Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 191 [Information Projection from Other Worlds]】

"I observed his entire growth process with great interest, it was simply a complete tragedy! In

Clark's first 15 years, he was just an ordinary child, without any superpowers awakened! From the perspective of a god, he was as pure as a little rabbit at that time, he was so kind.

But later, when Halley's Comet passed the earth, his superpowers awakened!

I witnessed his superpower awakening with my own eyes, and this power frightened the entire universe.

If Kerry's superpowers are a grain of sand, then Clark's superpowers are the entire universe! There is no comparison between the two! Gods are just like ants in front of him!

I have never had any direct contact with him, and even every time I observed him, I used countless spy methods, even so he almost tracked me down many times. As for what happened afterwards, I only know that something happened after his superpowers awakened.

But I can't observe them, that is something that can only be observed by higher-dimensional beings. Gods may live in the four-dimensional space, but what we are discussing happens in the five-dimensional or even six-dimensional space.

In the last moment of my memory, Clark Kent casually waved his fist in time and space, and finally the timeline was destroyed. Many things became different, and I fell in the timeline.

So, isn't it normal for me to be afraid of him?"

Kerry was thoughtful. He remembered some physics books he had read a long time ago. There was a concept in them called information entropy.

The so-called information quotient is actually a kind of data, which can be transmitted between various lives. And for something as large as the universe, there will be tiny inductions between each other.

If so, it is not that the simulation world created such a character out of thin air. Rather, he absorbed the information of this character from other universes and put it here for his own use.

This made Kerry's scalp tingle. If even the existence of Superboy-Prime is beyond doubt, then what about those Silver Superman or Gold Superman?

Will these people from other worlds come to this earth one day?

Just as Kerry was lost in thought, Hermione's own wand sucked towards her temple.

A little bit of memory was stripped out by Hermione, and finally copied using magic, and Kerry immediately received the information. He finally felt the higher-dimensional war that Hermione mentioned.

Kerry read Hermione's memory from the perspective of a god, and exclaimed:"Superboy-Prime is so strong! Superboy-Prime is so strong!"

Unfortunately, the Superman bloodline that Corey inherited is obviously the most initial version, but also the most correct Superman bloodline, which is closer to the original Superman on Earth.

But his superpowers will become stronger little by little, and will not be interrupted until he reaches adulthood. If there is a chance, Corey may even be able to reach the level of Silver Superman and Gold Superman, but that will be an infinitely distant possibility.

Now Corey's ability is only equivalent to that of a quasi-Superman.

Hermione was finally beaten to death by Superman as a god. In fact, the essence is that Superman slapped the space and time of the earth, and finally changed the timeline of Hermione's existence. As a result, Hermione completely disappeared from the timeline, and there was no such god anymore.

This is the secret of Hermione's sudden death after living for 1,000 years.

After listening to Hermione's statement, Corey took out something.——【[Time Castle] Painting.

After a full six months of recuperation, it can be said that during this half year, Kerry would charge the Time Castle almost every night, and now the color of the castle is getting darker and brighter.

Kerry hopes to bring many people into that other world at once. If possible, bring all the members of Team 91, at least Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Harry, Ron and Cedric.

Kerry has reason to believe that after a training, these people's abilities will be greatly developed.

However, according to the current charging level of the Time Castle, it will take at least 3 to 4 months.

In other words, by Christmas, perhaps Kerry can take these people to that strange other world.


Although there were some embarrassing accidents in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lupin left a deep impression on all the students. Not everyone welcomed him, but at least 80% to 90% of the students welcomed Professor Lupin. The content of Professor Lupin's teaching in the third-year practical class was widely circulated in the school. In the end, Malfoy became the protagonist.

【"Malfoy who is afraid of Kerry" has become Malfoy's latest nickname.

However, Malfoy's nickname storm only lasted for a short time, because there was something in the school that spread faster.

The thing happened to Snape's two children.

Lisa, in the mouth of the Sorting Hat, became a real Slytherin.

What is particularly strange is that Lisa seems to really think of herself as a pure-blood wizard. Kerry still can't figure this out. After becoming a member of Slytherin, the little girl Lisa did almost everything that boys would do. Bird stealing, violating discipline and so on. The junior wizards of Slytherin immediately formed an organization with Lisa as the core in a very short time, but everyone seemed to be quite satisfied with it.

Another Severin who was sorted in Ravenclaw was said to have finished reading all before school started.���courses, so in the first grade, he became a person similar to Kerry, especially when he knew that Kerry had almost finished reading half of the library.

These two people became completely different from the history in the original text. Kerry even doubted whether these children were really clones obtained by artificial insemination?

It stands to reason that these cloned children should be more sensitive than ordinary children. But in fact, these cloned offspring seem to be more dull than ordinary people.

In such an environment, time moved forward quickly.

The opening ceremony in September seemed to be extremely far away, but if you think about it carefully, there are still some long-term tasks still on the books.

For example, it takes a lot of time to integrate the knowledge of the books that were stuffed in.

For example, explore other worlds and see what the end of this magical world is?

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