Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 162 [Lockhart's Conspiracy]

The first few weeks of May seemed a bit boring, because the little wizards were about to face exams in June, so the whole school was filled with a strong learning atmosphere. Apart from the Quidditch game, there were almost no normal entertainment activities. Even the air seemed a bit stuffy.

Facing this scene, Kerry couldn't help but recall the college entrance examination in her previous life, which was simply a nightmare. Compared with the college entrance examination that Kerry had experienced in her previous life, what these little wizards faced was just a small case.

For Kerry, May was a more annoying month. Ginny had just opened the floodgates of passionate emotions, and the love could be seen in her eyes.

As long as she had time, she was almost always sticking to Kerry, eating, studying or going to the library. What else could the scumbag Kerry say? He could only accompany her 100% happily, but the people around him, such as Luna, really couldn't understand...

Luna tried her best to persuade Ginny as a good friend, especially reminding Ginny that Hermione was Kerry's girlfriend.

But why would Ginny care? If she cared, she wouldn't have brewed that pot of transformation potion. Moreover, judging from the superhero suit, this might be Hermione's deliberate connivance.

Ginny could even guess some of Hermione's thoughts - there were so many coquettish and slutty girls out there, and it would be better to let someone familiar to her get close to Kerry instead of letting her risk of leaving.

Because Hermione couldn't take care of Kerry, she deliberately indulged Ginny to get close to Kerry, and Ginny took advantage of the situation and was always ready to completely dig out Kerry's corner. As a male superhero, Kerry had two beauties throwing themselves at him. How could he resist such a beautiful thing?

In this weird atmosphere, a new triangle was born...

The iron triangle in the Harry Potter series was completely replaced. The iron triangle now is the male protagonist Kerry, the female lead Hermione and the female second Ginny.

It was a hot day. Although the temperature of Hogwarts Castle was suitable due to magic, the humid air still penetrated into the dormitories of all the little wizards along every window and every door.

Kerry and Ginny were in the Forbidden Forest at this time. Kerry had made several very comfortable hammocks. In this hot weather, it was the best to enjoy the coolness under the trees.

Ginny was lying on Kerry. She had already dozed off. A few dozen meters away from them, Luna was studying hard under the tree. There were tables and stools made of tree stumps. It was much more comfortable than the damp castle.

At this moment, Kerry suddenly heard an unusual sound. He put Ginny on the hammock and flew towards the source of the sound. It was an amazing scene. A large group of spiders lined up in a row and fought with another group of spiders.

Kerry was extremely surprised. He couldn't figure out what was going on. This group of spiders was not nonsense. Every one of them was fighting to death. In just a few minutes, the dark red blood on the ground had soaked the ground.

Kerry suddenly noticed something unusual. He opened his perspective eyes, but found that there was an unknown magic circle hidden under the ground.

Kerry's heart suddenly shuddered. This must be something! After careful observation for a long time, he came to a preliminary conclusion in his heart: this was an auxiliary of black magic, and all these dead spiders became nutrients.

It wasn't long after killing Voldemort, but another one appeared? Or did a third demon appear?

Kerry quietly lurked in the tree until about two quarters of an hour later, when the fight between the spiders was finally over and all the spiders died.

The breath of black magic flowed along the magic circle towards the depths of the forbidden forest. Kerry followed the breath of magic and came to several huge trees. He looked inside and got an unexpected reward.

Something like a huge insect egg appeared in front of Kerry's eyes, and the larvae inside could be vaguely seen hatching.

These black magic energies are what promote its growth. What an evil magic!

Just when Kerry was trying to find a way to deal with it, the insect egg suddenly broke, and a spider as big as a cow jumped out from the middle.

This is an eight-eyed spider. When it opens its joints, it looks like a huge van.

This flexible spider hopped in one direction, and Kerry remained calm and followed far behind.

After walking for about ten minutes, the spider disappeared in a flash. Kerry stared at the surroundings and found that this was one of the exits of the basilisk's cave!

Kerry did not continue to track, but returned to the Forbidden Forest.

Ginny and Luna had no idea that Kerry had been out before.

Kerry decided to go explore tonight, and something extraordinary must have happened in the snake cave.

Before dark, Ginny, Luna and Kerry returned to Hogwarts Castle.

However, what was waiting for them was Ron's angry face. Several people met in front of the dormitory corridor. Ron was obviously waiting here on purpose, and behind him followed the twin brothers.

"Bitch!"Ron punched Kerry directly.

Kerry dodged easily and held Ron's arm with one hand.

Ron quickly used his other hand to continue punching, but was still restrained by Kerry. With an arm strength of 530 tons, who on this planet can break free?

"What are you doing?" Kerry was also a little angry, he asked loudly

""A two-timing bitch! Mudblood!" Ron had never said this word since he was born, but he said it today.

Ginny behind Kerry was panicked at first. She stood there blankly and didn't even react. It was not until this time that she realized that it seemed that Ron was angry with her because of her.

Ginny's expression was terrible - it was the expression of a child's best lie being exposed.

The corridor was gradually filled with people. All the little wizards in Hogwarts came to see the joke. It must be said that the gossip heart is the same all over the world.

Kerry glanced at the crowd and found something unusual.

The fake professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the swindler who had been forgotten by Kerry for a long time - Lockhart stood in the corner. He kept a serious face, but the smile at the corner of his mouth exposed his heart. In this moment, Kerry could guess most of it.

As a fake great wizard who only knew the forgetfulness spell, Lockhart's pursuit of glory and reputation was far from perfect. More than others, when Kerry's light shone in Hogwarts, it was obvious that Lockhart had been forgotten.

He spent an unknown semester like this, and his level was also known by the young wizards, so that no one now regarded his biography as a real story.

According to Lockhart's unique brain circuit, he only thought of one way, that is, to drive the source of all this-Christian Feynman out of Hogwarts. There should not be two stars in a school.

The scene in front of him is obviously the result of Lockhart. No one else would be so sharp, but it was a pity that he met Kerry. Yes, super hearing can keenly hear everyone's heartbeat within a radius of 1 kilometer, so as to guess the truth of what he said, just like a sophisticated lie detector.

Maybe some people can block this physiological change and create a real lie, but obviously a fool like Lockhart is not among them.

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