw Reverend Wu Yu clearly and clearly.

Hei Biao just glanced at Reverend Wu Yu, and the silhouette disappeared in a flash.

Suddenly, a voice came into Reverend Wu Yu’s mind: “Dao Protector for him!”

For him Dao Protector!

Simply 4 words, but every word that fell into Reverend Wu Yu’s ears sounded like a thunder and a thunderous sound.

Reverend Wu Yu hearing this, a shock, suddenly turned around and looked away, the silhouette that went away has been disappear without a trace.

“For him Dao Protector? Who is he? Is it …!”

Reverend Wu Yu expression was surprised, with a great shock in his heart, and a shocking look in his eyes: “Is it Ye Ye Dao Protector?”

Reverend Wu Yu thought of Ye Xing and couldn’t help exclaiming: “Behind Ye Xing’s, there is a person, His Holiness?”

This shocked Reverend Wu Yu so much.

His life, Reverend Wu Yu dare not to obey, shocked, looked towards Hei Biao’s direction of disappearance, bowed his arms and worshiped.

Reverend Wu Yu complimented: “Follow Venerable’s Command!”

Venerable’s Command, Reverend Wu Yu dare not follow, let alone Reverend Wu Yu only ranks 7th in Heaven Profound Ranking, even if it is the first, in front of His Holiness, it is like an ant!

The sum of all the masters of the True Profound Domain is less than half a hundred, and they are not an opponent of the Lord.

Moreover, Reverend Wu Yu obeyed the order, and it was a good thing for Ye Xing Dao Protector.

If things work out, there are at least two benefits.

First, there must be rewards for completing Venerable’s Command. How charitable and wealthy His Holiness is, and he can shoot casually, I am afraid it is also a Spirit Level Top Grade treasure.

Second, Ye Xing grew up, and he, Dao Protector, will also benefit from it.

“No wonder he has no interest in joining Heavenly Astral Sect. It turned out that there is a respected teaching behind him and he can learn the technical inheritance of Profound Level.

Ye Xing is 18 years old, breaking through Star Astral Boundary, achieving the Spiritual Master, and still having 7 years of gold cultivation time, so innate talent, and the teaching of His Holiness, in the future, he will become the Honor of Extreme Star Realm, ten to nine.

I can be a respected Dao Protector in my life, this is a great glory, good thing, great thing! “

Reverend Wu Yu muttered to himself, expression was getting more and more joyful.

As soon as Reverend Wu Yu raised his hand, Star Astral gathered in the palm of his hand and turned into a bird.

“Sect Master Junior Brother, starting today, I ’m Ye Xing Dao Protector, please ask Onan Junior Brother to be in the Nine Sects Alliance for me!”

Reverend Wu Yu mutter incantations next to the birds gathered by Star Astral, said with a wave, shouted: “Go!”


The Star Astral bird suddenly turned into a rays of light, flew away, and soon disappeared into view.

The Inner Strength of ordinary Martial Artist is ordinary strength, and the Inner Strength of Martial Saint is Star Origin, a True Qi, which is 100 times stronger than ordinary strength.

Spiritual Master’s Inner Strength is Star Astral, and astral qi is 100 times stronger than True Qi.

Star Astral is as solid as Spirit Armament, especially the superior of Star Astral Boundary Venerable Level. The strength of Star Astral is even more incredible than that of Middle Grade Spirit Armament.

This little bird formed by Star Astral will dissipate even after leaving Reverend Wu Yu’s side for more than half a day.

Star Astral is broken, how fast is the speed, most of the time, this Star Astral bird has already flown to Heavenly Astral Sect and passed the message to Heavenly Astral Sect Sect Master.

Some princely-level Martial Saints can use Star Origin pronunciation and polyphony to form a line, which can achieve 1000 miles of sound transmission, and the Spiritual Master, which is even capable of ten thousand li sound transmission.

The superiors of Star Astral Boundary Venerable Level, even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands, can pass the sound.

If you are the Supreme Master of Extreme Star Realm, it is even more powerful.

After sending the news, Reverend Wu Yu smiled and continued to chase after Ye Xing. From now on, he will be the Ye Xing’s Dao Protector, secretly following to ensure the safety of Ye Xing’s.

This time Dao Protector, I met a lord and helped a future lord, and the benefits were many. Reverend Wu Yu was naturally happy and smiled.

However, Reverend Wu Yu ignored it a bit.

He has always believed that Hei Biao is a Supreme Master, however, it is not just a Supreme Master who is able to set up a void expert by his strength.

His Holiness can stand in the void, and a King stronger than His Holiness, of course.

The king stands on the existence of the entire Stars Continent Martial Dao peak.

In True Profound Domain, His Holiness is already a legend. Reverend Wu Yu has lived for more than 100 years, and has never met an alien His Holiness in True Profound Domain.

As for the King, Reverend Wu Yu also left True Profound Domain to run away when he was young, but he has never seen the King in his life, but he was fortunate to have met the Lord several times.

When Reverend Wu Yu saw the expert standing in the void, he naturally thought only of His Holiness. He did not even think that this might be a king.

The King, for the Spiritual Master, it is completely out of reach.


Silver-Winged Devil Vulture soars high in the sky, Ye Xing and Lin Tongyu, sitting on the back of the carving, the wind whispered in their ears.

Lin Tongyu’s eyes, from time to time looked towards Ye Xing, were full of worship.

Ye Falling Star Sect, Ye Xing’s performance has been very prominent, making Lin Tongyu eye-catching.

Today, Falling Star Sect is in great trouble and Ye Xing has a heavy responsibility.

First, I asked the public for Falling Star Sect disciple in water and fire, and now I want to return to the Clear Sky Region, rebuild the Falling Star Sect, and find the enemy to avenge the snow.

What Ye Xing’s has done is not only to make Lin Tongyu’s eye-catching look, but a deep worship, Ye Xing has become extremely tall in his heart, occupying all the space in her entire heart.

Lin Tongyu looked at Ye Xing and found that this Junior Brother, even when sitting, was so good-looking, such a heroic warrior was like a jade tree facing the wind, and it was like a giant alpine giant on the shore.

However, Ye Xing at this time was not as chic as Lin Tongyu imagined, slightly frowning.

Because of the solidity of Superbrain, Ye Xing’s vision is far better than people, and it can be improved vision, and because he cultivated Pupil of Clear Sky, the distance of farsighted is even more amazing. range.

Ye Xing is away from the city and is tracked by 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters, which cannot be hidden from Ye Xing.

For the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters, Ye Xing is not at all. If the other party’s plot is out of touch and stays away from Nine Heavens City, then Ye Xing will use cards in one’s hand to kill 2 people.

Ye Xing only occasionally noticed the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters far away from several dozen li behind him, and the appearance of Hei Biao was only a short period of time, Ye Xing did not know.

He only knew that after a while, the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters who were with him had disappeared and replaced by Reverend Wu Yu.

This makes Ye Xing a little puzzled. What does it mean when Reverend Wu Yu follows him?

Ye Xing is very grateful and respectful to Reverend Wu Yu.

However, Reverend Wu Yu followed him secretly, and Ye Xing couldn’t possibly have no idea in his mind.

The other party is a master of Star Astral Boundary Eighth Layer. The existence of True Profound Domain, prestigious, Heaven Profound Ranking seventh, is one of the 7 most powerful people in the True Profound Domain.

Followed by such a character, who can rest assured?

“I have been followed by two Four Stars Spiritual Masters. Are the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters under the control of Reverend Wu Yu or did Reverend Wu Yu expel the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters?”

Ye Xing wondered.

If the two Four Stars Spiritual Masters are under the control of Reverend Wu Yu, then Reverend Wu Yu will send someone to follow first, and then follow in person.

If Reverend Wu Yu helped him expel 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters, it means that Reverend Wu Yu was secretly helping him.

Of course, if there is another possibility for the second one, it is that Reverend Wu Yu ran away from others, but Reverend Wu Yu is also plotting against him, otherwise why should he continue to track down?

Regardless of whether Reverend Wu Yu follows him for good or bad, Ye Xing dislikes it.

Ye Xing has his own secrets. At some point, he will use his cards in one’s hand to kill some enemies far better than his strong opponents.

And when he used cards in one’s hand, he didn’t want someone watching him in the distance.

“Senior Sister, you take Silver-Winged Devil Vulture first, and I’ll come later!”

Ye Xing confessed something to Lin Tongyu, and then a black feather wing emerged from behind, flying from the back of the eagle.

If Reverend Wu Yu has a bad heart, Ye Xing can only use Wings of Clear Sky to escape. Of course, Lin Tongyu must go one step ahead.

Otherwise, in the presence of a superior, it is difficult for Ye Xing to escape by himself, let alone take Lin Tongyu together.

[Yesterday and today each owes a chapter, and the total amount owed becomes 28! 】

[The plot is finally straightened out, and I have some expectations in my heart. The update will be accelerated from tomorrow! 】

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