Hogwarts Superboy - Chapter 003 [Hermione Granger】

"Dad!" Kerry stopped his father and whispered in his father's ear:"In the eyes of wizards, every wand has its own life. It is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand that chooses the user! What you said just now is a huge disrespect!"

After hearing this explanation, Kerry's father deeply felt that the thinking mode of being a"muggle" and that of a"wizard" were too different. He could not imagine that the computer in his shop would choose its owner by itself.

"I'm sorry for what I did just now!"Kerry's father showed an apologetic look to Ollivander.

Ollivander waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter, and turned his head to choose wands for the other two little wizards.

""Excuse me, is this a wand shop?" A little girl poked her head in from the door of the shop.

The little wizard had thick curly hair, a set of cute buck teeth, and was wearing a typical London school uniform. The most eye-catching thing was her eyes full of wisdom and courage.

Kerry immediately guessed, could this be Hermione?

"Hello, sir! I hope I am not disturbing you. I am here to buy a magic wand for my daughter!"A middle-aged man opened the door and walked in, followed by a little girl and a woman in a skirt.

"Dr. Granger?" Before Kerry could speak, the housekeeper next to him asked."I'm Dentist Granger. I'm sorry, I don't know you!" Dentist Dr. Granger replied. When Kerry heard this answer, he instantly moved his eyes to the little wizard - yes, she must be Hermione Granger! One of the Gryffindor triangle, representing beauty and wisdom! The most outstanding second character in the entire Harry Potter series, to a certain extent, even surpassed the protagonist Harry Potter.

"Hello, Dr. Granger! I am Alice King, and my father is Albert King. Oh my God! I can actually see someone I know in Diagon Alley!"The housekeeper exclaimed

"Are you the daughter of Mr. Albert, the clinic's cook? My God, when I last saw you, I was still single. I didn't expect you to still remember me. Hermione's father was also amazed. The two hugged and then introduced each other. Both were surprised to meet an acquaintance in such a wizarding world.

"Miss Granger, nice to meet you! Kerry and Hermione shook hands

""Mr. Feynman, nice to meet you!" Hermione responded

"You can call me Kerry. People who know me well will call me that."Kerry said.

After the two adults exchanged greetings, Dr.

Granger invited the Kerry family to a famous hotel in London for dinner to further enhance their friendship.

Kerry's father readily agreed, and the two agreed to meet at the Champs Elysees Hotel in London at 6:30 in the evening.

After leaving the store, the housekeeper said with a smile:"Do you know how I remember this dentist? He treated me when I was a child.

Kerry, you should be glad that you don't have cavities, otherwise you would also remember your dentist for the rest of your life!


Kerry smiled helplessly. Although this body now has a mouthful of white and neat teeth due to the superhuman bloodline, before his last death, he had a deep memory of every dentist's appearance. This kind of pain can only be understood by those who have had their teeth pulled at the age of eight or nine. You will remember every detail of the dentist, even the location of every pore.

Alice carefully recounted how she met Dr.


It was a coincidence.

Her father worked in London, and his workplace was Dr.

Granger's clinic, a medium-sized dental hospital.

Alice's father was in charge of the kitchen and some logistical work.

More than a decade ago, Alice spent her primary school years in London, and it was at that time that Alice had a tragic death.

A painful tooth extraction experience.


Granger had a good relationship with Alice's father, and their friendship lasted until Alice's father returned to Scotland.

After graduating from college, Alice became a nurse, but an ordinary nursing job could not support her life in London, so she chose to return to her hometown in Scotland and worked as a nanny in Kerry's family. It can be said that Alice spent more than half of Kerry's childhood.

When he arrived at the pet shop, Kerry hesitated for a long time. In his mind, he certainly wanted to have an owl as a pet like Harry Potter, but the smell of the messenger owl still made him unable to let go, and the frog was sticky and unacceptable.

Buy a cat? He didn't think he could take good care of that thing.……

"Why not just forget it!"Kerry hesitated in the pet shop full of pets.

At this moment, Kerry suddenly saw a black cat, a pure black ragdoll cat with a cute blue bow.

The black cat was not put into a cage. It squatted alone in the corner, looking at everything outside the door calmly.

Kerry wanted to touch it, but his hand actually passed through the cat!

A very strange scene……

"She is a ghost cat!" The proprietress of the pet shop explained:"It has been sold here for several months, but no wizard has bought it yet. Maybe it is because she is too old!"

"What is a ghost cat? Can ghosts be pets? Or is this cat breed called a 'ghost cat'?"Kerry asked

"Ghost cats were very popular hundreds of years ago. This ghost cat was created hundreds of years ago. So to speak, it is a ghost.……"The proprietress explained in detail.

Following the proprietress's explanation, Kerry roughly understood its essence. A ghost cat is a ghost formed after a cat dies.

A long time ago, some wizards realized that ghosts would be born after death, which is equivalent to another form of life continuation, another kind of immortality.

So at a certain stage, wizards especially like to become ghosts after death.

They kill all their pets before they die, and use magic to make them become ghost pets.

After they die, these pets can still accompany them as their companions.

It sounds good, but in fact, because ghosts have lost almost all their power, they are easily captured by living wizards.

Wizard ghosts can be made into some magical items or exist as catalysts for some powerful spells.

It can be imagined that this will be quite tragic.

More importantly, wizards have discovered that ghosts themselves also have a"lifespan". After becoming ghosts, they are not immortal. When their soul power gradually declines over time or encounters some accidental magic riots, the ghosts will dissipate. Hundreds of years later, wizards rarely do this.

Ordinary pets are not qualified to form ghosts. Only certain magical creatures or pets that have been exposed to magic for a long time may form ghosts. For some reason, although pet ghosts are difficult to form, each successful one will have a long"ghost lifespan", far exceeding that of"human ghosts".

The craze of that era gave birth to too many ghost pets, resulting in some ghost pets still"surviving" today.

This cat was born in the Middle Ages. Because it cannot speak, its specific origins cannot be investigated, but based on the magic patterns and special means, the proprietress knows that this ghost cat has survived for at least 700 years. Her soul has been very weak.

"It is estimated that there is less than ten years left, so it is very cheap, only twenty gold galleons!"The lady boss gave a price

"Bought it! But its price is too high. I can only offer 10 gold galleons at most."Kerry said

"Deal, Mr. Little Wizard!"The lady boss handed Kerry a round metal pendant with a delicate pattern, about the size of a gold galleon.

This pendant is an alchemical item, and the black cat's soul is restrained inside it. It can only move around about ten meters.

"Ghost cat... uh... a nice pet……"Kerry's mother said a little fearfully,"But can you stop it from coming out at night?"

"Oh, of course!" Kerry laughed, and suddenly he thought of a lot of things.


In the evening, when the Granger family and the Kerry family sat together, they had a friendly chat.

The adults were talking about their feelings about the wizarding world, and the two little wizards were also chatting.

"Dr. Granger said you are a great student, right?" Kerry asked in a friendly manner. If you want to get along well with a top student, the most important starting point is knowledge.

"In fact, I have been accepted by Casterton School. Professor McGonagall spent a lot of effort to convince my parents."Hermione replied. Her teeth should be ugly, but with this tender little face, she is very cute. With a pair of eyes full of wisdom and courage, it must be said that Hermione is worthy of being Harry's number one goddess in the world.

"Coincidentally, I was also admitted to Eton College, but my parents didn't spend a lot of time with Professor McGonagall.

They quickly decided to send me to a magic school.

"Kerry said.

Eton College is the most famous boys' school in England, and Casterton School is the most famous girls' school.

Both belong to the category of very extreme elite education - to put it bluntly, it is actually the Hengshui model (British version), but these two schools have strong faculty and are more luxurious in teaching strategies.

"So you're also a good student?" Hermione was a little surprised. Kerry, who looked very strong, should not be a smart student according to common sense.

"Let me introduce myself again - my full name is Christian Garrett Feynman, little wizard lady, when you hear the name Feynman, who do you think of first?"Christian replied

"Richard Phillips Feynman, the professor who just passed away two years ago, the discoverer of the Feynman-Hellman theorem, the originator of the Feynman theorem in the field of philosophy, a legend, a god of physics closest to us!"Hermione, as a primary school bully, showed her rich knowledge base:"Is Mr. Feynman your relative? But as far as I know, he is American!"

"Yes, we are both Feynmans. Perhaps just over a hundred years ago, Feynman's great-grandfather had contact with us.

But our branch is no longer strictly Jewish. We are now authentic Scottish.

Let's go back to the beginning. Mr. Richard and I both have excellent genes from the same ancestor. Of course, I am an excellent student!" Kerry explained

"Amazing!" said Hermione.

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