Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 037 [Cedric and Voldemort]

Voldemort felt that he had not been so scared of someone for thirty or forty years, but today this person appeared

"Who are you?"Voldemort's voice trembled.

"You can call me Super-Wizard】!"Kerry slowly said the code name he had thought of, Super Wizard, abbreviated as [Super Wizard]】

"Super Wizard?" Voldemort said,"I have never heard of you. This is a pseudonym!"

"Just like your name, Mr. Tom, you can create a name called [Voldemort]. Why can't I be called [Super Wizard]?"Kerry said slowly

"You are just a young man!" Tom keenly understood one thing from the tone of voice. This was a younger generation, not a person of the same generation as himself, or even later. Thinking of this, Voldemort suddenly had an inexplicable and uncomfortable feeling. Why did he feel as if a new generation had replaced the old one?

""Voldemort, you are old." Kerry said this calmly. In fact, Voldemort was born in 1926. At that time, Voldemort was 65 years old. For a powerful wizard, it may not be too old, but it is definitely not a young age.

You know, Dumbledore is only over 100 years old, 45 years older than Voldemort. Professor McGonagall is already so old, but she is only 55 years old, ten years younger than Voldemort.

"I never get old!" Voldemort said stiffly:"The Dark Lord never dies!"

"Haha, let's not waste time on this nonsense, it's almost dawn now."Kerry said:"Let me tell you a name, I wonder if you remember it……"

Kerry whispered the name he had been searching for on the dark web for nearly half a month:"Tina Victor - or, Tina Diggory!"

The office was silent, even the sound of breathing stopped. If it weren't for the dim candles burning slowly, perhaps this place would have been frozen in time.

"A Muggle, a Muggle without any magic power!" Kerry whispered,"If I hadn't seen the photo with my own eyes, I don't think I would believe that a Squib without magic power could be the daughter of the pure-blood demon king!"

Kerry took out a three-inch black and white photo. In the photo stood a young girl, only seventeen or eighteen years old. She was so beautiful that she didn't look like someone from this world. She looked more like an angel, like Audrey Hepburn.

"How did you know her?" Voldemort said in a low voice.

"I won't tell you!" Kerry answered mischievously.

Ever since he knew that this world was a wizard's world, Kerry recalled the entire timeline of the Harry Potter world, and there was one particularly strange plot.

That was the last part of the fourth book, Goblet of Fire, when Voldemort was resurrected.

Resurrection requires three things, the bones of the father, the flesh of the servants, and the blood of the enemy - this is not magic at all, nor is it scientific. As a black magic, it is not rigorous at all! The bones of the father

- that is to obtain the blood of the ancestors, or to use a more scientific meaning, that is to obtain DNA, which is the foundation of the body; the blood of the enemy, that is to obtain a trace of soul substance hidden in Harry Potter's body, to generate the missing soul. Soul; the flesh of the servants is to use the magic of the Death Eaters, which is equivalent to fuel.

There is only one loophole. According to the five impossible rules of Transfiguration, it is impossible to resurrect a person permanently. Judging from the situation at that time, only equivalent exchange can be used - the life of a living person is exchanged for the life of a dead person!

And there was only one person who died at the scene, Cedric Diggory!

So the question is, what qualifications does Cedric have to be used as an equivalent exchange by the Dark Lord? Is it just because Cedric is handsome? Or is it because his magic power is higher?

It's terrifying to think about it!

How can a Hufflepuff be selected as a player in the Goblet of Fire?

There is only one possibility. ——Cedric is the descendant of the Dark Lord! He has powerful abilities that he doesn't even know about, but he has never shown them because of time and environment!

With this explanation, everything makes sense instantly - using the life of one's own descendants to resurrect oneself, there is neither rejection nor any hard defects, because the person consumed belongs to one's own bloodline!

Cedric can be called the school hunk of Hogwarts, he is so handsome that no one in the whole school can compare to him.

But Cedric's father looks very ordinary, a bald middle-aged man - in fact, Kerry overheard it by accident while eating in the restaurant, which is consistent with his guess - if you ask how to hear it Of course, I eavesdropped with super hearing, and the big tables in the cafeteria had no soundproofing magic.

Cedric's mother must be extremely beautiful, which is why Cedric has such good looks, and the reason why Cedric was sorted into Hufflepuff was more due to his father.

His outstanding magic and indomitable courage actually come from his excellent mother!

The rest is very simple.

The birthplace is known - near the Little Hangleton area, the birth time is known - born after 1956 and before 1960, and this person has a residence record from at least 1957 to 1967.

The appearance is known - she must be a very beautiful woman who has perfectly inherited Voldemort's looks.

The parents are known - a single-parent family or two parents but the father is away on business for a long time and only comes home occasionally.

The process is also known - she must be an outstanding woman, excellent and eye-catching, one in a million! Even if she is not a wizard, she is a star that everyone is paying attention to!

The ending is also known—��After getting married, she would be in her twenties and disappear from the Muggle world in the area forever.

There are only a few thousand people in the Little Hamilton area, not even as many as a community in China. It is actually a very easy investigation...

Kerry obtained all the biographical information of Voldemort's biological daughter, Miss Tina, and even got a precious high school graduation photo from one of her male classmates at a high price.

"Cedric Diggory——Voldemort's grandson, tsk tsk...what a horrifying thing!" Kerry's tone was just short of adding a"hehehe" laugh at the end. Right now, Kerry was more like a villain than a villain!

"What is your purpose?" Voldemort asked

"Why do we have to have a purpose when doing things?"Kerry said. In fact, Kerry did not have any specific purpose. He was more out of an inexplicable sense of insecurity - he felt that the water in the Harry Potter world was too deep, and he might drown if he was not careful.

In the original book, the Harry Potter world was more like a conservative and declining wizard world.

According to the original timeline, perhaps in another fifty or a hundred years, this closed and conservative wizard world would be eliminated by the Muggle world.

By that time, Hogwarts would even be closed because he could not find enough and suitable students - by that time, the Muggle technology would be further developed.

, the so-called [magic riot] will also be explained more scientifically.

All of this is just a deduction based on the original viewpoint - but in fact, when Kerry first came into contact with Hogwarts, especially after getting the Philosopher's Stone, he was shocked by the meaning behind it and couldn't sleep or eat - the magic world is full of big guys!

If you want the magic world to decline, unless you get rid of all these hidden big guys, otherwise, the Muggle world will never be able to surpass the magic world.

Dumbledore, the magic value exposed on the surface is 10,000 cards, and the combat power is about 50,000. This is already quite amazing. For an ordinary wizard, he should be a magic The value is between 2,500 and 3,500, and the combat power is about 3,000 to 5,000. Dumbledore alone is equivalent to about 15 adult wizards.

But you have to know that this is only the magic value he is willing to reveal. Kerry feels that if it were him, the actual magic value would be at least 100,000! The combat power index must be at least over one million - so terrifying!

This does not include his phoenix Fawkes, nor the props he holds such as the Elder Wand, and his wise brain.

In other words, according to this speculation, Dumbledore is at least equivalent to 800 to 1,000 adult wizards! You have to know that the entire British country There are about 5,000 wizards in total!

The strong sense of uneasiness made Kerry want to do something. Although he is still too young to organize the power effectively, this does not prevent him from making some preparations in advance - such as kidnapping Voldemort and blackmailing him.

At this point, Voldemort was almost crazy. Why did you kidnap me without a purpose?

Voldemort's sharp and powerful wizard intuition told him that what Kerry said was true, and he really didn't have any specific purpose - but precisely because what Kerry said was true, this incident made Voldemort feel even more unlucky - a madman met a bigger madman.

"I will also create my own organization in the future. When that happens, I will only have one request - you take the initiative to retreat from where I am!"Kerry thought for a while and said so

""What is the name of your organization?" Voldemort asked,"and what is its purpose?"

"I haven't thought of a name yet - wait - why not call it [Krypton]!" Kree said casually. Since he is Superman, of course he must come from [Krypton].】

"【Krypton】?"Voldemort seemed to feel a great power that could penetrate time and space from this simple word, light, greatness!

At this time, Kree himself did not even realize what the future [Krypton] would become!

It was like a full moon in the bright starry sky!

The rise of the Kryptonians began from then on!

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