Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 181 [On the eve of school opening]

In the last stage of summer vacation, Kerry sat quietly in front of the TV and watched the program on TV.

This is an interview program, and the subjects of the interview are two guys who claim to be supermen. One of them is quite handsome, and the other is short and fat like a dwarf.

This summer, London officially left the legend of Superman. Of course, there are actually three Supermen - Kerry, Hermione and Ginny.

As a real Superman, Kerry uses more of the superman's superpowers. Infinite power, fast speed, and super hearing that covers an area of 1 kilometer without distinction.

Hermione has 1% of Kerry's power. And she is also a wizard. The Superman she made is more like a prop Superman - she bought a lot of alchemical tools and armed herself into a guy like Doraemon. But with these inexplicable magic props, she can also complete the mission of Superman.

Ginny, after studying potions in depth in the last school year, has become a quasi-potion master. Ginny's actions seemed to Kerry more like a master of poisons, using hypnotic potions, hallucinogenic potions and other things continuously. But the effect was great, all the criminals were like little quails, waiting to die obediently.

The joint actions of the three supermen reduced all violent crimes in London and its surrounding areas to 20% of the original.

The shameless guy who was the mayor of London at the time took all the credit for himself.

But the eyes of the masses are sharp, and the name of Superman spread to the market in a very short time, and London was swept by Superman fever for a while. The show in front of us is a funny interview dedicated by two guys who claim to be Superman.

Kerry's sister, Ellie, is now in Kerry's arms. The little girl, who is more than one year old, has begun to babble. She is very smart and much more mature than children of the same age.

At the same time, Ellie's magic element has reached about 80 calories. At this rate, when she is about 8 years old, her magic value will exceed 500 calories and she will be discovered by Hogwarts.

Kerry's mother sat next to Kerry, and the two watched this humorous show together. Tomorrow, Corey will go to London to buy things for the next school year and take the train to Hogwarts the next day. Therefore, Corey's mother took time out of her busy schedule to rush home to spend the last day of summer vacation with Corey.

Alice was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Corey would return to school tomorrow, so Alice prepared a big meal to send him off properly.

At this time, Corey's father pushed the door open, looking exhausted.

"My dear son, you seem to be very free!"Old Henry was full of resentment. He was busy outside, but this guy who assigned him tasks was watching TV leisurely here.

""Dad! Hurry up and sit down. Here is the chilled watermelon. I have already cut it! Come and have some!" Kerry replied quickly.

Old Henry's expression eased a little. He sat down at the table unceremoniously, leaning against Kerry's mother, and started eating watermelon.

Kerry's mother took out a tissue and wiped the sweat off Kerry's father's forehead.

At this moment, Alice came in with a group of chefs, holding a huge plate in her hand.

""It's really hard to find a chef in China!" Alice complained, opening the lid of the huge dinner plate, revealing a Beijing-style charcoal hot pot.

That's right, Kerry had a unique idea for this dinner, he just wanted the whole family to sit together and have a happy hot pot.

Hot pot is simply a crushing level for the poor British food.

Soon the family sat down happily and ate very happily, especially Alice who had been busy for a long time. She couldn't believe that there seemed to be such delicious food in the world.

At this time, old Henry suddenly asked:"You won't be generating any new ideas this school year, will you?"

"What is a new idea? Kerry doesn't understand

"Let me put it bluntly - you are not going to hook up with a new girl this school year, are you?"Old Henry said with resentment.

"How could it be!?"Kerry didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"In the first year of school, you made your first girlfriend, Hermione. In the second year of school, you made your second girlfriend, Ginny. Fortunately, they are both very good girls!"Old Henry complained:"But in order to please them, you arranged so many things for your father - me!"

"Just buying gold, I have purchased more than 1,500 kilograms of gold, so much so that the tax authorities in London came to check on me. Do you know how difficult those tax officials are to deal with?"

"And this school year, in order to balance your two girlfriends, you have to deliberately please Hermione's parents and build a hospital! Oh! It should be said that you just talked a lot, but left the work to me!"

Old Henry complained to Kerry.

Kerry felt a little speechless. He felt that Old Henry was just complaining, but he didn't have any good words to refute. After all, it was indeed he who did these things, and it was indeed to clean up his mess that Old Henry did a lot.

"Well, my dear father!" Kerry looked at old Henry, fumbled in his pocket and took out a bottle of potion:"Then I'll give you this bottle of potion as a reward!"

"What the hell is this?" Old Henry asked as he ate the lamb slices.

"Rejuvenation potion! Each bottle can make a person 10 years younger!"Kerry suddenly showed the expression of a salesman in the advertisement, and said to his father in a very exaggerated way.

But unlike what Kerry thought, after hearing the word"Rejuvenate", all the people present were stunned.

Except for Kerry's sister who was eating noodles with a squeak, the three adults were all stunned.

Kerry even heard that old Henry's breathing became rapid, and old Henry asked in a trembling voice:"Is this really a rejuvenating potion? Can it really make people return to youth?"

Kerry thought for a while and said:"Strictly speaking, it is correct, but its effect may not be as good as described in many myths. This is just a bottle of wizard's magic potion, not a potion of God."

This potion was made by Snape at the request of Klee. In fact, this is the potion of immortality that Nicolas Flamel took. The old man has lived from the Middle Ages to the present day, and the effect of this potion is obvious.

In the original book, the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed in the first school year, but in Klee's case, the Philosopher's Stone is still in Dumbledore's hands, and Dumbledore even used the stone to create four souls.

With the relationship between Klee and Dumbledore, it was easy to borrow the Philosopher's Stone for some time last school year, and Klee asked Snape, the potion master, to make several bottles of life-extending potion.

Strictly speaking, the life-extending potion is not that mysterious.

For many wizards, as long as they are willing to live, they can live much longer than Muggles, but many wizards will gradually give up living after living for more than 100 years, because the living environment of wizards is relatively closed, so most of them have some serious psychological problems.

Perhaps these problems are not a big problem for 10 or 20 years, but when this scale is magnified to 10 On a scale of 10 or 200 years, even the smallest problem will become a huge problem.

Therefore, the death of wizards is more caused by spiritual and psychological diseases, and they die more from psychological diseases. Kerry even thought of Dementors. He felt that the birth of Dementors was due to the abnormal psychology of wizards.

Although these potions were nothing to Kerry, the three adults present realized how significant this potion was.

A potion that can extend life by 10 years is enough to make the rich people in the world crazy, and they may even start a war.

Kerry handed the bottle of red potion to old Henry, who stroked the glass bottle with his rough hands. It was as if he was not touching a bottle of potion, but his newlywed wife.

Kerry's mother and Alice, the housekeeper, also looked at the bottle of potion with shocked eyes.

Kerry saw that the three of them looked like they had never seen the world, and burst out laughing.

Then he took out two more bottles of potion from his pocket and handed them to the two stunned ladies.

"There are actually three bottles of potion that can prolong life!"Kerry's mother exclaimed

"Please relax!" Kerry explained:"Although this potion is very precious in the Muggle world, in fact, for most wizards, as long as they spend some gold Galleons, they can easily get it. So although it is very valuable, it is not as precious as you think."

Kerry slowly explained various things in the wizarding world, and slowly the three of them realized that this potion did not actually have a mythical effect. In the second half of the hot pot, the other three people seemed absent-minded due to the presence of the potion. For this, Kerry could only shrug and say: Muggles are Muggles, they are ignorant!

After dinner, they drank the potion one after another.

Of course, there was no obvious change. The potion took some time to work. When Kerry's mother woke up the next morning, she found that the skin on her face had improved a lot, and even her hair had become smoother.

After getting up, old Henry was surprised to find that he was already The almost extinct activity of raising flags early in the morning reappeared on the little thing.

He was so excited that he couldn't describe it - any man would understand this feeling.

So when Kerry left home, old Henry gave Kerry a big hug and vowed that he would complete the first phase of the hospital construction before the winter and let the first phase of the hospital officially open next spring.

Kerry never thought that the potion could have such an effect?

In the morning, Kerry appeared in Diagon Alley, and he bought various things according to the contents of the envelope.

Halfway through, Hermione appeared in Diagon Alley, and the two went to Flourish and Blotts to buy those damn books.

"It's a damn book indeed!" Hermione complained angrily.

This school year, Hagrid will take over the content of the Care of Magical Creatures class. He has chosen a very strange book,"The Monster Book of Monsters". The first time Hermione got the book, she was bitten by it. Although Kerry's 1% super power protected her, the monster book did not bite her finger, but the fright still made the girl feel unbearable.

"Hermione, you actually forgot one thing!"The monster book seemed very obedient in Kerry's hands. He stroked the back of the book and said,"This book actually has its own life, and their life is very simple, that is, the law of the jungle, and the characteristics of many magical animals - extreme!"

"So if you want him to treat you well, you can't treat it as a book, but as a beast!

And for a beast, you can only make him obey you by defeating him!"

Kerry waved his fist and signaled Hermione to do it.

Hermione frowned, looked at the buckled monster tree, and raised her"thin and delicate" little pink fist with 6 tons of strength.

"Bleak……"Hermione punched the monster book, and with 6 tons of force, the monster uncle instantly stuck out his long tongue. The monster book instantly spit out his teeth. When has he ever suffered such a blow?

That was a full 6 tons of force! Only African elephants on this planet can swing this fist!

After Hermione retracted her fist, the monster tree in her hand was indeed as docile as a little rabbit, and never dared to be presumptuous again.

Hermione nodded with satisfaction and smiled comfortably.

The two of them had reached the last stop of their shopping, and they met their long-lost classmate - Harry Potter.

Harry Potter had just come out of the bookstore, and he and Seamus, Dean and others gathered in front of the flying broom shop, looking at the new broom - Firebolt!

Harry only took a look and was hit by this flying broom.

For a seeker, a good flying broom is like a big-breasted peerless beauty.

In addition to being a seeker, Harry is also an attacker and scout of the 91 team.

""It looks like you like it very much!" Kerry looked at the stunned Harry and said directly.

Hermione was also laughing with her hands covering her mouth. She felt that the boys' interest in flying brooms was really beyond her comprehension.

Harry walked out of the enthusiastic crowd of Firebolt, and the three of them found a place to quietly chat about their experiences in the summer vacation.

Harry told Kerry about the visit of the Minister of Magic in detail, and Kerry and Hermione comforted Harry that they were just doing it to protect him.

"Isn't it a bit bad for us to deceive him like this?"Hermione said to Kerry after sending Harry away.

"It would be better for him to explore the truth by himself!" Kerry said:"Otherwise, according to how much Dumbledore loves him, he would definitely tell Harry directly."

"This is an opportunity for growth!"Corey said as he looked at the bustling crowd.

When the two finished shopping, Corey suddenly thought of something and asked Hermione:"Are you interested in buying a pet?"

""Pet?" Hermione thought for a moment and said,"Maybe I should buy a cat, like your black cat, Ms. Sheriff! I like her very much!"

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