Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 027 [Wizard King: Dumbledore]

The red Philosopher's Stone was quietly placed in Kerry's palm - it was not too small, it was about the size of an egg. The overall color was red, but that red was not like natural red, but rather like the glow derived from an LCD screen! It was like the color of a red aurora. Even though the entire hall was almost dimly lit, the Philosopher's Stone still emitted an eye-catching light.

Kerry opened his eyes of perspective, and in just a moment, his eyes were almost stabbed by the powerful magic attached to the Philosopher's Stone. Kerry had never seen a stronger light than this stone. If Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration was LV.1, this Philosopher's Stone must be at least LV.11, which was ten levels higher than Professor McGonagall's magic light!

This is the real Philosopher's Stone!

No other proof is needed, and even no experiments are needed. Just from the intensity of the luster, one thing can be easily determined - this is the real Philosopher's Stone!

It can turn stone into gold, make elixirs of immortality, and even resurrect the dead - it can even fulfill all your wishes!

This is the highest alchemical achievement in the wizarding world - the Philosopher's Stone!

With Kerry's current X-ray vision, he can't even see what the structure inside is like. He is not yet an adult and has not been exposed to enough sunlight.

Kerry felt even heavier in his heart.

He came here to see the Philosopher's Stone just to verify one thing, whether Dumbledore really died later or he did not die and just acted out a play.

Now Kerry is almost 99% sure - Dumbledore's death six years later was actually a drama, a stage play rehearsed by everyone according to the script written by Dumbledore...

The real Dumbledore should be completely unharmed, and may be quietly watching everyone acting in a corner...

Kerry felt his scalp tingling just thinking about it!

If we follow this inference, then the current scene may also be part of Dumbledore's calculations, or even - Dumbledore may be watching his"live broadcast" in a corner."!


I have to say that Kerry guessed right.

Dumbledore is now sitting on a chair in the principal's office, eating candy while looking at Kerry who is confused and frightened.

Dumbledore was also a little surprised - a person who can reflect the picture of his family in the Mirror of Erised must not be a completely unscrupulous villain. This scene is a little different from the situation that Dumbledore was worried about. Dumbledore also had a hesitant expression - with such a powerful body, a body full of strange power, does he still need magic? If magic is not so important to Kerry, will it cause any changes in the future?

It can be said that the entire British magical world belongs to Dumbledore, because Dumbledore is so powerful that even a character like Voldemort dares not confront the white wizard head-on, and every time he pulls a group of younger brothers to die...

Dumbledore looked at Kerry in the picture and thought deeply.

Fawkes stayed quietly beside Dumbledore, and the man and the bird quietly looked at the boy in the picture.


On the other side, after Kerry took out the Philosopher's Stone, he made an embarrassing discovery - he took it out from the magic mirror, but he didn't know how to put it back!


If Kerry took it back, it might disrupt the plot, and if he just left it there, it would cause even more chaos in the plot. No matter what choice he made, it would cause Dumbledore to change the"plot", which would be embarrassing...

After hesitating for a long time, Kerry finally took the Philosopher's Stone and left the room.

Look at the watch - it was just eleven forty in the evening, not even midnight. After sneaking back to the dormitory, Kerry held the Philosopher's Stone in his hand and fell asleep.

40 minutes of continuous high-intensity combat - seven times a night is not good!

The next morning, Kerry appeared in the library, but Hermione was obviously earlier and had already started studying!

"I have basically finished reading all the books in the ordinary section. Do you think there is any way to get books in the forbidden section?" Kerry asked quietly.

"I asked Madam Pince, and in order to search for any book in the restricted section, you must have a note signed by the professor! However - there are thousands of bookshelves in the ordinary book section alone, and even if I only count 200 books on each shelf, there are more than 200,000 books! You definitely can't finish reading them all!" Hermione said flatly.

Of course, Kerry didn't finish reading them all - what he meant by finished reading was that he had read all the typical representative works of various types of books. For example, in Alchemy, he read the most comprehensive books, and the rest were basically specialized books for a certain type or category of special potions. If it wasn't for the configuration of special potions, there was no need to specialize.

Although Kerry's daily reading volume is an astonishing number, it is impossible to read all the books in just a few weeks after school started. Kerry calculated that at the current reading speed, it would take at least 4 years to complete the achievement of [Reading the Library]

"Do you think I can ask Snape to approve a note?" Kerry suddenly asked

"If you can get Snape to approve a note, I think the moon in the sky will be at your disposal, and you must have become a wizard king."Hermione said jokingly

"The King of Wizards】?"Kerry smiled and thought about the incident with the Philosopher's Stone last night. He didn't dare to mention this title in Hogwarts. If there was anyone in Hogwarts who could bear this title, then it must be Dumbledore!

Dumbledore set a trap, which was the test level of the Philosopher's Stone, but put the real Philosopher's Stone at the end - what is the concept? What he meant was - you can take it as you like, I want it if I want it, and I don't want it if I don't want it!

How terrifying! How high is the ability to cultivate such confidence? Dumbledore is not a rookie boy. His confidence can only mean that he really has such a powerful ability!

In this way, maybe Dumbledore really has the ability to use the moon as a servant. The

Philosopher's Stone is now in Kerry's pocket. This thing is not like the crown of Ravenclaw. The golden crown is more like a symbolic thing, and its actual ability is very weak - maybe the most valuable thing in it now is Voldemort's soul fragment. Although the Philosopher's Stone is a very evil thing, it can definitely be rewarded after paying a certain price. It can be called a magical artifact. For safety, Kerry can only carry it with him.

"I actually have a way to get Snape's library license. Although I'm not a Slytherin, do you believe it?" Kerry said

"Do you want to make a bet with me?"Hermione raised her head and looked at Kerry with interest. She didn't understand why Kerry looked so ordinary but so confident.

"You can bet, what do you want to bet on?"Kerry looked at Hermione confidently.

"Just bet on time! The loser has to be the housekeeper for the winner for a sufficient period of time - such as carrying school bags or doing some errands.

How about a month?"Hermione said

"Very good! I agree!"Kerry replied with a smile.

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