Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 090 [End of the First School Year (5)]

Six thousand dumplings. By the time Kerry finished making these dumplings, the dinner was about to begin.

After Kerry sat down, the little wizards chattered. Some were discussing what the Daily Prophet said about Harry Potter, some were discussing the dumplings Kerry made for everyone, and some were simply predicting the test scores. Of course, in the end, almost all of these people were Ravenclaws.

Hermione sat down early and saved a seat for Kerry. Next to her were her two roommates.

When the dinner was about to start, Professor McGonagall told the little wizards to lower their voices. The professors came one after another - except Snape.

At this moment, the door of the Great Hall was opened.

Harry pushed the door open and came in, followed by Ron. The five of them walked into the Great Hall together.

The moment they walked in, the Great Hall instantly became quiet, and almost everyone was looking at the five little ones.

Kerry took the initiative to stand up and shouted,"Our great heroes!" and then applauded vigorously.

Then, the whole auditorium seemed to be filled with boiling oil. The young wizards followed suit and burst into applause that was as loud as an explosion. The sound was about to shake the whole hall. Even the little snakes in the snake yard applauded.

Then came the sound of whistles and clapping on the table. For a moment, the scene was like a superstar's appearance, Michael Jackson was resurrected - oh, he was not dead at this time, I must go and see MJ in person if I have the chance - Kerry suddenly remembered Mr. MJ, whom he liked very much in his previous life.

The little lions reserved seats for five people in the middle of the table in advance. Harry received a hero-like welcome ceremony. Everyone couldn't help but want to hug them, especially Harry. Kerry guessed that it was because Harry was the most handsome.

After a few minutes, the scene cooled down and returned to its chirping state. At this time, the last person finally entered the scene - Dumbledore walked in with small steps.

The noise in the auditorium gradually subsided, and the young wizards looked up at Dumbledore.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore seemed very happy. He waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then began his speech:

"Before you enjoy these delicious dishes, I must bother you to listen to an old man's cliché. What a wonderful year this has been!

Your little brains must be richer than before... There is a whole summer vacation waiting for you, so you can digest all those things before the next semester starts, so that your brain can be freed up.……"

"Now, according to our custom, we must first hold the award ceremony for the House Cup. The specific scores of each house are as follows: Fourth place - Gryffindor, 269 points!"Dumbledore deliberately paused here.

"Third place, Hufflepuff, 342 points; second place, Ravenclaw 444 points, and finally, Slytherin, which ranked first, reached an astonishing 480 points."

A thunderous cheer and stamping of feet erupted at the Slytherin dining table, and the little snake was extremely excited.

Among the four colleges, Slytherin has always had the fewest people, but they always manage to win the first place, for which Kerry is quite impressed. Objectively speaking, this group of people is indeed more utilitarian, but their abilities are indeed unique. In a sense, this also proves that the theory of bloodline is indeed correct in some aspects.

However, Kerry still hates Slytherin very much, because the main purpose of Slytherin is [bloodline theory], which is obviously a wrong idea. The possibility of Pan Changjiang or Guo Jingming's descendants becoming basketball players is of course almost equal to"0", but bloodline theory cannot be relied upon, what if a mutant appears in the offspring.

Superman, of course, becomes a Superman by bloodline, but in a world full of magic, one day ordinary individuals like humans may be able to evolve an [Earth Superman] autonomously like Kryptonians, and the evolutionary process of Kryptonians may not be impossible to replicate on Earth.

"Malfoy's group is really annoying!"Hermione has a lot of opinions about the little snake.

"Don't worry, the best is yet to come."Kerry said mysteriously.

Before Hermione could react, Dumbledore continued,"Yes! Slytherin performed very well!"

"But I think what happened recently must also be taken into account, right?"

The auditorium suddenly became quiet, and the little snakes all realized a problem. It seemed that the principal's words had a hidden meaning, and their smiles instantly withdrew.

"cough cough……"Dumbledore cleared his throat."Let me think of their names."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas!"Every time Dumbledore said a name, the little lions roared. When the five names were finished, the audience burst into warm applause again.

"They have a very cool name: [91st Legion]! For the 91st Legion... I will add 30 points for each of them! A total of 150 points!"

""Wow!" The little lion cheered instantly, and got 150 extra points at one time, surpassing the Badger Court. At least it was not at the bottom. 419 points was not bad.

After the crowd quieted down, Dumbledore said to Harry:"I have a small request, can you and your legion comrades show your equipment?"

"Of course!" Harry and the other five looked at each other and quickly ran out of the hall. Just one minute later, the five of them reappeared at the door of the house.

Neville, holding a golden shield, stood in the front, guarding the center, with Frostmourne held high in his right hand, like a god of war.

On the left was Seamus, on the right was Dean, and a few spaces behind them, Ron was holding a bottle of potion, which was shining like starlight, making Ron look sacred. Right above their heads, Harry was riding a flying broomstick, holding a wand and shooting out rays of light. So cool!

All the little wizards in the audience were amazed, and several of them even reached out to touch how the armor on them was made.

Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction and said,"The armor they wear and their usual training helped them defeat the enemy, so I have to give extra points to the designer of the armor! Let's give extra points to Mr. Christian Feynman from Gryffindor!"

"Gryffindor gets 60 points!"

Gryffindor's score immediately surpassed Ravenclaw, 479 points - just one point lower than Serpents' 480 points.

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