Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 069 [91st Legion (Part 1)】

"No……"Harry Potter woke up from his bed.

The severe pain in his head caused Harry to have nightmares again. Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean sat together, looking at Harry worriedly.

It was a sunny weekend, and the boys should have a good sleep.

"Poor Potter!" Seamus couldn't help saying

"What happened to make you so worried about me?" Harry pretended to be relaxed, but he could probably guess that he had just talked in his sleep.

"You are shouting loudly……"Ron said:"It's a very scary sound, I think you must have had a very scary nightmare!"

"It's nothing. Actually, I often have such dreams, but they have become more frequent recently. Harry pointed to the lightning scar on his forehead and said,"It has been hurting, especially in the past few days. I feel that the scar is sending some signal."

"Is it the same nightmare?" Ron continued,"The one with the flash of green light you mentioned."

"These times were very strange, there was an extra figure, a figure covered in black cloth.

The content of my dreams has always been that my parents appear first, then a green light flashes, and they die. Then there will be a strange laugh - the kind of"jiejiejie" sound...

But in these nightmares, I saw the person with the strange sound, a short black figure, covered in a black wizard robe, with no face visible, and he was holding a wand at me"

"I think maybe you can try to find something like [Sedative Potion], my grandma often gives me that." Neville comforted

"I'll find a way, it's nothing." Harry said lightly


That night, after Kerry returned to the lounge from 9527, Ron grabbed him.

"Merlin's beard! Where do you go every day? I've been looking for you all day!!"Ron said anxiously

"What happened?" Kerry was confused.

"Can we find a place to talk? I have something I want to ask for your help."Ron pleaded

"Of course!" Kerry took Ron to his dormitory.

Ron briefly talked about what happened to Harry in the morning, and said at the end:"You and Hermione are very knowledgeable. Do you know how to avoid this kind of thing? Is there any potion that can relieve his symptoms?"

Kerry really knew how to solve it, or he did know what was going on, but... Kerry suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"I'll talk to Harry with you. I need to know more details before I can make a judgment."Kerry made an excuse.

It happened that everyone in Harry's dormitory was already in the dormitory. Kerry simply asked about Harry's situation and carefully considered his words and said,"You must have done a lot of very energy-consuming things recently. That's why your nightmares have become more serious."

"Yes." Harry thought for a moment and said,"You must know that we are tracking the mysterious man. The one who wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone!"

"I heard about this from Hermione." Kerry said:"Then I have two guesses now. First, you may be too tired. Second, it is very likely that the mysterious person cursed you!"

"Curse?" Harry didn't expect to get such an answer.

"That's right, this curse is a curse that strikes the soul directly. As you know, your nightmare actually comes from the scar on your forehead. You had originally formed a relatively stable state, but after being cursed, the scar began to worsen."Kerry pieced together some reasons

"How should I remove the curse?" Harry asked

"There are three solutions I can think of at the moment." Kerry said

"Three? So many solutions, tell me quickly." Ron urged hurriedly.

"The first is to kill the curser, that mysterious person!"After Kerry finished speaking, several little wizards were frightened.

"I don't think I can kill him, Snape's magic level is much higher than mine!" Harry said helplessly

"So you are sure Snape is the one who stole the Philosopher's Stone?" Kerry asked

"100% sure! You don't know what he's been doing lately... It's disgusting!" Ron said:"I'm having nightmares just thinking about that scene."

"Well, the second way is to find a way to protect the soul, such as some magic tools that are said to protect the soul from harm, or some spells, such as [Expediate Patronus]!

Don't even think about magic tools, those things that can protect the soul are extremely precious. It can be said that there are only a few of these things in the whole of England, and they are priceless! You can learn Expediate Patronus, but I don't know how to do it. If you need any information, I can tell you where to find them."

"The third method is to use potions. Some potions can stabilize the soul. But if you suspect that the mysterious man is Snape, then don't do this. Snape's potion level is one of the best in the entire British world. Once you take the potion, Snape can find out what you have eaten in the first place, and then you are in trouble.……"Kerry made up something, but it sounded reasonable.

Harry, Ron and the others looked worried:"Then we can only learn spells.……"

For poor students like Harry and Ron, learning spells is more painful than killing them.

"By the way, I have another idea!" Kerry suddenly said:"Are you fighting against the mysterious man?"

"What do you mean?" Harry didn't understand why Kerry suddenly changed the subject.

"I have some personal advice for you." Kerry straightened up and said,"You five people can form a combat team. I guess you don't know what a combat team is yet!" Kerry raised his eyebrows and said

"I've never heard of that word." Neville finished speaking, and Harry and the others shook their heads.

"A combat team is a team of at least five people.���

The five people have different focuses, and should be composed of a tank, a control mage, a ranged attacker, a core assassin, and a support mage."Kerry talked freely :

"Tank, as the name implies, means that this mage must be equipped with a shield and a tall stature. If necessary, he should abandon the magic wand and use a broadsword or a spear. He will walk at the front of the team like a charging chariot. This is the most dangerous position for the team, with a very high mortality rate!

Control mages mainly provide responses for team battles. A qualified team battle mage should restrain the opponent's offensive rhythm.

Ranged attacks are the core DPS of the team. Whether the crystal can be pushed... ahem... whether the enemy can be defeated depends on the main attack of this person, which is usually equipped with powerful firepower output.

Mage assassin, whose full name is mage assassin, his role is to kill the opponent's soldiers and wild... ahem... ordinary mages at the fastest speed. The auxiliary mage is at the end of the team. His main role is to provide assistance to four teammates, keep an eye on the enemy, support teammates, and even sacrifice himself to save teammates when necessary. Generally speaking, the auxiliary is the safest person in the team."

"Do you understand?" Kerry said slowly.

"Although I don't understand, it seems very powerful!" Ron was the first to come back to his senses.

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