Hogwarts Superboy - Chapter 066 [Flying Lesson]

On this day, Hermione and Kerry were studying. Hermione accidentally saw Kerry writing some strange sentences.

"What is this?" Hermione read:"The rules of the dark arts...isn't this the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class? Aren't you writing what Quirrell said in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class today?"

"You have a very good memory, I'm just trying to confirm one thing." Kerry explained:"Because my genes are very good, I can clearly remember every word and sentence that Quirrell said at the beginning of the first class. Last time you suspected that Quirrell seemed to be a different person, I was also paying attention to it."

"What can be determined by writing these sentences?"Hermione was very curious

"Each person has some subtle differences in speaking habits, including the length of sentences, the number of prepositions, and the frequency of nouns they use. Even if others imitate them, there will be subtle differences. This difference can be calculated by simply counting their words."

"Look, this is all that Kerry said today. These are the records before Christmas, and the ones over there are the records from when school just started."Kerry pointed to the parchment on the table and said

"I just finished the final statistics, damn! If only I had a computer, it would only take a second to get these conclusions."Kerry took out a piece of paper with the word"positive" written on it.

"The frequency of verbs and prepositions in Chilo's Christmas is about 27%. One out of every four words is a preposition or thing, and 80% of the words he stutters and gets stuck on are verbs or prepositions."

"At the beginning of the school year, the figures were 25% and 77%, with no significant difference between the two.……"Kerry pointed to the last row and said,"In the last four classes, they have become 37% and 92% respectively. Obviously, Quirrell has been replaced! The Professor Quirrell we see now is not the real Professor Quirrell at all."

"The imitator also noticed that Quirrell would get stuck at the verb or preposition every time, so he deliberately chose some sentences with more verbs and prepositions to imitate Quirrell.

But he didn't notice that Quirrell didn't stutter as badly as he remembered."Kerry said puzzledly:"It's strange, who else can replace Quirrell as his imitator at this time?"

Kerry was quite familiar with Voldemort's current state. He was actually very afraid of contact with other unfaithful Death Eaters, such as Malfoy's parents who were typical fence-sitters. If these fence-sitters saw Voldemort like this, they might even give Voldemort a [Adava bites the big melon].

Voldemort didn't find his first loyal Death Eater until two or three years later, that is Barty Crouch Jr. Barty Jr. was a guy who was 100% loyal to Voldemort. In the fourth book, 75% of Voldemort's resurrection can be attributed to him. But where can Voldemort get such a loyal Death Eater now?

"I really sympathize with your enemies.……"Hermione felt powerless."It's incredible that you can remember every word Quirrell said word for word! I guarantee that even a tape recorder wouldn't be as accurate as you. Do you remember every word I said?"

"Of course! Ms. Hermione! I remember every word you said from the time we met until now. Here it is!"Kerry pointed to his heart.

"Humph~" Hermione pinched Kerry's arm shyly, stopped talking, and continued to study.

Kerry smiled and quietly thought about how to deal with Quirrell's matter.


As the weather warmed up, flying lessons started again.

Kerry was a little excited. According to his current level, he should be able to control the flying broom and fly freely in the air.

In the flying lesson, Madam Hooch still arranged Kerry at the end of the team as usual...

A group of young wizards were eager to try and took the brooms in their hands.

"All students, listen up! Today we are learning how to fly backwards, which is an advanced way to use a flying broom. Everyone, pay attention or I will confiscate your brooms on the spot!"Mrs. Hooch said loudly

"Let me demonstrate it to you first."Madame Hooch stepped on the broom, floated lightly, and then twisted her body to turn head downwards with her legs clamped around the broom...

Following Madam Hooch's command, the flying broom slowly floated forward in an upside-down position.

Kerry almost laughed out loud, this was exactly the same position as before slaughtering a pig! Also, Madam Hooch, although you are very old, there is no need to show your underwear! Why do you wear white underwear?

The little wizards were whispering about it, with obscene smiles on their faces. The witches were a little embarrassed and didn't know how to continue with the teacher.

A little Slytherin witch finally couldn't stand it anymore, and she quietly told Madam Hooch about the exposure.

Madam Hooch blushed and cast a spell to fix the witch robe firmly to her lower body.

"The others, in groups of three, began to practice with each other, flying one person at a time. The cooperating three must remember: the three of you are one, and the two free ones are there just in case to ensure the safety of the flyers and not let their classmates get hurt!"

"Kerry, you and I will be in the same group. The rest of you can find your classmates now!"

Since the first class last year, Madam Huo Qi has tried many ways to make Kerry fly, but all failed!

This time, she seemed to have come up with a new good idea and was ready to give Kerry another hope.

"Madam Hooch! I think I can use my broomstick freely this time!" Kerry explained:"During the winter vacation, Dumbledore���Professor Duo took me through some special training!"

"Really? Why haven't I heard of it?" Madam Hooch asked in confusion.

"Let me show you!" Kerry walked to the flying broom confidently.

Kerry said with full energy:"Fly over!"

This time he controlled the magic power in his body and only output a little bit.

It was embarrassing that the broom did not move at all.……

""Come here! Come here!" Kerry increased the control of his magic.

But Madam Hooch was about to laugh out loud. The broom seemed to be growing on the ground, and not even a hair moved.

"I……"Kerry was a little angry. Was his magic so disobedient? What's the use of it!

Kerry simply let go of the control of his magic, and directly displayed all his magic, shouting loudly:"Fly over!"

Everyone felt a heart-pounding magic, and all looked in Kerry's direction.

Mrs. Hooch beside Kerry was particularly shocked. What was going on with that powerful magic!

Just after Kerry let go of all his magic control, the flying broom suddenly accelerated at an extremely fast speed and quickly flew towards Kerry's palm.

""Wait a minute!" Before Kerry could control the broom accurately, it flew directly into his palm and broke into two pieces.

""Hahaha!" Unbridled laughter rang out from the whole audience, especially from the little wizard in Slytherin. Malfoy was doing a hook shot and almost fell off his broomstick because of this laugh.

"Gryffindor deducts 2 points!"Madam Hooch was very angry. It's okay if you can't fly, but why did you break my broom?

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