Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 149 [Mobilize everyone, every animal! ]

Professor McGonagall called all the professors who stayed in school, including Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, Sprout, and even Lockhart, a big fake.

A group of people including Kerry discussed all night, and when the sun rose again, they determined most of the details.

First, the troops were divided into three groups - the first group was mainly Professor McGonagall and all the teachers, mobilizing senior students to draw a magic circle - a ritual magic circle that can control at least one billion magic points, which requires at least hundreds of people to work together. The second group, led by Ginny and Luna, visited all the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest to make them accept this plan, at least not to drag their feet.

The third group, Kerry and everyone in the 91st Legion, mobilized all the junior wizards in Hogwarts, asking them to disperse and stand in every corner of Hogwarts when taking action.

The entire Hogwarts was mobilized, and everyone was a little nervous and a little excited. A great action requires the mobilization of everyone. Kerry even did everything he could to achieve his goal - Kerry seduced women, and bribed men with money and honor...

Kerry stood in the auditorium, shouting loud slogans, and the entire Hogwarts teaching activities were interrupted - in fact, because of the attack, everyone was panicked, and after the teaching was disrupted, there was a sense of stability in chaos, and the situation was much better than before.

Malfoy and other Slytherin wizards have always been very hostile to Kerry, but in this action, they were also forced to act - there was no other way, under the tide, the little loach had to follow the crowd if he wanted to survive.

In the auditorium, Kerry sang the adapted Internationale:"

Arise, frightened wizards.

Arise, victims of all England.

Our blood is boiling. Let's fight for victory. Defeat our foolish enemies. Wizards, rise, rise.

Don't say we sit there waiting to die. We want to be the masters of the world.

This is the last war. Unite into the future. Victory over evil enemies is inevitable.

There has never been a savior, and we don't rely on Merlin to come.

To create the happiness of wizards, we have to rely on ourselves.

We must kill our enemies and let life break free from the cage.

Let's burn that fireplace red hot. Only by striking while the iron is hot can we succeed.

This is the last war. Unite into the future.

Victory over evil enemies is inevitable!"

When night was about to fall, Kerry had completed the mobilization and"adaptation" of all the lower-grade wizards."……All the people were organized into assault teams by grade.

Every three people formed a group of three, and they were responsible for at least one classroom or a corridor back to back. They had to conduct simulations and training. What would they do if the enemy suddenly appeared here...

By the time everyone had completed at least one exercise, it was already sunset.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall's ritual magic was basically completed. It was so huge that it occupied an area equivalent to two Quidditch fields.

When the moonlight fell, Ginny and Luna returned to Hogwarts from the Forbidden Forest in frustration.

Kerry frowned:"Isn't things going well?"

"We almost couldn't come back!" Luna complained first:"There was a spider monster that even wanted to kill us. It was all thanks to the Centaur warriors that we were able to escape. One warrior was even injured, and we just asked Madam Pomfrey to heal him."

Ginny also looked depressed, and her depression was even more thorough - she had been performing very well recently, so much so that she had an illusion that she was invincible, but today, everything was back to square one.

Kerry smiled crookedly, patted the two on the shoulders, and said with a smile:"Let's go for a walk in the Forbidden Forest together again! I think they will listen to our arrangements!"

Disobedient? Let you know why the flowers are so red! Superman's iron fist, no one can withstand it! Kerry clenched his fist and said fiercely:"Let's go!"

Kerry carried the two witches and flew towards the Forbidden Forest.

It was already the end of February - the temperature was already very high during the day - and the cool breeze blew in the night, and the two witches couldn't help but shrink their necks.

Kerry's flying speed could now reach the normal speed of a flying broom, at least 70 to 80 kilometers. If there was a tailwind, it would be equivalent to a highway.

It didn't take a few minutes for Kerry to appear in the depths of the Forbidden Forest - in front of him was an extremely huge spider web. Kerry estimated that from top to bottom, it was at least 50 meters high. It was only because of the tall trees in the Forbidden Forest that these things could survive. Other places really couldn't support them.

"Who?!" A dull voice sounded

"Aragog, are you so rude?" Kree whispered, adding a loudspeaker spell to his voice:"[Loud voice】!"

Kerry's voice spread back and forth in the silent forbidden forest, forming an echo that echoed one after another.

"Who are you?!"The figure of the eight-eyed spider monster emerged from the misty hemispherical spider web, and a spider as big as a small elephant emerged very slowly. Its body and legs were black with gray, and each eye on its ugly head with big claws was covered with a layer of white film.

"I am the leader of [Krypton], Christian Feynman!" Kerry introduced himself:"You can call me [Super Wizard]】!"

"I don't care about you! Eat them!" The spider monster had no intention of communicating and directly ordered all spiders to rush towards Kerry.

Spiders as big as carts or cars came from all directions.

Ginny and Luna were so scared that they turned their backs to each other, trembling with their wands raised, trying to cast some spells.

Kerry's face turned gloomy, so shameless!

Immediately, Kerry rushed towards the nearest big spider with a punch - only about 0.001 seconds - only heard"Puff".……"With a bang, the spider monster, which was only the size of an electric tricycle, lost its head in an instant, and green liquid flowed out from its severed head.

Before the other spiders could react, they heard a"crackling" sound in the forest, just like a string of firecrackers.……"There were crisp explosions one after another - at this moment: Kerry had killed more than a hundred spiders! The eight-eyed spiders of various sizes were like a group of broken dolls, their blood and muscles piled up like a plate of jam salad.

The spiders were still fighting forward, but the corpses in front of them had piled up into a circular trench.

"No!!!" Aragog was the first to react. He rushed towards Keri himself, but before he reached Keri, his left forefoot also turned into a pile of jam.

"ah……"Aragog's wails filled the Forbidden Forest.

"I think we can talk now!" Kree showed a classic smile.

Aragog looked at Kree and shuddered... as if he saw the most terrible devil in the world!

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