Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 045 [Death of the Unicorn (3)]

The wizard robes of the four people had been taken off, leaving only the winter coats underneath. The wizard robes were thrown aside, along with four wands and some personal belongings.

Kerry looked carefully and saw that from the expressions of Hermione and the other three, they were more terrified. They were still safe and should not be injured.

"I think we should follow what the chief said and let Hagrid handle this matter. I can feel Hagrid's feelings for us!" said a centaur

"I object! We should execute them first and hand the bodies to Hagrid! Otherwise, those wizards will certainly despise the death of our companions!" another person retorted.

People started talking one after another from the back. The Centaur standing by the campfire and watching the unicorn was unusually tall. According to the normal rules of the tribe, this should be the chief of the Centaurs. The chief seemed to be hesitating, so he asked all his men to speak out their ideas.

Kerry quietly went around from the back. The trees in the Forbidden Forest were particularly dense and the night was very dark, which made Kerry's approach very smooth.

At this moment, Kerry heard an unexpected message. The last Centaur male who spoke said,"This man named [Kexing/crpiten] is very rampant. I think this person must have nothing to do with these four students. These four wizards together can't even hurt me! Wu Linna couldn't have been killed by them, not to mention there is a unicorn!"

Krypton? No! The pronunciation is not right!

Krypton jumped onto the tree, landed lightly on it, and used his super vision to search the surroundings. He found a line of words next to the unicorn:"【The Kryptonians are responsible for the deaths of these two people!/CRPITEN"

Kerry guessed it almost instantly. This must be the work of Quirrell and Voldemort. They wanted to pretend that it was the Kryptonians who killed the unicorns and centaurs!

Because the word Krypton has never appeared in this world, only three people know it: Kerry, Voldemort, and Quirrell!

And Kerry's accent has a faint Scottish accent. After hearing the pronunciation, Voldemort and Quirrell spelled the word wrong! These two idiots want to put the blame on [Krypton], an organization that does not exist yet!

Kerry guessed the whole plot after a little thought - Voldemort wanted the blood of the unicorn, and the result was...

As a result, they were discovered by the Centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, who killed the Centaurs and put the blame on Krypton.

Hermione and the other four who followed them were captured by the Centaurs who were looking for the murderer.

However, the Centaurs were not stupid.

They guessed that Hermione and the other four had nothing to do with the death of the unicorn and the Centaur.

Harry was now going to find Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, and he only needed to delay for a few more minutes.

Thinking of this, Kerry quietly slid down from the tree, stood behind Hermione, and said in a small voice:"Little beauty, what happened to you? Why are you caught?"

Hermione heard the voice and wanted to shout out. But the next moment she realized that she couldn't make a sound, and she whispered:"Kerry, why are you here? Are the professors here? Where is Hagrid?"

"When I came, Hagrid's hut was dark, so he should not be in Hogwarts."Kerry said,"Harry went to find Dumbledore, I guess they are on the way! Wait a few minutes……"


On the other side, Harry hurried to Professor McGonagall's office, but he learned from the mural that Professor McGonagall had gone out and left Hogwarts!

So Harry hurried to Dumbledore's office, but it was also closed! Damn it!

Harry quickly went to find other teachers, but today, as if they had agreed, all the teachers were not in the office! When Harry didn't know who to find, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind - could this be the conspiracy of that person?

This person somehow managed to lure the tiger away from the mountain and took away all the professors!

At this moment, a cold current rose behind Harry. The power of this enemy was beyond imagination!

Thinking of this, Harry felt that he could not rely on others, and he had to do something! Harry resolutely rode on the magic broom and flew back to the Forbidden Forest.

Kerry didn't expect that Voldemort could actually lure the tiger away from the mountain...

He was quietly tearing the rope that bound Hermione, and soon Hermione was free, but her hands were still tied behind the tree.

"I'll go and untie them too! You wait a while and we'll go together!"Kerry said softly.

Hermione waved her hand imperceptibly, signaling Kerry to act.

""Ron! Don't move! It's me, Kerry!" Kerry whispered behind the tree.

""Wow!" Ron was a little excited and immediately said,"Let me go!"

"I will untie the rope, but you must pretend to be still tied and wait for my signal to run together, understand?"

""Of course!" Ron replied softly.

The Centaurs over there were still discussing fiercely how to deal with the four little wizards and how to find the [Kryptonians]. Kerry gently tore the rope on Ron's arm.

Neville and Seamus did the same, and a minute later, the four were free.

Kerry took advantage of everyone's inattention, lay on the ground, crawled forward, gently took away the four wands, and then returned them to the hands of the four people.

The four wands were damaged in different forms, perhaps caused by the excessive power of the Centaurs. Especially Ron's wand. It was completely broken.

Just as Kerry was preparing to wait for Dumbledore to arrive, Kerry suddenly saw Harry in the dark!

Harry was riding on a broom, flying almost close to the ground. As a Kryptonian with night vision, the group of Centaurs didn't see Harry at all.

Kerry hurried to Harry and patted Harry who was flying quickly:"Where are the professors?"

"I was so scared!!"Harry was frightened by this.

"The professors are not here!" Harry came to his senses and explained to Kerry.

"The enemy has transferred all the professors away!" Kerry was the first to realize this problem.

"I thought so too!" Harry immediately said:"We must rescue them!"

"I have a plan!" Kerry said:"This is it……"


When the Centaurs were discussing fiercely, a man in blue clothes and a red cape suddenly appeared beside the Centaurs' campfire. This figure said arrogantly:"Poor Centaurs, are you still looking for me? I am the one who killed your women!】!"

Without the leader's order, all the centaurs immediately picked up their weapons and chased after Kerry with bows, arrows and spears.

Kerry made an S-shaped move and ran deep into the forbidden forest. Only two or three of the centaurs' arrows hit Kerry - but they were all blocked outside the skin, and nothing was lost except Kerry's superhero suit.

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