Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 084 [See you next time! Voldemort! ]

After Harry and the other five were knocked unconscious, the real Quirrell and the fake Quirrell immediately drew a magic circle on the ground.

The two had obviously practiced before, so it only took a few minutes for a huge five-pointed magic circle to appear on the ground, which was about six or seven meters long. The material of the magic circle was a red unknown liquid.

Then, the two placed the five fainted little wizards on the five vertices of the pentagram. The fake Quirrell stopped moving and stood quietly aside.

The real Quirrell walked to the middle of the pentagram and knelt on the ground, raised his hands, and began to chant.

The most troublesome part of ritual magic is that the ritual must be strictly followed. The slightest deviation may lead to unpredictable consequences-so the real Quirrell kept chanting slowly, and the fake Quirrell did not dare to say anything, just watching quietly on the side.

Then, Voldemort's voice came from behind his neck:"Hasn't it started yet?! Trash!"

"@#¥%……&"After the real Quirrell finished the last spell, he replied,"Let's begin!"

With these words, the five-pointed star shone brightly, and a magic power of at least 100,000 calories appeared on the five corners of the five-pointed star - at least 20,000 calories of magic power on each corner!.

Five lines shot out from the five corners, connecting to the five little wizards. Then, waves of light shone from the five corners, connecting the five corners to Quirrell.

A surge of magic power came in from outside the five-pointed star!

Voldemort roared,"【As the years go by...】!"

In an instant, Voldemort, who only had one eye and one mouth, grew a second eye! After the next breath, a familiar Voldemort appeared on the back of the real Quirrell's head...

Harry and the other five people's faces turned pale and colorless in an instant, and a green light could be vaguely seen on Harry's forehead!

The souls of Harry and the other four were being eroded! Their souls were given to Voldemort as sacrifices!

Voldemort showed a satisfied smile on his face:"You did a good job this time!"


Thank you for your praise, Master!" Zhen Qiluo no longer stuttered.——""Boom!!!" A huge sound came from the corridor! The door flew out instantly! The real Qi Luo raised his head suddenly, and the door was full of smoke, and he couldn't see anything clearly. The fake Qi Luo was closer, and he saw a vague figure, so familiar!

"It's really hard!"Kerry appeared in the doorway, a handsome man in a shining Superman suit.

Kerry jumped out of the dust and landed right on the edge of the five-pointed star.

"It seems I am not late!" said Kerry.

"Who are you?"Voldemort asked first, he sensed a familiar smell

"Look at my chest, there is a letter [s], guess what this S is abbreviated for?"Kerry joked

"You are a super wizard!"Zhen Qiluo said tremblingly, his legs trembled, and he still remembered the three pencils that night.

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward!"Kerry walked to the front of the five-pointed star magic circle and pulled up Harry. In an instant, one of the five light strips connected to Voldemort was missing.

Kerry quickly pulled the five little wizards aside, and the light strips were broken one by one. The real Quirrell on the other side didn't dare to move at all, and the fake Quirrell pointed his wand at Kerry.

Kerry didn't care about the two villains, but hurriedly lowered his head to check Harry and the other four. This check instantly chilled his heart - Harry's heartbeat almost stopped! What's more terrifying is that Harry's soul is being eroded by an unknown energy, and his soul has suffered a severe blow!

Throwing Harry aside, he went to check Ron and Neville, exactly the same, Kerry's face instantly became gloomy.

"What an evil magic circle!"Kerry didn't know what the magic circle was called, but that didn't stop him from guessing the function of the magic circle - this magic circle used other people's souls as sacrifices to strengthen Voldemort's soul!

"【Avada Kedavra】!"Real Quirrell instantly fired a killing curse at Kerry.

After the green light touched Kerry's body, Kerry felt as if he was in a trance, and then - nothing happened.

I am Superman! Didn't expect it! I have 9200 cards of magic resistance! With your magic power, you can't even break through my defense!

Kerry took out a few pencils and said to Real Quirrell with a smile:"Do you still remember this?"

"No!" Before Zhen Qiluo could escape, Kerry shot out directly, and Zhen Qiluo fell to the ground with a sonic boom, and blood flowed all over the floor.

"Now I should see who you are!"Kerry stared at the fake Quirrell, and had been holding back from attacking the fake Quirrell, just for this moment - both of them were here, and all the hidden dangers were eliminated in one fell swoop.

"Who are you? What does super wizard mean?"The fake Quirrell was a little flustered.

Kerry rushed forward with his fist, but unexpectedly - a powerful magic barrier appeared in front of the fake Quirrell!

"What is this?!"Kerry has never seen this thing before.

"An interesting gadget!" The fake Quirrell suddenly smiled and said,"We will definitely meet again!"

At this moment, a gentle male voice said,"Slob, you really disappoint me!"

It was Dumbledore!

Kerry saw Dumbledore appear in the house. When the fake Quirrell heard Dumbledore's words, he no longer concealed himself - his body instantly changed into the appearance of a goblin! At this moment, Kerry was a little confused - Slob? Isn't this the man who led the goblin revolution in the 18th century?

""Damn old man, I'm leaving first!" The slob spread his body and fell backwards, but he did not fall to the ground. His body disappeared in mid-air!

Dumbledore glanced at Kerry and said,"You take care of them. I need to solve a small problem!" Dumbledore disappeared!

Kerry took several seconds to let himself accept this scene - people who had died in the eighteenth century suddenly appeared in reality - although this is a magical world, this behavior is neither magical nor scientific! And just now he felt a magical power as majestic as deep space from the fake Kerry - this level of magic can be said to be a standard legendary wizard.

Kerry couldn't help but sigh in his heart - the water in the magic world is too deep... Although he has a body of steel, there is always a feeling that the tide of the times will kill you at any time, and anyone who pops up is a legendary wizard.

Looking down at the real Quirrell, Quirrell raised his arm with difficulty and wanted to say something to Kerry. Kerry turned Quirrell's head over roughly, and didn't care about his life or death at all, and said to Voldemort:"Aren't you coming out? Your parasite is about to die."

"Death is just another beginning!"Voldemort suddenly calmed down at this time.

Kerry took out another pencil and shot it at Voldemort's face - Voldemort exploded instantly - in the physical sense.

A soul substance wanted to escape, Kerry took out his wand and cast a spell he had learned for a long time:"Avada Kedavra Curse】!"

A torrent of magic power shot out from the end of Kerry's wand, and the whole room was covered with green light! A beam of light with a diameter of more than one meter densely enveloped Voldemort's parasitic soul body.

"See you next time! Voldemort!" Kerry slowly retracted his wand.

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