Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 166 [Hermione is Dead]

Diary Voldemort and Goyle's power surprised Kerry. His mind worked quickly. After the two sides confronted each other for a few minutes, Kerry said to the diary Voldemort:"You shouldn't have such strong power! There is someone behind you! This person is the basis for you to have everything you have now! In fact, you are just a poor creature! Am I right?"

Diary Voldemort's expression became less cheerful. He looked at Kerry with cold eyes, as if he wanted to skin Kerry alive.

"Give him a Cruciatus Curse!" Voldemort ordered in the diary.

Goyle actually took out another wand, and pointed the wand at Kerry with his left hand, shouting:"Give him a Cruciatus Curse!"】!"

Kerry didn't move. The spell shot at Kerry's body rapidly - but - how could Kerry, whose magic resistance was at least 9200, be broken by the spell of a second-year wizard?!

"Goyle, your spells are terrible!" Kerry sneered coldly.

Goyle's magic power at the moment was only about 1,500, which was a very high level among students, but with this level of magic power, the spells he cast could not even penetrate Kerry's defense!

Seeing this scene, Voldemort and Goyle were a little stunned. Although they had overestimated Kerry as much as possible, they could never have imagined that it would be like this!

At this moment, a door suddenly appeared on the wall on the side of this not small hall, and the door was quietly pushed open.

A dark figure appeared in front of the three people - its body seemed to have just been fished out of the mud, full of soaked black and yellow wounds and purple-black color like rotten meat, wearing an extremely tattered cloak like a mop strip, and its head was covered with a messy cloak. The head is a faceless black shadow - this is a Dementor!

The only difference from ordinary Dementors is that the ugly face of this black shadow still has some traces - it is the appearance of the old version of Voldemort!

The second Voldemort has appeared!

Kerry was really complaining in his heart... How many Voldemorts have he encountered since he entered Hogwarts?

The original Voldemort (Quirrell Parasite Limited Edition), Ravenclaw Diadem Voldemort (Hermione Bewitched Limited Edition), Diary Voldemort (Ginny & Goyle Limited Edition), Soul Voldemort (Malloc Limited Edition), and the rotten Voldemort in front of him (Dementor Limited Edition). There are five versions of Voldemort in total! How come this thing is like a cockroach, is it everywhere?

"You are very smart!" Dementor Voldemort turned his dark eye holes towards Kerry:"Yes! I did all this. The two losers standing over there really don't have such strong abilities!"

Diary Voldemort looked at Dementor Voldemort coldly, as if he wanted to swallow the latter.

""Why did you kidnap Hermione?" Kerry asked directly.

Dementor Voldemort did not answer, but Diary Voldemort explained:"Hermione was just dragged here to do a little experiment!"

"If you want to do an experiment, shouldn't you kidnap Harry Potter? He's the one who killed you!" Kerry said

"Indeed! How did a baby, without any special magical powers, defeat the greatest wizard who ever lived? How could he escape unharmed, leaving only a scar, while my power was destroyed?"Diary Voldemort's hungry wolf-like eyes flashed a strange red light.

"Your understanding of the word"greatest" is a little off!" Kerry said,"At this point, you don't still think you are the greatest wizard in the world, do you? A broken soul that can only hide in a diary and an ugly Dementor that looks like mud?"

Both Voldemorts showed a gloomy look, but Goyle retorted,"What about you, you can't even protect your girlfriend...coward? Maybe I should find some forest monsters to try Hermione's body.……"

Almost at the same time, Diary Voldemort and Dementor Voldemort both laughed unpleasantly:"Hahahaha!"……"

""Do you think your laughter sounds nice?" Kerry interrupted the two perverted laughs coldly. He stared at Goyle, looked at the mysterious eight spider legs behind Goyle and said sarcastically:"Professor Kettle Bourne must like your eight legs very much. You should be the last new magical animal he will create before retirement! He will definitely spend his entire post-retirement career studying you - Goyle, maybe you should change your name to the eight-legged humanoid spider."

Professor Kettle Burn is the old professor of Care of Magical Creatures. He is very old and has become disabled due to some accidents. In the original book, he will retire in the next school year and Hagrid will take over his job. Kerry's sarcasm was obviously just right. Goyle's face turned red and his fat body trembled.

Kerry looked at the three enemies calmly. His mind was turning fast and he was communicating with Hermione in his heart. This was Kerry's advantage. The three stupid enemies didn't know the magic of [Queen and Princess], let alone that Hermione was conscious. The danger level of a stone man was of course zero!

Goyle's anger was simply uncontrollable. He raised his hand and pointed both wands at Kerry at the same time.

"【Adawa eats big melon】!"Goyle's spell skills have made great progress in the training in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. Although his magic power is very low, he can cast this murderous spell.

Kerry wants this one second chance!

"【Binding Spell】……"Kerry's fingers instantly shot out four points of light, casting without a wand, four in one second!

Those were four spells.

The first three spells just hit the two Voldemorts and Goyle - the fourth spell, however, hit Hermione!

It was not a Binding Spell at all! It was an [Anti-Poison Spell]!

The next moment, Hermione's body suddenly returned to normal. She took out her wand from the inside of her clothes and pointed it at Goyle, who was closest to her:"[Fainted!]】!"

Gore fell down, and its eight legs were unable to support Gore's fat body.

""Hermione! Come here!" Kerry stood at the exit of the cave, and Hermione ran quickly. At this moment, an unexpected light shot out from the darkest area in the hall.……

"【Avada Kedavra】!"The cold and emotionless spell with a cruel green light hit Hermione directly while she was running.

Hermione's body softened and her eyes closed! Her breathing in her chest also stopped!

Hermione was dead!

"No! Kerry looked flustered, and he seemed to be running towards Hermione desperately.

At this time, a third figure appeared in the hall - an unexpected thing!

The second Dementor Voldemort!

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