Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 170 [Hermione Recovers]

This inexplicable spider war ended quickly, and the final result was the death of a professor and a student.

However, in the eyes of most Hogwarts people, the professor's death was not innocent, and the student was one of the instigators.

The next day, at dawn, the Ministry of Magic finally sent two Aurors. When the two Aurors saw tens of thousands of spider corpses at the scene, they knew that this matter was not something that the two of them could control or cover up.

So when it was almost 12 o'clock, Minister of Magic Fudge finally arrived.

He brought a group of officials to inspect the entire scene and checked the bodies of the two people. They were indeed killed by Dementors!

By the next night, the attack on Hogwarts had spread throughout the entire magical world, and even the wizarding world of other countries knew about it.

This incident caused a huge uproar, but this uproar happened more inside Hogwarts. Under the cover of the Minister of Magic, this incident became an incident of a spider attacking a student, and a professor died for protecting the student.

But the truth of the matter was spreading wildly underground.

In this context, the guards of Azkaban were in great crisis - the Dementors took the initiative to attack without permission.

The only headache was that no one knew who the escaped Dementors were.

Only Kerry and others knew that it was Voldemort.

By the way, when Voldemort finally escaped, Dumbledore successfully attacked him again.

So Voldemort once again became a broken and incomplete soul.

Kerry felt a little strange in his heart. If you look at it this way, after half a year, after he killed the basilisk.

It seems that everything in this world is going back to the original book.

The injured little wizards were properly treated, and no one was left with disabilities or imperfections. By the end of May, before the exam, the atmosphere of the whole Hogwarts became so easy-going and relaxed.

At the end of May, the long-lost mandrake finally matured.

After learning the news, Ginny took the initiative to request to use mandrake to make an antidote for Hermione.

Speaking of Hermione, we have to mention Hermione's outstanding performance in the Spider War.

She alone killed at least more than 10 giant spiders, and hundreds of small or medium-sized enemies. She became a real female warrior.

And because Hermione's magic power grew very fast, it grew to more than 8,400 cards in a short period of time. This is almost close to Professor Snape.

Relying on the extra 2,400 cards, Hermione was able to move longer during the Spider War.

The big hole in the ground was quickly repaired by the elves, and the entire Hogwarts Castle regained peace and tranquility.

Although a war had just passed, this war was quickly forgotten in this school.

In just three days, the entire campus was as if this had never happened.

The day before the exam week was about to begin, Ginny took out a bottle and handed it to Hermione.

"This is the antidote I made myself using Mandrake. I also added an interesting ingredient, maybe I can get some unexpected surprises!" Ginny explained:"Of course Professor Snape's level must be better than mine. I heard that his potion is basically finished and will be sent to Madam Pomfrey tomorrow morning!"

Hermione didn't hesitate at all. She drank the potion directly in front of Kerry, Luna and Ginny.

Ginny was a little surprised, but then she understood Hermione's thoughts. She and Hermione smiled at each other and nodded at the same time.

Kerry understood that this was a mutual trust between extraordinary people. They had all been trained in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets and had become gods in that simulated world.

Hermione lived for more than 1,000 years, and Ginny lived for 500 years. With such a long life, his thoughts and behaviors must be very different from our usual perspective.

Now Hermione and Ginny both have this trait, Kerry Alexander!

The next morning, Kerry took the exam as usual, and the first exam was the Potions class exam.

After Snape handed out the test papers, he came to Kerry and took his test paper away directly.

"Mr. Christian Feynman, you don't need to take the exam. Due to your excellent performance in the first semester, I will now give you a grade of - O, excellent!"The little wizards around exclaimed and envied.

How annoying the Potions exam was, but now Kerry didn't have to take it.

But those little wizards who wanted to be lazy, after thinking quietly, also understood the gap between themselves and Kerry. So although all the little wizards from the first and second grades of the four colleges were present, no one raised any objections.

Soon the exam week was over, the Quidditch game was over, and this school year was like leaves, turning over with a rustle.

Recalling this school year, Kerry sometimes felt like he was dreaming.

One girlfriend became two girlfriends. Although these two were very young, and although they might have some changes in the future, Kerry was excited just to maintain the current situation.

No man could not be excited!

Until this week, Kerry and Hermione gradually realized Ginny's improvement on the Mandela potion.

Hermione's skin became white and rosy, and even more rosy. Mandrake is originally a detoxifying potion, and its greater effect is to act on the liver. Whether human skin is fair or ruddy is also mainly determined by the liver.

Ginny's small improvement is to make the drug last longer, thereby improving the function of the liver.

So after a period of time, Hermione's skin became extremely fair and tender. Originally, Hermione's appearance could be given 80 points, but now it can be given 85 points.

Of course, even so, Ginny's appearance is still firmly above Hermione. After all, the school belle is the school belle, and her status is difficult to shake.

One point that needs to be pointed out here is that Luna did not like Kerry, and the two still maintained a 100% pure friendship.

Kerry is not Luna's dish, and Luna is not Kerry's dish...

In addition, the 91st Legion has officially expanded, Seamus has returned to the team, and Cedric has also become a member. Now they have three attackers.

Against this background, the second school year is about to end.

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