Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 164 [Crisis!]

The next day, the sun rose as usual! Kerry went to the door of the girls' dormitory early in the morning to wait for Ginny.

It was very surprising that Ginny didn't seem to be affected at all. She got up as usual and went to the classroom.

Kerry accompanied her, talking and laughing as usual, as if the scene that happened yesterday had never happened.

On the way to the dormitory, there were still many little wizards pointing and talking to Kerry and Ginny.

Ginny completely ignored those people, and Kerry used her eyes to make the people around her retreat.

The moment before Ginny walked into the classroom, she turned her head and looked at Kerry with a look of absolute confidence. Kerry understood at this glance - Ginny had thought of this day since she first made the compound potion, and Kerry was moved to the bottom of his heart. The sound of the tide of the sea. Confident

Ginny Weasley (adult version of Superman)

Kerry saw a god in that look! A god living in the world!

Wait... Kerry finally realized what the so-called"becoming a god" during the Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets training meant!

Gods exist in any civilization, but no matter what type of gods they are, ugly or beautiful, they all have the same thing - transcending mortals!

Gods don't care about mortals at all! Ginny has been in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets for five hundred years! Five hundred years is enough for a dynasty to go through the entire process from its establishment to its destruction, and it can certainly change a person profoundly. At this moment, Kerry seemed to understand why Ginny wanted to make the Polyjuice Potion. She just wanted to achieve her goal. As for the words and deeds of the mortals around her, Gods - don't care!

God Hermione (imaginary picture)

Thinking of this, Kerry also understood a little bit. Hermione took the initiative to tell the location of her superhero suit - because she also became a god in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets and existed for nearly a thousand years!

Only God can understand God! She could understand Ginny's determination, and she also understood that she was powerless to change, so she simply chose the best path.

At this moment, Kerry was actually a little envious of the two - they could become gods in the past, which meant that they were destined to become gods in the future.

Kerry also understood the definition of gods - gods are actually a kind of legendary wizards, but they have gone one step further than legendary wizards and seem to have explored the secrets of the world.

Kerry was sure that he had not taken that step yet, Snape seemed to be about to take that step forward, and Dumbledore had already become a"god" and overlooked the world.

When Kerry thought of this, he suddenly felt a little pressure. Although Hermione and Ginny are now just mortals, two ordinary little wizards, they must become the top wizards, so if they want to continue to maintain the current situation - there is only one possibility - Kerry must be much stronger than the two of them combined.


Nothing special happened that day. At night, Kerry quietly walked out of the castle.

He wanted to see what happened underground, what the specially bred spider was doing, and who bred it.

These were all things Kerry had to find out.

He flew to the place where the spider disappeared last time, put on his Superman suit, and slowly flew down.

The cave was pitch black, and Kerry slowly went deeper into it.

"Smell!"Kerry keenly smelled the smell of spider silk mucus, and he walked down along the source of the smell.

Slowly, he found that huge spider webs appeared in some places in the cave, at least ten meters high.

Walking all the way, until a certain position, the smell of spider webs reached its limit! In front of him was a huge stone, and the strong smell came from the cracks in the stone.

Kerry quietly moved a little and the scene inside was astonishing.

Dense and thick spider silk like hair appeared in sight, the density was unprecedented in history.

Kerry even thought that it would be great to find a group of cotton collectors to collect spider silk as cotton!

Humans use spider silk (spider The research on spider silk began in 1909. During the Second World War, spider silk was used as the crosshairs of optical devices in the aiming systems of telescopes and guns.

Natural spider silk is the strongest natural protein fiber known in nature, with a breaking strength of about 17,500 MPa. In comparison, the breaking strength of common steel, Q235, is only about 350 MPa. Spider silk is 50 times stronger than the latter!

This number is simply magical, but until Kerry was reborn, he had never heard of the news that this thing could be mass-produced, and only some spider silk protein products could be used in the medical industry.

When Kerry walked into the cave with careful steps, he was very surprised to find that there was no living spider in the cave except for these spider silks.

Kerry searched the entire underground world again, but did not get any real results.


Just as Kerry was quietly moving forward in the underground world, the door of the school hospital was suddenly opened by someone...

More than 10 huge spiders like calves slipped in from outside at night.

They rushed directly to Hermione on the bed. After she found out about this, she wanted to release her magic power to repel these spiders, but it was obvious that spiders like calves were quite difficult to deal with even for an adult wizard.

So without any suspense, Hermione was wrapped in spider silk by this spider and walked along the passage of the forbidden forest into the depths of the woods.

Although Hermione wanted to move, the magic value in her body was really disobedient. Whenever she wanted to cut off these spider silks, her magic power would be exhausted. The actions of this group of spiders seemed to have escaped everyone in the school. But they obviously didn't know that the headmaster of Hogwarts, nicknamed Old Bee.

There is no conspiracy in the world that can be hidden from Dumbledore.

After tying up Hermione, the group of spiders left along the water.

Kerry, who was completely unaware of this, was still exploring in another direction. At this moment, Hermione's voice suddenly came over.

"Come and save me, I've been kidnapped!" This voice belongs to Hermione.

Hermione's voice seemed disorganized. She wanted to express something, but seemed to be blocked by the kidnappers.

Hearing Hermione's shout, Kerry immediately realized that the biggest crisis since he came to Hogwarts had come!

Hermione's life was in danger!

At this moment, Kerry ran quickly along the cave towards Hogwarts.

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