Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 173 [Ginny runs away from home]

When the train entered platform 9¾, an angry couple appeared on the platform.

Of course, it was the Weasleys. Ron and the twin brothers still reported Ginny's love affair. For a wizard family, falling in love is not a big deal.

But of course, the problem arose when Kerry was dating two girls at the same time. It can be said that the Weasleys' anger could burn the sky. They didn't kill them at Hogwarts just to give Dumbledore face.

After seeing the Weasleys, Ginny rushed over happily. The couple hugged Ginny once respectively, and then the couple immediately began to question Ginny. They asked whether Ron's letter was true. Although it was very credible, they still had to confirm it in person.

Ginny glanced at Kerry secretly and nodded, with a blush on her face. Suddenly, the Weasleys turned into two angry bulls.

They turned their heads and glanced���The platform, no one needs to describe it. Although they had hardly ever met Kerry formally, and only saw him once at the train station two years ago, they recognized him at the first sight. Perhaps this was the sixth sense of being a parent.

However, the slightly embarrassing thing was that facing Kerry, who was 187cm tall, the Weasleys could only look up at him.……

""The scumbag Chris?" Mr. Weasley cursed directly

"If you mean Kerry from Hogwarts, then it should be me. Kerry replied

"I mean that little bastard Kerry who cheated on my daughter and had an affair with another woman!" Mrs. Weasley's voice was so recognizable that Kerry immediately recalled the famous howler letter in the school.

"I think if nothing unexpected happens, that little bastard will be me." Kerry replied awkwardly.

Hermione and Luna were laughing with their hands covering their mouths a few meters behind Kerry, the three Weasley brothers shrugged helplessly, and Ginny was also holding Mrs. Weasley's arm with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I just want to tell you, if you still want to live, stay away from my daughter!" Mr. Weasley roared directly

"My life or death is not decided by others!" Kerry's face was a little meaningful, and his eyes were full of provocation.

"Maybe I should let Dumbledore teach you scum a lesson!"Mr. Weasley was very angry, but just by looking at the extremely handsome face and hair, the strong muscles, and the aristocratic temperament, Mr. Weasley seemed to understand why his daughter was fascinated.

Even Mrs. Weasley felt quite powerless - this young and handsome guy really had the capital to be proud of himself, and even Mrs. Weasley felt in the deepest part of her heart that it seemed normal for such a man to have several wives.

Especially when she heard Ron and the others say that this playboy was also an extremely wealthy man, she suddenly felt more nervous in her heart. This kind of young, rich and handsome man can really make women sink and men change their sexual orientation.

Mr. Weasley's mind is very complicated now. Before meeting Kerry, he had thought of countless swear words and wanted to pour them on Kerry, but after meeting Kerry, he suddenly felt extremely difficult. It is impossible for such a wealthy person to be insulted by a few words. words will change your mind.

In the end, the Weasleys left the station angrily with their four children. Ginny turned back and made a face at Kerry playfully.

Luna's father came to pick her up. As the editor-in-chief of"The Quibbler", he recognized the recent celebrity, Christian Feynman, at first sight, and was excited about the good relationship between his daughter and Kerry...

Finally, after a conversation, the editor-in-chief invited Kerry to his home for a special interview.

Kerry gladly accepted and agreed on a date in early July. The specific date will be determined by Luna and Kerry three days before the start.

When Hermione and Kerry walked into the station outside the platform, the long-lost Mrs. Granger was waiting at the exit.

She hugged Hermione excitedly - the last time she saw Hermione, they only talked for a few minutes, and she watched Hermione turn into a stone man.

She spent a whole semester in nightmares, and she suffered from insomnia and anxiety.

"Darling!" Mrs. Granger's eyes were filled with tears, she was so excited.

The mother and daughter chatted non-stop, Kerry arranged a car, and several people got in the car to Hermione's home.

Hermione's father was working with Kerry's father on a hospital construction site in the south of London, and the two had to deal with things until late almost every day.

Kerry had told Hermione about this matter a long time ago, so she was not surprised.

That night, Kerry stayed at Hermione's house, of course - Hermione was in her own room, and Kerry was in the guest room on the first floor.

The next day, Kerry left Hermione's house early in the morning and flew back to Scotland. Before leaving, Hermione kissed Kerry again. After saying goodbye to Hermione, Kerry's long-awaited summer vacation finally began


Kerry was actually quite busy this summer.

The construction of the London Hospital required Kerry's help in some corners, the construction of the Arcane Association could not be stopped, the Biological Research Institute needed to wait for Kerry to determine the future direction, and the"new equipment" Kerry promised to Harry also needed to be made by themselves. In addition, Henry's electronics store had some problems in southern Europe, such as Italy, so Kerry might also take action.

In the first week of Kerry's busy summer vacation, an unexpected figure appeared in front of him.

"Ginny?!"Kerry couldn't believe his eyes. Ginny was dragging a big suitcase, standing at a fork in the road one kilometer away from her home, with a confused look on her face, her face was red from the sun.

If Kerry hadn't just flown back from the headquarters of the Arcane Association, he would never have seen this scene.

He flew down and used his body to block the sunlight for Ginny.

Ginny turned her head in confusion, and when she looked up, she saw Kerry flying in the air, wearing a red and blue Superman suit.

"Long time no see!" Kerry waved his hand and fell to the ground.

Ginny rushed directly into Kerry's arms, hugged Kerry and cried:"Wow wow wow……"

"What happened?" Kerry sensed the sadness in the little girl's heart.

"It's all because of you!" Ginny pinched Kerry's face angrily.

"Did you have a fight with your family?"Kerry asked doubtfully.

"I ran away from home!" Ginny explained.

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