Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 176 [Wizard vs. Wizard]

No one could have imagined that there was such a way to solve the case.

You have to know that it was only 1993, and DV was not even popularized, and closed-circuit television (surveillance) was only installed in very few places.

Henry's electronics store only had closed-circuit televisions at the cash register and at the door. The TV recording at the door was of some help, but as Kerry analyzed, what was the use of just catching these minions?

When night fell, the iron triangle of Hogwarts set off towards a predetermined location.

That was an important stronghold of the local gang, and the source of this intelligence was a"spiritual young man" wandering outside the ruins."……

After getting those inferences in class, Kerry made a bold assumption that the person who arranged the whole incident and carried out such a sophisticated operation must be a very confident person.

Such a confident person will definitely send a subordinate to wait for those who really appreciate this performance to sympathize with him.

Thinking of this, Kerry felt that there must be someone outside who was always monitoring the ruins of Henry's store.

So the three of them quickly caught a wretched mental guy.

This mental guy obviously took too much medicine in the past few days and his mind was a little unclear. There was no high-level means, just a few simple punches, and the mental guy shook out everything he knew.

It is worth mentioning that, thanks to super memory, Kerry taught himself Italian, but Hermione and Ginny were also proficient in Italian.

Hermione's mother once studied in Italy, so Hermione was influenced by her mother and had a strong interest in Italian. She had mastered Italian in elementary school.

And Ginny, after becoming a god in the virtual world, once sent troops to attack Rome. In the process, she accidentally learned Italian. Although this memory has become a third-party perspective due to personality protection, the knowledge that has been learned will not be forgotten.

After arriving at the gang headquarters, Kerry landed on the roof from the air, but he was extremely sensitive and found that there was a magical fluctuation in one of the rooms.

Kerry turned on his perspective eyes and saw a man in a wizard robe performing ritual magic in the house.

A few minutes later, three people stood quietly outside the house.

The wizard who was performing the magic ritual was a witch in her 40s.

"Can you tell what kind of magical ritual this is?" Hermione asked

"A magical ritual to manipulate souls and parasitic puppets!" Kerry replied:"In simple terms, it is a kind of black magic!"

Black magic, namely Dark Arts/Dark Magic, refers to any kind of magic that is mainly used to harm, control or even kill people or creatures. Most people who use black magic are evil, but not all of them.

Dark magic can often be used to harm others, from a variety of spells including the Unforgivable Curse, to brewing dark potions, breeding dark creatures, and so on. These behaviors are usually illegal, at least in the wizarding world, they are strictly prohibited.

A wizard who uses black magic or even studies black magic is not necessarily guilty in the world of Harry Potter.

For example, the entire street of Knockturn Alley can be said to be related to black magic, and Borgin and Burke's shop is full of dark magic items, but not all of these items will be confiscated. Lucius pawned some items in the store more because it would"cause inconvenience" to keep them in his own home."——Of course, these things might go wrong in the store, but at least Borgin and Burke can keep them properly.

The reason why the dark arts are banned is because they are based on the evil side of human nature. For someone like Harry who does not have strong inner evil, even if he uses the Unforgivable Curse, the power is very limited. As long as you use the dark arts, it is equivalent to writing the words"I am a bad person" on your face, because since your dark arts are effective, it means that your inner evil is strong enough.

"According to the rules for underage wizards, we can't use magic now, so how should we catch her?" Ginny asked

"Of course, use violence!"Kerry looked at Hermione meaningfully.

The magic of the Queen and the Princess made Hermione bear about 1% of Kerry's power.

And after recent experiments, it was found that Hermione's magic and strength would also increase with the increase of Kerry's magic and strength.

Kerry's hand strength has exceeded 600 tons, which means that Hermione's single-handed strength can reach about 6 tons!

What an amazing number!

6 tons of power is equivalent to the power of the largest African elephant.

Except for magic and mechanical equipment on this planet, no creature can withstand it.

Not to mention Kerry's 600 tons of power. Once this 600 tons of impact force erupts, it is like a tidal wave.

In the next moment, Kerry smashed the door with a punch, rushed in at supersonic speed, and smashed the table with a hammer. The huge sonic boom made the ears of the evil witch who was performing ritual magic roar! In an instant, she fainted. When the witch woke up, she had been stripped of her clothes - cough cough - Hermione and Ginny did this.

The whole person was unfolded and tied to a huge bed in a big letter shape.

"Good, now you're awake! I asked you questions and you answered them. If there is any mistake, you will bear the corresponding consequences!"Hermione's voice came from the darkness.

"What's your name?" Hermione asked

"Who are you? Why are you tying me up? The witch, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, was a little confused.

"Whoosh……"Kerry threw a chopstick, which instantly penetrated the witch's thigh.

At this moment, the witch finally understood her situation...

More than 40 minutes later, Kerry wrote a simple report. The course of events seemed so simple that Kerry sometimes felt that he had thought too much.

The witch was a dark wizard hiding in the dark. She was 65 years old this year and was born in Albania.

Albania is an extremely chaotic place. In the original book, Voldemort was lurking in Albania. He stayed in Albania for more than 10 years.

But Albania is obviously a very wealthy place. For those rich people, not to mention a gold ring or a gold bracelet, it is nothing.

But accompanied by this is the chaos in Albania.

It is also based on this background that Voldemort lived in Albania for more than 12 years.

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