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Yesterday, the Sun Moon Sect base was destroyed. Ye Xing must have obtained the Storage Ring in the hands of ten Spirit Masters in the Sun Moon Sect base.

According to Yun Tianhao’s inference, Sun Moon Sect’s ten Spiritual Masters are not affluent persons. The Middle Grade star crystal in their hands can reach 2 10000, which is the top.

As for Ye Xing himself, there is not much Middle Grade star crystal on him.

Therefore, Yun Tianhao is very self-confidence. He bids 2 10000 1000 Middle Grade star crystal, which can basically drive Ye Xing to the absolute end.

However, Yun Tianhao’s tone barely fell, and Ye Xing once again bid and raised the price significantly: “2 10000 5000.”

It is another one-time price increase of several thousand. The price increase of Yun Tianhao 1000 1000 is a little pediatric compared with Ye Xing.

Ye Xing’s bid surprised all Martial Artists. Unimaginable, Ye Xing had so many Middle Grade star crystals.

Even the Martial Artist in the Honoured Guest Room, they are puzzled. They are similar to Yun Tianhao’s estimate. If Ye Xing only obtained the Middle Grade star crystal of the ten Spirit Masters of the Sun Moon Sect base, I am afraid that this price cannot be afforded.

But it is certain that since Ye Xing dared to pay this price, there should be so many Middle Grade star crystals in his hands. Otherwise, he submitted an inflated auction, and as a result, he could not get the Middle Grade star crystal when he took the item. Miserable.

In the No. 7 Honoured Guest room, Yun Tianhao’s face showed an unpleasant color, saying: “It seems that the Middle Grade star crystal on your body is a little bit less than expected, but how much can you make? 2 10000 6000! “

In the Honoured Guest Room, No. 7-9, Ye Xing’s eyes are sharp. He has learned from some Martial Artist’s comments that he is competing with Yun Tianhao, son of Firecloud Cult.

Everyone knows that Ye Xing is the Clear Sky Region Falling Star Sect disciple, and the auctioned Lin Tongyu is also the Falling Star Sect disciple.

Yesterday’s killing of the Sun Moon Sect stronghold by Ye Xing can already prove the fact that the Falling Star Sect disciple is a slave, Ye Xing’s enemy of life and death, Ye Xing must kill without mercy.

Today’s auction, Ye Xing has already paid a high price, Yun Tianhao still has to compete with Ye Xing. No doubt Ye Xing is not in his eyes, even if he is the enemy of life and death, he does not care.

Ye Xing took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, expressed calmness, and said, “30000!”

The Martial Artist was shocked again. Ye Xing’s bid was too outrageous.

30000 Middle Grade star crystal, even the wealthy person in the Middle Tier Spiritual Master, can bring out so many.

Even Yun Tianhao, as a Five Stars Spiritual Master and the godfather of Firecloud Cult, has a lot of pressure on him.

In the No. 7 Honoured Guest room, Yun Tianhao stood up and said, “30000 Middle Grade star crystal? Can you get a rural guy in a remote area?”

Yun Tianhao suspects that Ye Xing can’t come up with so many Middle Grade star crystals, and is reporting an inflated price.

Ye Xing coldly snorted and said: “You care if I can’t get it, I can’t afford to shoot it, shameless!”

Yun Tianhao’s face suddenly turned blue, and his eyes burned with anger. Icyly said, “Who do you know who Ben Ben is?”

For Yun Tianhao, Ye Xing has become a life-and-death enemy who has the opportunity to be killed, but who needs to care about who he is?

Ye Xing scorned: “A poor ghost!”

Yun Tianhao To get really angry, Ye Xing dare to say that he is a poor ghost?

At this time, a voice sounded in the Honoured Guest Room No. 3: “No matter how many star crystals are produced by Ye Xing, if it is lacking in my hands, I can fill it up with Heavenly Astral Sect, Yun Tianhao, you don’t have to worry about Ye Xing without star crystals.”

The speaker is Yang Gang, the former Earth Profound Ranking first, and the current Earth Profound Ranking third.

Yun Tianhao coldly’s voice came from the No. 7 Honoured Guest room: “It turned out to be Heavenly Astral Sect as a backer. It seems that I have looked at you as a hunk, 30000 Middle Grade star crystal. Ben Shao wasn’t able to afford it, but this cheap woman, worth the price, hehe …! “

In other words, Yun Tianhao said to two Four Stars Spiritual Master sound transmission beside him: “Follow Ye Xing, wait for them to leave Nine Heavens City, kill him, and bring this woman to Ben Shao!”

After finding Heavenly Astral Sect as the backing, I dare to fight against Ben Shao, courting death! Yun Tianhao secretly said in one’s heart.

In Honoured Guest Room 7-9, a terrible killing intent suddenly appeared in Ye Xing’s eyes.

Yun Tianhao This move is undoubtedly the dead end! Ye Xing has vowed in his heart that he will not kill Yun Tianhao, and he will not swear.

His technological Inheritance, reaching Spirit Level Top Grade, can be cultivated up to half step, even if Yun Tianhao is the godfather of Firecloud Cult, Ye Xing also has this confidence.

Not to mention the godfather of Firecloud Cult, even if it is Firecloud Cult Sect Lord, Ye Xing has killed his heart, as usual in the future is a Calamity Tribulation.

Yun Tianhao regards Ye Xing as a fellow countryman, and does not put Ye Xing in his eyes, but he does not know that he has become a dead person in the eyes of Ye Xing.

Yun Tianhao withdrew from the competition. Naturally, no one snatched it from Ye Xing again. 30000 Middle Grade star crystal became the highest bid. Lin Tongyu was successfully photographed by Ye Xing. This auction is now over.

Soon, Lin Tongyu was sent to Honoured Guest Room 7 by the Martial Artist at the Bone Auction House.

Ye Xing paid 30000 Middle Grade star crystal and said, “Please unlock my Senior Sister restriction.”

The Whitebones Sect Spiritual Master, headed by Lin Tongyu’s neck, clicked 3 acupoints, and from Lin Tongyu back of the head, he pulled out a silver needle with a length of one finger.

“Well, she will return to normal after ten or two breaths.”

Whitebones Sect’s Spiritual Master said nothing and took someone out of the room.

Looking at Lin Tongyu and Ye Xing’s heartbeat in front of me, I couldn’t help speeding up, and my eyes were full of expectations.

With each breath, Ye Xing counted silently. When Ye Xing counted to ten, Lin Tongyu’s godless eyes suddenly glowed and became agitated.

“Senior Sister-!”

Ye Xing’s emotion, also excited at this moment, a call.

Lin Tongyu suddenly regained consciousness, his eyes immediately showed fear and his body trembled.

Until it was discovered that the person in front of him was Ye Xing, Lin Tongyu’s expression changed from fear to surprise: “Junior Brother Ye Xing?”

After crying out in surprise, Lin Tongyu’s expression added some surprises. He grabbed Ye Xing’s shoulders and was more excited than Ye Xing. He said, “Junior Brother Ye Xing, are you still alive?”

After Lin Tongyu was captured, he was given to Sun Moon Sect by Holding East Sect, and then escorted to Nine Heavens City by Sun Moon Sect Martial Artist. No outside news was heard.

Sun Moon Sect ’s claim to Falling Star Sect disciple is that Falling Star Sect has been destroyed. Except for them, everyone else has been killed and killed Yellow Springs, including Falling Star Sect Master Lu Tianyuan, including genius disciple Ye Xing .

Father died, Sect was destroyed, and the rest only had death news. Lin Tongyu was already ashamed.

At this moment, suddenly I saw Ye Xing standing in front of my eyes. Why wasn’t Lin Tongyu excited and surprised?

Ye Xing repeatedly nodded, and said, “Yes, Senior Sister, I am still alive, Sect Master has passed me the position of Sect Master, I am here, and Falling Star Sect is still there!”

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